Can we talk about how stupid this ending was?

Can we talk about how stupid this ending was?

>Aya gets burned when Cleopatra washes her hands of her and Caesar fucks off back to Rome
>Bayek says the Assassins should work on ending oppression of the common people and not advance the schemes of those in power
>Aya immediately shacks up with Brutus and Cassius who are wealthy Roman politicians
>No reason is given how or why she got in contact with them, Brutus and Cassius don't even have any dialogue
>Whatever, Aya goes to Rome and kills Septimus, the last living member of the Order.
>No reason is given to kill Caesar, other than it's established canon that Brutus was an Assassin and an offhand line from Septimus about him joining The Order
>Caesar is a defenseless old man who gets swarmed by 30 people, no reason for Aya to be there at all.
>Death of Caesar is furthering the interests of a bunch of rich Senators, the exact opposite of what the Assassins are supposed to do
>Ending acts like Aya is the main character all along despite playing as Bayek for 99% of the game. Aya's off doing important things whilst Bayek fucks around Egypt.

What the fuck was Ubisoft thinking, it makes Aya come off as a complete retard with no foresight.

We gotta do an ambiguous ending to sell more.
Story was shit, gameplay is the only thing going on for it anyway.

assassins are retard

I didn't mind the story up until the end. Bayek was a good character and I liked it was a personal revenge story instead of being all about ancient ayyliens and conspiracies.

Aya is poochied into the protag role right at the end in an awkward series of events. Makes me feel like there's missing content or something. The idea of making Aya and Bayek represent different elements of the Assassin's philosophy was a neat idea, but mishandled.

I'm 100% certain they will do a DLC about it.
I don't care anyway, had fun with it and I'm gonna move up.

>>Caesar is a defenseless old man who gets swarmed by 30 people, no reason for Aya to be there at all.
Well she triggered the murder, I suppose it's implied that the other guys were all too scared to start it.

Why the fuck are all of the "strong" female characters in this unlikable cunts?

>Aya is a cold hearted cunt that dumps Bayek because of muh ambitions and barely cares about her dead child
>Layla is literal Mary Sue that's good at everything and "independent" to the point of being a cunt to anyone nice
>Layla's friend only yells

>gameplay is the only thing going for it
wow almost like it’s a fucking video game

leftyfags who can't write + overcompensating for "patriarchy"

I just beat the game today. The ending wasn't terrible, it was just a little awkward. I'm more disappointed that there's no conclusion to the Modern Day story

Because somehow an Ubisoft and an Assassin's game getting gameplay is not surprising.

Brutus and Cassius orchestrated the whole thing. Ubi just wanted the player to be involved in a major historical assassination, despite the fact that it made no sense.

I get the feeling that Ubi originally had planned for Aya to kill Caesar 1v1 and probably had a whole mission planned around this. But closer to release they realised how stupid that idea was and just went with the historically accurate version and just shoved Aya in there.

the story is irrelevant and inconsequential
assassins creed would be better with just splash screens of goals targets or objectives before each mission
who gives a fuck about their fanfic

It's funny because the girl from Unity wasn't a cunt, but Aya, Layla, her friend and Evie from Syndicate were all cunts. You can be a pleasant person and "strong".

Also, it's obvious that they wanted Aya as the protagonist, but knew that their fanbase would avoid the game, so they had to trick people into it.

Yeah, I can't really argue with that there. I suppose the assassination of Caesar was just too big of a thing to pass up.

I was more annoyed at the fact that Brutus didn't use the Dagger of Brutus from AC Brotherhood.

>Aya is a cold hearted cunt that dumps Bayek because of muh ambitions and barely cares about her dead child

Fucking this. In the bossfight with Septimus bitch is crying over her dead child despite the fact she didn't give a fuck about Khemu for most of the game.

I would love to see an Assassin's game that's literally Hitman 2016 where you pick your target and just go to fucking kill.

It would've made more sense if Aya's role was to get rid of Septimus and any other body guards, so the murder could go along smoothly.

Should've just had segment where you played as Brutus.

So, why did Cleo and co "betray" Bayek and Aya?

I don't think there's a real reason. She literately thinks she's a god, so she probably has issues.

Also, did Cleopatra and Caesar actually get married in real life?

It'd be nice if they fleshed out and stretched out the ending missions more. It felt rushed.

she didn't really betray them, she just didn't really need them anymore and told them to fuck off. the only real "betrayal" was letting septimus live, but that was Caesar's call. Probably because he told him about ancient alien tech, but it's never really explained.

>Also, did Cleopatra and Caesar actually get married in real life?
And it's disputed if they actually did fucked or if it was just a political compliment.

Telling them to fuck off may as well be a betrayal, especially since Aya says they've been banned from the palace.

>playing the story
>cant progress the "story" because i need to do a bunch of stupid shit so i can deal damage

what a joke. i may not have liked the previous ass creeds, but at didn't force me to grind at the very least.

Irl Ptolemy V? I think was her husband not her brother but she never married Cesar

but it's not like they're enemies of the state. really cleo is playing with fire letting the two most dangerous people in egypt with intimate knowledge of her off the hook.

This really isn't much of an issue, one or two side missions will give you enough XP to bring you to the appropriate level. From what I gathered, it seems that you're supposed to do sidequests first.

They force grinding because without it, there's like 12 or so story missions and they're still incredibly easy to cheese. It's just bad game design and padding to cover up their shortcomings.

I can't argue with you, but I think we can agree that the whole ending sequence was poorly handled, especially from a writing standpoint. What happened to the crazy twists from the ezio saga?

lefties are dumbshits who are clueless when it comes to history, what a surprise

AC is SUPPOSED to be historically inaccurate, that's the entire premise.

I hate the mechanic where enemies a few levels higher than you suddenly become damage sponges capable of killing you in a few hits.

Really that's my only issue with AC Origin's gameplay.

I had that happen early game and that's when I knew it was downhill:

>Come past a nest of vultures that you need to clear
>They have a skull icon
>Despite being a fucking bird, I can't kill them with one arrow through the chest
>Even slashing them with a sword barely takes any health away from them

It completely killed any immersion. It's fucking a bird, not an armored soldier. It should die in one fucking hit.

bad writers who either genuinely mistake character and strongheadedness for rudeness and stubbornness or are trying to appeal to the millenial/tumblr/reddit demographic

Two reasons, from what I can tell.

1. Because hack writers continue to not know what "strong female character" means. They think it means "tough, capable and feminist" but all it really means is well-rounded and three-dimensional. A female character can be a pathetic, weak little mess and still be a "strong character" because she's believable and fleshed out.

2. Thinking that being an unlikeable jerk = being badass. So making the female character rude and arrogant, in the developers mind, is just contributing to her being "strong".

These writing problems plague TONS of media nowadays, Ubi is just an excellent example of a company so corporate and safe that they are incapable of producing anything else except this kind of writing.

>Ayyyy hol up let's just retcon the entire Brutus subplot from Brotherhood.

Aya not giving a shit about her dead kid made her come off less "strong" and more of a sociopath. Khemu's death was central to Bayek's motivations throughout the game and Aya was also on a revenge mission before she met Cleo, but at some point she suddenly gets over it.

If the game took time to examine her emotional state, this'd be fine. Bayek being more outwardly affected, Aya being able to hide those emotions and process them quietly. Instead she comes off as a bitch who gives zero fucks about her family. It really makes you think why Bayek even got with her in the first place since they seem so incompatible.

Kek bullshit

I think they got together cause they clearly like fucking each other. It's kind of the only thing they seem to have going for them.

What difficulty did you play on

How much do you think the game is worth?

The assassins are anarchists. Templars are conservatives.

Templars are pretty good leaders providing you keep them away from Eden stuff

Yes, good job, you've figured it out.

Cleopatra and Caesar had a child together, but never married. After Caesar got assassinated, Cleopatra forced herself to be bitten by a King Cobra and suicided. Her child then was executed by the forces of the new Roman leader.

But their whole thing is trying to get their hands on Eden stuff.

see this
Play AC Rogue and learn, the assassins are fucking cockmongles

Of course, we learn in Assassin's Creed II, that Cleopatra was actually assassinated by a woman named Amunet, who used a trained snake to kill her target.

Yes but they all weren't completely consumed by blind desire for the Eden artifacts

I can't disagree with you, but it's still the primary focus of the organization: take over the world through means of the First Civilization's relics

I wish that Origins told us about the beginnings of the Templars as well as the Assassins.

>Caesar is an old man
>Still manages to stab the first guy with his pen before they all swarm him

The guy was old, but he was an ex soldier.
Also the senators had someone stall Mark Antony in front of the senate because they were afraid he was gonna 1v30 them.
A bunch of cowardly rich guys defending their interests has been turned into some great effort to save the republic

I like how the entire conflict in Rogue could have been avoided if Achilles actually listened to Shay. He deserved everything that happened to him

The whole conflict could have been avoided if Achilles just fucking said "oh sorry we didn't know the earthquake was gonna happen, let's try to be more careful"

Yep. Gotta love how quickly the entire assassin camp turned on Shay on a single order from the mentor not even questioning why they were attacking him

>not fucking up everything

Besides the Ezio games, Assassins were always making things worse, not better. Its what I like about Bayek and Edward were cool because they had something they cared more about and only did assassin shit on the side.

I liked Black Flag until the story shoved the whole assassin plot down the players throat

>not retarded
Who roots for them anyway? They align themselves with mercenaries, thieves and hookers. It is known that they are not very honorable people.

I like the part when she puts the hood on and when you get inside the crowd the camera pulls back while the target is doing a big speech, ac1 style, and you blend in for the first time. maybe that's why Origins lacked the social stealth mechanic, they are saving it for the next game because this was the first time it occurred to the proto assassins to blend in, and stick to the shadows or be the "hidden ones".
Still kinda upset it wasn't Bayek that killed him but whatever.

With every passing game I lose even more reason to side with the assassins

it's just the forced "I was there when a big historical moment happened" like famous Connor being in a corner during the signing of the declaration of independence, like whatevs.

The entire conflict could have been avoided if literally anyone in the room even went to check in on a man they haven't seen in months if not years that they sent on an important mission to capture a Piece of Eden of all things. The fact that they let him stew in his room all night and no one even popped to say hello is retarded.

more honorable than you will ever be weeb.

>Assassin's sided with the Roman Senate.
I didn't realize they were completely evil.

I always found this hilarious in syndicate.

jk aside, assassins whole philosophy is they want free will for everyone and help the little guy, and templars want to save humanity and advance it but at the cost of free will by controlling them with the pieces of eden, which is pretty much what the Isu did to humans before they revolted.

It's the result of Ubi not doing much historical research and just looking at the past through a modern, distorting lens.

>A bunch of old conservative men want to protect their power
>Caesar becomes dictator because it's literally the only way to get around the senate and reform Rome, which needs it badly
>Conservatives kill him and say they did it for freedom, but it was really just to protect their privileges
>Thousands of years later, all people see is a "dictator" assassinated by people who claimed they were doing it for freedom

If these games were made by people who properly understood history, the assassins would be on Caesar's side because he was the reformer fighting against a corrupt government. The Assassins are ALL about that shit in this series.

It was pretty forced.

>Caesar doesn't trust Aya with important mission because she's a woman
>Bayek literally says to Caesar that men who underestimate Aya wind up dead at her hands
>Aya kills Caesar in the end

It was a very weird plot thread that existed for no reason other than try to artificially enhance how "special" Aya is.

Also, the fact that there's like a million lines where characters say "Aya sure is amazing" or "That is one special woman" etc.

It's never a good sign when the script feels like it has to exposit to you "Hey, you're supposed to like and be impressed by this character." Over and over and over.

that branch of assassins was super disorganized and handled poorly, it was bound to fall apart soon, their guy in charge was a shit leader, everyone was up their own ass thinking they're so righteous because I'm an Assassin, basically Altair at the start of ac1, but a whole club full of them, sniffing each other's assholes.
the classic "I'm older than you=I know better than you" attitude towards shay.
All they had to do was listen to shay like you said, but no, I've been here longer, I know better and I'm not even going to try and humor your points...I know you've been pretty trust worthy new member so far and have been level headed, and you freaking out out of nowhere after that last missions seems like something we should sit down and talk, you clearly must have a reason why you would act this way out of the blue, but nah, you're a traitor, everyone kill shay!....oh no, everyone is dead, templars have won, I guess I should've listened to you, it only took the downfall of the American assassin branch and my leg for me to realize it, darn.
Shay is the best

user, he was her husband and her brother. Egyptian royal family trees are almost a straight line.

Is it cracked yet

It only gets worse when Connor gets turned into a "assassin" by Achilles

Caesar fucking pushed through land reforms and this is how nu-fags treat him

Literally no reason why Shay shouldn't have appeared at some point in III and killed Connor

ACIII doesn't even mention "the creed".

Connor wasn't fighting Templars because they were doing anything evil, it's because angry old Achilles wanted revenge.

Why is Caesar a bad guy?

Achillies is the embarrassment of the Assassin order and should be stricken from the records, but knowing the assassins they respect him still despite him being a complete retard. Hard to believe he even past Ah Tabai's training

Because Ubisoft is retarded


>the Assassins discarding Achilles

The problem with the Assassins is that, ironically, they are much more dogmatic, traditionalist and fixed in they ways more than the Templars ever were. You never see the Assassins recontextualizing or reflecting upon their own history. It's always veneration. Meanwhile the Templars go through transformation and self-reflection all the time. Borgia being viewed as the dark age of the Order. The disagreements between the Colonial and Continental rites. Haytham and Birch. The French vs. the British. Germain. Abstergo. Change, progression, clash of various schools of thought. All the time.

Meanwhile the Assassins are full of Bellecs who will venerate the past and double-think they way through all the contradictions, failures, flaws and discrepancies because the Templars are evil and we fight for freedom, therefore we are on a moral high ground and there is nothing wrong with how we do business at all. Just look at Evie Frye, for all her good intentions, she's the exact example of the indoctrinated tools the Assassins foster.

because hes white.

>trained snake
Damn, I wish that during the bits where you play as Aya, you got to control a snake that served as Senu's substitute.

Of course, knowing Ubisoft, it will probably appear in the inevitable Aya-only AssCreed Origins: Rome DLC.

oh god, that whole segment was so cringeworthy. Ubisoft had to remind you every 5 minutes what a strong womyn Aya was and have men comment on how she's a weak women.

Is it even cracked

The Assassins are basically terrorists who create more conflict then they actually solve.

don't think so.

Wasn't Caesar a populist, anyway, so it makes even less sense?

Literally the first AC. There's plot, sure, but that's only filler between missions.

In Assassins' mind, it's freedom versus tyranny. In Templar's, order versus chaos. They think they're right, but their opponent thinks they're not. "They" here can be both, and after IV, it doesn't even matter anymore. AC is only a vehicle for nice scenery and maybe 1 or 2 history lesson.

I really hope in whatever game, expansion, Aya shows up next they portray her in a negative light.

Knowing Ubisoft it's gonna be full of YASS QUEEN moments. Bayek's gonna sit around like a little bitch whilst his strong independent ex wife kills Cleopatra and furthers the goals of Roman Empire, not acknowledging how much of a fucking hypocrite she is.

Why do you guys who have played the previous games still come back to play the latest trash Ubi shit out? I started with the first AC, in fact the first AC is still my favorite AC game despite its obvious flaws and the improvements every game since has given us. I loved the Ezio trilogy, found some enjoyment in 3, loved BF and enjoyed Rogue, but I dropped the series when Unity came out and haven't played one since, I didn't even finish Unity. I used to love the AC series but watching this series from the beginning was like watching my child in elementary school be an A+ student, then watching him fall off in junior high, then watching him become a degenerate in high school.

Even the trailers used to get me hyped enough to consider giving the newer games a chance, but the trailer for Origins was so forced and uninspiring that it just left a bad taste in my mouth.

what if they made an assassin's creed game set in a more contemporary setting like the civil rights era

my friend keeps saying how great it would be if MLK was a templar and how it'd send the left into a tizzy

>Why do you guys who have played the previous games still come back to play the latest trash Ubi shit out?
Because being a historyfag is suffering, that's why.

>nigger becomes Mentor
>Assassins are ruined forever

To be fair the last thing they released was Jack the Ripper and Jack was pretty damn good, Shame that Evie ruins everything in the base game itself

>tfw barely any Evie porn

AC games are really hit and miss. I don't know anyone who actually buys and plays the releases year after year.

I was only really a big fan of the series for the Ezio Trilogy, but dropped it when Revelations turned out to be a shittier Brotherhood. 4 and Origins were the only games I've really enjoyed since then and they were real sleeper hits for me, did not expect them to be good at all.

it's because of mah strong women bullshit. aya is such a bad character it made me sexist.

Because they're usually pretty vast, they're a historical setting you get to run around in, there's lots to collect, there's usually at least some likable characters or interesting stories, and when you wait to pay $20 for the games it lessens the sting. It's not like I have big expectations for these games to begin with. Liberation and Bloodlines are the only real times I felt disappointed really (and Unity's story, but I liked the gameplay of Unity), and Bloodlines would do just fine if it was just updated for the Vita or a second stick instead of that awful control scheme they have while also expanding it a bit more.

Maybe the sjw are trying to convince people Caesar was evil because he was a white male.

yaaaassssss kween slay