>Doom runs on toaster PC's well
>Switch STILL can't handle it without major gimping
>they somehow believe MHW could run on switch without huge gimping
Doom runs on toaster PC's well
>Runs on Toasters
It ran like absolute shit on my 6990.
i dont even want monster hunter
Then why are you in this thread about it?
This is clearly a salty sony negroid shitposting thread, not a MH one.
informing shitposters
>muh sony boogeyman
wait a minute..Do people really believe that fucking monster hunter is going to be more taxing than doom?
Just retards who don't realize MHW is running on the same engine as the 3DS MH games.
>house fire
Have you seen Mohan World?
Doom wasn't too graphically impressive.
I came here because of the Xenoblade 2 image.
>Do people really believe that fucking monster hunter is going to be more taxing than doom?
>a linear shooter with small levels and copy pasted enemies is more taxing than a semi open world game with large areas and monsters not only fighting you but interacting with each other in large amounts
Get outta here
I can almost guarantee it will run worse than DOOM.
Don't worry user just wait till it release and we will hopefully have an actual thread about it instead of shitposting.
>Have you seen Mohan World?
Neither is MHW
Its only impressive to MHfags who have been on handhelds for years
>semi open world game
stop this meme
have you? you're crippled too high for crutches if you think otherwise. Monster Hunter and it's style of gameplay has never been, nor will it ever be that intensive.
pretty colors aren't the only thing that makes a game high end. Hell, I'd argue what we've seen isn't that impressive anyway
>the same engine as the 3DS MH games.
Not the same version you stupid fucktard.
Whats with these dumbshits here?
>Implying MonHun fans care about gimping when their games have been on handhelds for nearly a decade
Oh right its upgraded like they claimed it was with DD or RER2
Xenoblade Chronicles X was a fully open world and ran fine on Wii U of all things.
Everything is fucking moving. The grass. The shit int he background. Birds around the area. Monsters, minor fucking animals
All at a much higher resolutions with far more shit happening on screen than there ever was in other games.
I fucking love monster hunter. been playing it since its first release on ps2. You have to be blind to think this is the most graphically impressive the game has ever been.
Whats with all these MonHun newfags who think Worlds is actually impressive?
Maybe but that will be because of capcom's incompetence, not because the game necessarily demands it.
I guarantee a competent dev could get mhw to run better on consoles than say doom or wolfenstein
i didnt care about this game until my dick did
>its only impressive compared to the previous games
In other words its a low bar and not impressive at all
Dragon Dogma can't run on the 3ds so clearly was upgraded you brainlet.