How can we bring down EA from within?

I checked glassdoor and its full of 4 star reviews of employees just loving to work there. What the fuck? How would anyone who loves games not know what they are doing to the industry? Has anyone heard of of an user talk about being subversive inside EA?

It pays semi-well. Also there are alot of significant employee benefits.

I feel like even if I got a job there I would be leaking stuff left and right just to fuck with them. Do whatever I could to subvert their processes without getting caught.

Big tech companies generally are easy to work for, yeah they push for hours but so do smaller video game companies as well.

I went to rehab with a guy who was a former executive for EA (Kind of a luxury rehab that my insurance fully covered for whatever reason). He spoke pretty fondly about his time with EA. Then again though, he didn't play games so he probably had no idea what the fuck was going on with the development side.

OPs post is an example of the disconnect between the people who play video games and the people who make them. It's also indicative of someone who has never had a job before.

ok then where is their quality control department, where is their department listening to human feedback. are we on the internet that small of a voice? I simply refuse to believe that we have 0 impact.

The sad reality is that good working conditions don't necessarily lead to good products.

>Also there are alot of significant employee benefits.
Do they come in lootboxes?
>nice! i got one day off and 2 coffee breaks from my lootbox

OP here, I work for an IT company. We take customer complaints seriously. We're not huge by any means, just 4 states. But damn it's like how do you get so big that you don't give a shit about your clientelle anymore. It's the human element being disconnected that I don't understand. I am not calloused enough that I can't put myself in my client's shoes and think about what they are going through and empathize with them.

>are we on the internet that small of a voice?
>I simply refuse to believe that we have 0 impact.
Sup Forums might actually have negative impact actually since anything we do will be a free pass to do the opposite to spite the racist sexist g*mers

The answer, yes. Beyond spending or not spending money on a video game that EA makes you have zero impact on the creative development process. You do not write, design, or program any of it. You don't hold stock in EA. You aren't an employee of EA. EA doesn't care what your opinion is. Sad but true.

fag from above, why when if I work for other companies (not game companies) but large corporations, do they take customer complaints seriously, and yet when we have game companies constantly being called out for unscrupulous activity its basically ignored? I mean what would it take for EA to change it's ways. Huge scandal? Massive overhaul of management?

Hahahahahahahaha good one bro NICE NICE u so funni

>How would anyone who loves games not know what they are doing to the industry?
Who gives a fuck if they're well paid and have a good employee benefit package. Idealism is for the unemployed.

Hello EA employee.

Nice power fantasy.

> QA finds bug
> 3 hours later after reproducing it and documenting each and every step to make it happen
> Coder can't fix it
> Coder: Fuck it. It's hard coded in or it's a feature or some shit like that I got bigger fish to fry

What kind of job do you have right now?

>here, I work for an IT company. We take customer complaints seriously. We're not huge by any means, just 4 states. But damn it's like how do you get so big that you don't give a shit about your clientelle anymore. It's the human element being disconnected that I don't understand. I am not calloused enough that I can't put myself in my client's shoes and think about what they are going through and empathize with them.
They have had both huge scandals and overhauls in management. On the other hand, I suspect that they keep hiring bigwigs that may have been in business in general, but not in the games industry itself.

> are we on the internet that small of a voice?
On Sup Forums yes because despite the cries of "VIRAL VIRAL VIRAL" every time someone posts a thread, nobody actually gives two shits about Sup Forums. When was the last time you saw a developer post something akin to a AMA thread? How often do you see developers drop in to discuss their games and answer any questions? Never, not anymore anyway. They do all that shit on Reddit now.

I'm just a low level IT support guy. I hold little to no loyalty to my current job- but that's most IT guys anyways. I'm just surprised no one has gotten hired by EA and thought "I'm going to do what I can to fuck over this company" just on the basis of fuck EA and their corporate bullshit.

I've got more than a few free games on here from devs who want feedback or just want to pump their numbers. Only difference is that it's always been indies or mobile platform and not the kind of folk who can afford to hire outside marketing firms.

You don't think that devs frequent Sup Forums at all? I just assumed that they flock to reddit because of its easier audience and maybe format, idk.

Yeah I would also leave my high-paying job to spite my employers because I don't agree with choices they've made for a video game

Who said anything about leaving. I'm saying corporate espionage. Without getting caught of course.

>what is ME:Andromeda
Do you have a memory of a goldfish?

>but that's most IT guys anyways.
I don't know what shitty company you work for but every IT job I've held people took their work very seriously. I've mostly done contract positions so I've worked for quite a few as well. When you say low level IT support guy do you actually mean a "Tech Expert" at a shitty call center who reads off a script?

>corporate espionage
>Hey guys, here's where the company keeps their toilet paper. Anything more important isn't shared with people at my pay grade.

I'm sure that one class you took on Computer Forensics in Community College has made you a complete expert on covering your tracks too

I'm not saying I don't work hard or take it seriously. I love my job. I'm saying working in IT I've never had to worry about finding work. Like, my life would not be over if I was fired tomorrow. Odds are I'd have another job lined up in a week or two. Maybe that's just the nature of the area I'm in though.

we are not talking about me going to work for EA lol. We are talking about a much smarter individual. I'm pretty sure they could figure it out.

> I don't like lootboxes and voluntary agreements between EA and development studios, therefore I have a right to commit economic terrorism.

>leaking is now terrorism.


>It's not terrorism, lol, it's just violating contract and breaking the law!

you're seriously going to bring up the law when all Sup Forums does is pirate games? ok.

>implying overlord EA makes us deal with the shit we shovel to you normies

t. 18 yr old with four roommates and first job

I wish. I never thought I'd see the day when Sup Forums is in here defending the fuck out of EA. What the fuck.

>giving shit to a retard is defending a company
You need to stop seeing the world in black and white.

because no one gives a shit bro. Gaming is a First world luxury hobby. You really think anyone, the media, local/state/federal government gives one shit that EA put look boxes in a game you didnt have to buy when other companies are literally committing felonies, destroying the environment, destroying the economy? You dont matter and neither does your petty feelings over their business practices which has increased their stock price nearly x5 what it was half a decade ago

It's more than just getting fired, you can essentially never get a job anywhere that deals with even remotely sensitive material.

so we should just ignore it and stop bitching about it. all go out and purchase battlecucks2, fuck me in the ass edition.
no I don't think people give a shit. but that doesn't make what they are doing right or good. all im saying is that i'm surprised no one has tried to expose them from the inside already.

Stop buying shitty games. Why do you keep eating shit if you don't like shit?

i don't buy their fucking games. but obviously it doesn't make a dent.

>no one has tried to expose them from the inside already.
The only people who have any kind of relevant information are either too well paid to want to fuck their careers or have the kind of information that would get a corporate lawyers to fuck them up for breaking their non-disclosure contracts. Why destroy your life just to put a mild speed bump in the path of the EA juggernaut?

wtf are you talking about expose? do you think at any level youre going to find the secret document EA executives keep that says "lets fuck consumers nyahahaha" or the one that says "top secret plan to get more money"? Oh I know, youre going to leak information, what information? Game notes design? "EA MADE RESPAWN ADD LOOTBOXES!" Oh no, it made EA nearly a billion in revenue last year, better take it out before people get angry

They pay extremely well.
The benefits are great.
They give EA stocks, which have double in the last year, and are up almost 1000% since 2012.
It's the golden handcuffs, user. Why should a well fed and treated pet bite the hand that feeds?

I don't know. I fucking thought people would be more into this. I guess this is just how things are now.

>posting tumblr gifs

>things are now
That's the way it's always been.

gaming has not always been like this.

Yeah, it has.

What are arcades?

If you wanted to make an impact you could always storm their corporate headquarters and put a bullet in their CEO's head

>economic terrorism.

you seriously need to get the fuck over yourself.your parents and teachers where liars. there is nothing special about you. your ideas are shit, at least the ones you had on your own not the ones you parrot. though those are probably shit to. please sit down and shut up. the mental pollution you exude is enough to make those around you sick from dealing with the stupid.

We really don't appreciate what we have until it's gone.

>Syphon Filter 2 gif on Sup Forums
