I didn't play FF7 until this year, so I haven't paid much attention to the minimal remake news. Please tell me that voice acting was rushed for the trailer.
Final Fantasy 7 remake
>tfw i have tried to play this game 4 times on 4 different systems for over 10 years but get distracted by everything else
>tfw this whole time i thought it was a 15-20 hour game and its 40 according to Internet and put me off for a while
Clouds voice actor was the same as his movie/kh va and I think he does a fine cloud.
Obviously it was rushed though since the game was like not even in development yet and its just a cgi trailer
Is the hearth shaped boob thing a thing now? I've seen it more and more the past couple days.
I've seen this a few places, what's the tag for squeezing your tit into a heart?
Latest instawhore fad
Neo-Squeenix is woefully incompetent, so I have no expectations. If it isn't absolute garbage I might pick it up some day for
DoA as soon as it wasn't turn-based anymore
>akshun combat
I require further examples.
hey man ffx and xii were good. ffvii isn't even the best.
I don't think 7 is the best, though I lost my fucking mind over it as a teenager. I adore 4-8, 11 and 12 and think X was the beginning of the end for the franchise.
Having said that, the company's a shell of its former self. It really breaks my heart that the FF movie destroyed them. Nearly everyone with talent abandoned ship around that time - we're seriously lucky we still get good DQ games.
>ffx was good
it is possible to have bad opinions and this is one
>It really breaks my heart that the FF movie destroyed them. Nearly everyone with talent abandoned ship around that time
those two things have nothing to do with each other
VII isn't even the best on it's console. IX is a masterpiece, and VIII completely BTFO VII in graphical quality just two years later.
I really loved Type-0. Only time I cried like a bitch with a Final Fantasy game.
>IX is a masterpiece
>I really loved Type-0
was angry until i read this, now i just pity you for having horrendous taste
After Sakaguchi left Square Enix has been shown general incapable in the home console sphere.
Also Nomura believes he 100% made VII what it is and seeing Advent Children he's going to fuck it up again.
It's best to ignore it.
> liking tabata games
this porn soul
ff7cc could have been good but
> gackt self inserting into nibelheim
my god if I didnt wanna kms at that iconic scene being raped
>xii was good
Well meme'd
> he 100% believes
What's so great about IX? I always hear it being called the literal peak of the franchise but from my experience it was painfully generic and mediocre at best across the board. It did absolutely nothing new in terms of gameplay, story or even characters, if anything it honestly did gameplay in particular even worse than its predecessors also on the PS1. Even games like Legend of Dragoon and Legaia, neither of which were that good, had much more success at balancing light-hearted story and characters with fun, challenging gameplay than FFIX ever did.
sakaguchi was an above average developer but he was a fucking professional at recognizing talent and knowing what to do with it. He also didn't mind using other people's ideas if they were better than his.
They should have paid him a shit ton and made him the "miyamoto" of square enix.
Fuck off kid, Matsuno or bust.
>he then made two JRPGs better than XIII and XV and now is killing it with mobage
He promised to return but he's never coming back is he?
>those two things have nothing to do with each other
>movie literally nearly bankrupts the company, forcing a merger out of panic just to keep the paychecks coming
>priorities shift to recovering from the nigh-cataclysmic losses
>kato jumps ship a year or two later
>sakaguchi follows suit shortly thereafter
>game releases slow to an absolute crawl, becoming increasingly more scarce every year (see: lack of talent)
>ffxi sequel flops so hard it has to be remade from the ground up
>virtually every ip that isn't final fantasy is trashed
>even then, can barely manage to release FF games anymore
Don't get me wrong, it may just be a coincidence, but both of these things spelled the end of a company whose name literally used to mean "I see this game on a shelf I've never heard of, but it says Square, so I know for a fact it's at least decent."
It was smart of them to shift heavily away from development and focus instead on publishing. They're self aware, I'll give them that.
>Tactics Advance, XII
Nah, Vagrant Story was 17 years ago, he should stick to iOS shit
what two? I only remember last story and it was okay. I guess you're right though, it was definitely better than 13. Didn't play 15 so can't judge
It's never coming out
The real tragedy is that Spirits Within was no where near as bad as that Advent Children garbage and people hail that as the best video game movie.
He was involved in the Scenario of Lost Odyssey
FFTA was the series' pinnacle of srpgs.
FF12 was NOT matsuno's fault. SE became a different company, especially after sakaguchi left, and they clashed with matsuno the whole time. It got so bad that he quit about halfway through. It was completed, and most likely butchered, by someone else.
Despite that, ff12 was still a decent game. definitely better than all the shit that has followed it.
>those hints of areolas
I like this shitty fad. It can last as long as it wants, not complaining
The only thing Nomura excels at are character designs, and even that's questionable most of the time. Besides that he's a Kojima tier storyteller, and that's one of the worst insults I could ever give. Both Advent Children and the Kingdom Hearts series perfectly demonstrate his complete failure to grasp a basic, solid, cohesive narrative that didn't rely on nostalgia pandering, exposition, retcons and blatant misdirection.
>The only thing Nomura excels at are character designs, and even that's questionable most of the time.
He needs someone to reel him in. When he's given free reign he loses his fucking mind, and makes designs HE loves, and nobody else.
gonna go out on a limb and say sakaguchi is kinda to blame for kingdom hearts. nomura initially wanted a very simple story but sakaguchi had faith in him and right before he left, he told nomura to go all out.
If ole goochie knew what kind of shit show would follow...
oh you mean like kujishima or whatever the fuck his name was and kojima?
>FFTA was the series' pinnacle of srpgs.
>ff12 was still a decent game
I'm not baiting, you fucking faggot. Pretty sure the majority of people agree with me who are fans of the series.
FFT has a better plot but ffta was more balanced in the gameplay department. FF12 was popular enough to get a remake
>I'm not baiting
That's pretty sad if true
check out this fag