Refuse to buy games because they are published and/or developed by that company because reason(s)

>Refuse to buy games because they are published and/or developed by that company because reason(s)

Do you stand by that principle? Is it still holding or do you caved every once in a while?

i don’t buy games period. if i can’t pirate it i don’t play it. you see, i’m not a cuck.

The only people who "support" EA are normies that don't know any better as they keep buying their yearly sports games.

EA? Nope. I stopped buying anything from them after Burnout Paradise.

It doesnt matter if every person on Sup Forums or Reddit boycotted EA.

They will always make bank thanks to FIFA and Madden.

Fucking normies

Supposedly they are doing away with yearly sports titles. They plan to switch over to a subscription model. Which will probably be financially more taxing on the community.

>List of publishing companies I refuse to support
>WB Games

Will always pirate their games, fuck these companies

The last EA game I bought was Skate 3. EA can burn in hell for liquidating Black Box and trashing the last decent action sports series on the market.

>you see, i’m not a cuck.
Sure you aren't, Miguel.

Yes I do and yes it still is, not because of my uncompromising will and standards but because EA has yet to release something that I want to play. I don't even bother pirating their trash.

Don't really buy EA games anymore and I dont buy Gearbox games anymore. I actually liked borderlands when it came out and was super stoked for Aliens Colonial Marines. After everything that came out after it, and Randy being a total fucking cunt, I said fuck em.

It helps that EA also doesn't publish anything I want anymore.

Yes, EA and Ubisoft mostly.
Anything else is fine.
I'm growing short on Blizzard as well.

I only buy good games, and conveniently, shit publishers don't make them.

how is it hard at all when they make nothing but fucking trash

This. 100%

I'm going to buy TitanFall 2

>hurr durr im smart

prove me wrong, name a game they didnt ruin

UFC 2 is great fun, especially with friends.

to be fare , EA has been releasing absolute dog shit no one would want to play anyway recently so it's easier not buy anything from them.

Its pointless to post any game cause you will just say hurr durr its shit

Just to be clear. I liked BOP. Wasn't as good as BO3 though.

I haven't found a game past the year 2013 that I genuinely liked. Everything after that feels like dog shit. 2014 was the worst year in gaming since 1983, and we never truly recovered.

>Do you stand by that principle?
I do worse. I buy them from key resale sites.

I stand by that principle. I have never once broken. There's plenty of good games, and I own many of them. There's no reason to buy any of their shitfests.

Ubisoft - I was gifted a copy of Seige, never bought an Ubisoft game
EA - Since Dragon Age 2
Blizzard - Since I was banned for "harassment" during Burning Crusade for PvPing in Netherstorm on a PvP server
Activision - Since Modern Warfare 2 was absolute garbage compared to Modern Warfare.

last ea game i bought was battlefield 3.

>took you until Dragon age 2
Wow. Blind man doth see eh.

I haven't bought an EA or NISA game in probably 10 years. Helps that they're mostly shit, though.

Ubisoft, Haven't played a Ubisoft game since AC2 or GRAW 2
EA, not since like the Gamecube
Blizzard is a shit company, and I don't understand why people find their games enjoyable
Activision, Destiny 1 was my shitfest

I buy good games, I don't care who made them. It just so happens I haven't really bought a game by EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc. in years because they haven't made anything that has interested me in years, not because of some sort of principle.

Anyone who claims to pirate as a form of "activism" can fuck off. You are just being a brat.

More specifically would be boycotting since the Westwood closure, but caved for Mass Effect 1 and 2 and Dragon Age: Origins which were good games. Got sucked in to Dragon Age 2 though and resumed, which has stuck.

It's pretty easy when those companies make you use shovelware to play their games

I'll give you Origin's and Mass effect 1. But 2 was just your standard Third person shooter nonsense with no RPG that people mistakenly believe is one.

Yes gen generaly I do. Haven't bought ab EA game since BF3.

So, how does it feel to suck corporate cock for so long.
I'd imagine your jaw would hurt.

bf3 came in 2012 faggoot

And you weren't fed up with EA since at the latest 2000.
that says alot.

>sixth gen
>Burnout 3
>Need For Speed
>NBA Street
>TimeSplitters Future Perfect
What went so wrong bros? You were allowed to like EA back back then.

I hope you were implying Burnout Paradise was when it went very, very wrong and not that game being a swan song or magnum opus

It was the last game EA made that I remotely liked.
It was no Burnout 3 but it was still a completely alright game.
then I learn Criterion got shafted into making NFS.
So I just fucking stopped.

> You will never ever get T R I C K Y again.
> Psymon will never again be NO STRANGER TO DANGER
> Mac will never again go FROM ZERO TO HERO.
> Never again will you 100% time spent grinding/in air in Tokyo.

Only games i buy are indie titles that i end up liking. I usually pirate the game before i buy it.

Last games i bought were subnautica and factorio back in summer. I pirated and played both for a while before i decided to buy them to keep them up to date.

Last AAA game i bought was witcher 3, nearly a year and a half ago.

Their first NFS game, Hot Pursuit, was good. Good as in Gaiden spin off good. But after that with Most Wanted they were dumpster fire.

I don't fully boycott anyone. I refuse to buy loot crates or dlc from EA, Ubisoft, and Activision. And I refuse to buy assassin's Creed games

normies wanted realism so that what they got.

Last games i bought from each company

Battlefield 4, i'm still mad

Assassins creed 3, i'm even more mad

Black Ops 2

Halo 4, still fucking mad

Civilization 5, i actually like it but 6 seems like shit

Skyrim Xbox 360 edition on release day, exactly 6 years ago

I boycott all of them now, i pirate sometimes

Titan Fall 2 other than that haven't purchased anything EA puts out in years and never will again.

Never liked NFS.
It was discount boring ass burnout to me.
After Criterion took over I expected them to just turn NFS into Burnout but that clearly never happened.

I just buy a game if it looks particularly good. Luckily, most studios with shit practices also make multiplat trash

Almost all of this except 2k, Who I don't care about and bethesda. Fallout 4 got me. Day 1+Season pass. Fucking fleeced.

Got the PS4 port of Max Payne. Can’t remember the last EA game before that, it’s been too long.

I will never, ever buy an EA game again. It helps that they never make anything good though. I'm not that strict with other companies, I'll buy from them if the game is good.

This guy got the right idea

Your reward for buying TF2 is a shitty third game with lootcrates. Nice going, dumbass.

AC2 and Dark messiah were the last games I bought from them. They're an awful company that shills lootboxes, denuvo, and now vmprotect. Only liked dark messiah anyways.
Never, and the last game I bought from them was Mass Effect 2, and I was disappointed by it. They figuratively have no games besides shitty FIFA and some piss poor starwars games. How unfortunate that FIFA makes them a shitload of steady revenue, but maybe they'll become a sports only company in the future, hopefully.
I don't even remember the last time I bought a game from them. They're planning on going all out with lootboxes, no reason to buy from them.
Axe SEGA of Eurotrash, then maybe. They've pulled one of the scummiest tactics this year with sonic mania, and have been silent ever since.
Miss the chance to play WoW at its prime. Overwatch is just awful, especially how they have been treating their players from what I've seen. Otherwise, just general activsion shit.
Paid mods 2.0. There's absolutely no reason to support them, and the only somewhat good game (which wasn't even made by them) is D44M, but I'm not going to fucking buy it.
>square enix
Planning on using the "games as a service" model. Fuck 'em.

>tfw took until Mass Effect 2 to totally boycott them