This is GOTY even with the loot boxes

This is GOTY even with the loot boxes

Other urls found in this thread:


>Epic Star Cards, the highest tier of Star Cards available at launch, have been removed from Crates.
>You'll need to reach a certain rank to craft upgraded Star Cards.
>Weapons are locked behind specific milestones.
>Class-specific gear and items can be unlocked by playing as them.

At least the developers are trying to listen to community feedback with good intentions. Still disgruntled about micro-transactions being in the game.

The gameplay is very solid. It also does a great job of pandering to the star wars fans that don't care too much about Canon ie. Clones we're never on naboo ect. I think if the game doesn't meet it's quota they might do whatever it takes to get people to buy it, such as lower the cost of buying lootcrates with in-game currency or upping the match to currency ratio ect. Hopefully it does semi-well though so it isn't dead on release, as I'd actually like to play it. The lootboxes are really inexcusable though. I hope they make some drastic changes in that department.

I never even played the first one but after reading threads I would rather a play a poz my neg hole simulator than this so pretty much neck yourself shill(s)

More Sup Forums bandwagoning. Form your own opinions by actually playing the game faggot.

wtf, it feels like I'm on reddit right now. Fuck off, shills.

the fact that you defend these games after they have objectively regressed in every aspect besides graphics from the ps2 games means your a retarded shill so once again neck yourself faggot


Not really shilling. Just sharing my experience with the game and trying to prevent some Sup Forums bandwagon bs. There is alot to like about the game. Honestly I just hope it isn't too dead on release because I really enjoyed the beta.

>pulling shit out of ass
opinion discarded

i hope ea is paying you per post you faggot fuccboi shill

If you buy Battlefront 2 for sixty bucks I hope you fucking die in the near future.

>this mad
>projecting this hard
the absolute state of Sup Forums

Fuck off shill.

you keep saying projecting like it means something. keep on shilling your fresh steaming pile of dogshit game so daddy ea will give you a nice shiny hay penny

> ~2005
> buy battlefront 2 for 30 bucks
> no DLC, no loot crates
> gamespy servers
> fun community, plenty of map and mode variety
> 2017
> 60 dollar game
> 50 dollar weapon/class unlocks
> 60 dollars of DLC maps later
> lootcrates
> servers are only running one or two game modes
> maps are boring and lack the ingenuity of their predecessors, just rehashes

>I get paid 10 cents every post "The Guy"

All DLC is free though.

They explicitly stated there won't be any paid expansion packs because they want to keep the community together.

nice pasta though

Thats probably because it back fired on them with Battlefront 2015. They kept map DLC with Battlefield 1 anyways.

>not realizing that the free DLC will be locked behind massive credit walls
>being this gullible

>fun community
Outside of that it was fine, but christ some people back then.

Don’t care faggot I’m not buying this ever. The whale jews can play against each other

no u

Wow so revolutionary, I’m sure it will be a totally and completely massive DLC too now that it’s free. I’d rather have none.

>literally anything by Bungie besides Halo 1 being GOTY

top fucking kek

You'd rather have no DLC than entirely free DLC? That's the most goddamn retarded thing i've ever heard.

Battlefront 2 is a overpriced DLC of Battlefront 1

This...This isn't bungie friend.

Nevermind, I saw generic sci-fi shit and "loot," immediately thought Destiny 2

That free DLC is just shit they are crapping your way for easy PR, you are getting fucked some other way, oh right, lootboxes locking content away from people who paid full price but muh free DLC.
Good goy.

A half assed sp and a game riddled with loot boxes and pay to win shit? But it has free dlc so I guess that makes up for it all. The “free dlc” is a copout. It’s fucking EA for Christ sake.

It does look like that one Destiny 2 planet so I'll give you that. Also, Halo 3 was better than Halo 1 in every way.

Except loot boxes are free too

>Shilling this obviously
Fuck off EA.

>Literal hours of grinding to get a single one

3 hours for a box and something like 35-40 for a character. Fucking LOL