Ever thought of making your own game Sup Forums?
>"I wanna make a game!"
>google how to pirate RPG maker
>google how to pirate FL studio
>watched tutorials on both while I drafted up game ideas
It wasn't difficult to get started, especially with RPG maker. Music was much harder but I was able to make songs after 1 day of struggling.
You can learn literally anything you want through the internet, I think the people who say they don't know where to begin have never genuinely tried to begin desu. I'd know since I used to be like that.
Ever thought of making your own game Sup Forums?
Been making games since I was 12, so yeah. I don't really have much to show for it, though.
I have a ton of great ideas but no motivation to bring them about, I accepted this long ago.
looks like ass
i feel like making a porn game once in a while but the feeling goes away after i fap
besides i can't draw so it's gonna be stolen assets or even worse, prerendered 3d images
I am fucking trash at art and too beta to get people to cooperate with me. But I am slowly eventually trying to cobble something together with shitty developer assets in Unreal.
Is this a jap game or one of the patreon "give me monies and I will finish this game some day, probably, maybe." games?
Is that your game user?
Same as you guys, art is what's holding me back the most.
My biggest issue with making a game would be the assets/images
I'm confident I could shoehorn knowledge enough into my head to get off the ground from a technical standpoint, but I have motivational issues and no artistic talent outside of a conceptual standpoint. I cannot put pen to paper digitally
not me, but some guy on Sup Forums is developing it
How realistic is it to make a good/appreciated game in RPG Maker?
It seems like the sort of thing that would just be laughed at.
there are plenty of well known and praised RPG Maker games
just take Yume Nikki for example
Nitrorad covers pretty much all of the 10/10 rpgmaker games that Japan and Sup Forums praises here
yume nikki
space funeral
yume 2kki
One Shot all say hi
Yes, but now try to do a GOOD game.
Post your games, anons. I want to see what you are working on.
If I could fucking draw sprites,man. I dicked around with some gamemaker more than once. Then I remember I can't draw. I am however thinking of drafting a choose your own adventure. I used to think of writing a text adventure. But who on earth woukd play it?
You just got to practice, man. I can art like shit but it's still enough to make a game with, and I'm improving all the time.
Development talents by value:
Programming>Art>Sound>Writing/ideas guy
Anyone can "pick up" writing, or even composing, in a few weeks if they don't know how, but it takes months or years to become a good artist or skilled programmer.
This list was written by a programmer. You have art and programming flipped. Unless your art is appealing, your game will get no attention no matter how well-programmed it is. Also when I said appealing, I don't mean good. You can have terrible art and still have it be appealling. Either way, programming and art are very closely knit in importance.
If writing is so easy to pick up then why are most developers so bad at it?
I've been making my own game over this month, it has been slow but somewhat steady progress, but I still have a ton to do before it would be considered remotely playable or fun.
Minecraft, and Undertale with only a few exceptions, both pretty much use Programming art.
value =/= easy
Most developers (ie, actual teams and not one-man jobs like Toby) have really shitty deadlines to meet alongside totally shit pay (because their job is easily replaced). Toby had a lot of freedom when he made Undertale. Developers rarely have that.
Also realize that half the games you play aren't even made by native English speakers. So when someone says "man, FFXV has such horrible writing" what they're really criticizing is a risk-averse translation team working on a tough deadline.
Where would someone start learning game dev relevant programming if they have basically no experience? (most I've ever done was some HTML in high school which barely counts I think)
Tbh, I found that practice and google is the best medicine. Get your foundation in your language of choice, and then just try to make small, simple games, working your way up. Don't ever start with your dream project, you will not have the skills to complete it and it will make you miserable.
not true.
Depends what sort of game you want to make. Find an engine in it you want to use, see what language it uses and you can usually find some online tutorials on how to use the language. If you are really pressed to get started, there are online coursese that will guide you into getting started with programming (you might have to shell out 10 or so bucks for this). Once you understand the logic, it's not too hard to get started.
Unless you want to start with your own engine, but I'm not a bad enough dude to know how to get started with that, but there are probably a bunch of online guides.
Which part isn't true? There's quite a few statements there.
that game had no right having such a good OST, the batte theme puts lots of Square Enix/Bandai Namco/Atlus JRPGs to shame
all of it.
If your game runs like shit, your art is wasted.
you dont become a good musician in a few weeks
without programming, there is no game, you can have a game with no art
>RPG maker
Shit nigga, you know they made RPG maker for Playstation and Playstation 2? I mean it's fine, but you're still limited to some sort of RPG or RPG base.
I got Clickteam Fusion in a humble bundle and made a simple one-screen arcade game for a "creative digital project" for an elective unit and got full marks. All the sprites were doodles in paint.net, made the music in Ableton because doing a digital music elective. I've been busy but I plan on continuing when I get more free time, maybe make a Castlevania-ish sidescroller just for fun. Maybe switch to Game Maker, I hear it's good.
Sorry, but your programming doesn't sell games, unfortunately.
By that time, they already spent the money, making it too late. The world of programming is kinda douchey like that, especially when it comes to physical media nowadays. I'm not arguing that programming is useless, because as a programmer myself, I'm a stickler for good code. But yes, my argument is that programming and art are similar in importance, but art is more important because it actually sells games.
Oh meant to say, learned how to make the game by watching youtube tutorials and finangling some stuff once I figured it out. It was fun programming a boss monster and the sorts of missiles that are telegraphed by a warning sign before shooting at where the player was when the sign appeared. You're right, it's easy to get started making something with just the internet.
art sells games but without programming you don't even have a game
you can use a suite where you dont have to program but you can also buy stock art assets
You forgot the jojo rpg game
Is that an argument against what I've been saying? I don't feel like it is, to be honest. By no means am I saying programming is unimportant. If I had to do a ratio it'd be somewhere in the 45/55~40/60 range with the ratio being Programming/Art. Programming's still very important, but it is not the most important thing for a game that's trying to be successful.
its... I love it?
it depends on the game
plenty of games sell because of their concept and not because of their artwork
strategy, managment games mostly have shit art
That was my issue. I already have pretty good familiarity with C++/C# so using Unity was easy. But without assets there's no way it can look acceptable.
I tried to go for a low poly look but I'm no artist and everything looked bad.
oh yeah, forgot about it
haven't discussed it in years
Well, yeah, of course. But those are not exactly household titles either. There's a niche and exceptions for everything. I was talking in a general sense and not as any sort of "absolutely everything follows this rule".
Guys, this is true. I wouldn't go so far as to say art is more important than programming, but having an appealing visual presentation (even if it's a minimalist one) is probably the most important thing.
The market is fucking saturated. You can look almost anywhere for a game that is functionally good. You gotta catch the eye of potential customers and first impressions are a big deal, so your game should look nice.
Now I say "nice", but I don't mean polished or detailed or whatever. Both Minecraft and Undertale as said, it's simplistic but they have an appealing visual design. You could make it in MS paint, but it still looks nice. It's a design aesthetic that the game sticks with.
I like to fucking T R A W L through garbage games on steam and mobile app stores and there are two big turn offs:
- Store bought unity assets (you see the same models and locations pretty often)
- I just drew fucking squares in MS paint
Two polar opposites. Sometimes, default/store bought unity assets actually look really nice, but the clearly poor/canned animation along with clashing art assets and lack of visual direction makes the game look like a shitty asset flip.
And on the other end, some really amateur game designers think their innovative puzzler with a minimalist art style can catch an audience. No, I don't wanna flick squares at triangles and watch them turn into circles, you can fucking do better than that. I've seen others do better than that.
I think that's what that user means. Of course you gotta program a game to make a game even if you're using clickteam or something, but having a game that at least looks interesting at a glance is important.
>tfw i have the opposite problem most people on Sup Forums seem to have
>have shittons of ideas for game mechcanics that i've fleshed out on paper
>can do art relatively well
>even have a vauge idea of a plot for a game i really want to make
>can't figure out how the fuck to work my way around a game engine for absolutely fucking shit
>ultrapoorfag so i can't hire a programmer
It's one of those things where I know if I had someone directly working with me on the game and teaching me how to work the engine and shit I'd absolutely figure it out with a bit of time, but I cannot find someone like that for the fucking life of me.
>t. Artist
You're not that important.
here this my game looks pretty crappy but hey it's better than nothing
I'm the first link and I'm a programmer, user.
rimworld, dwarf fortess, kerbal space program, are some of the biggest indie games
Yeah, basically. You gotta really stand out visually or you're ignored.
Are you really saying that any of those games are household titles? On the same level as Mario? Kerbal seems to be the closest one to that.
yup, thats definately an ass user. how observant
>Lewd Brown MILF
I like the cast already!
What would happen if an artist showed up, and you three maybe worked together? I'm an artist who needs motivation to move forward.
It's called the internet user. Almost all languages have documentation online and books are piss easy to pirate user.
Pick up C and learn from there.
Second poster. No, I'm a programmer. Literally, CS major. I agree that LE ARTIST type people are trash, but I've seen a lot of developers that think they can get away with a game about squares and circles blobbing around. Like, no, c'mon, at least open paint.net and doodle something. That's what I did for my game, it doesn't look great but it looks like something.
Or if you're going to buy assets, at least choose them carefully so your game doesn't look like a hodgepodge of mixed assets. If you wanna go anime, get anime-styled models all round, use stylized graphics for the environment, pick a proper color pallete. If you wanna go realistic, don't have fucking round chibi dragons for enemies or have pastel colored vehicles or some shit.
[pic related isn't mine, just a rando obscure game I found]
Yeah seriously. Programming is easier to learn than art. No need for classes or bullshit degrees.
user, I know. I don't know what it is, but I go full fucking retard when it comes to learning professional-level computer programs and complex shit like that. If I don't have someone right next to me that I can ask about it while I'm still figuring things out, I just shut down. Same thing happened while I was learning Illustrator/Photoshop/SAI/After Effects.
I'm just not good with self-study in anything outside of art. Never have been.
Then make it a goal to be able to learn stuff on your own. Self improvement and all that shit.
Enjoy writing shit code thinking it's good because it works at that moment.
il throw you a bone, im a 3d generalist and can program (mostly c# in Unity)
what do you got in mind
i wont make stuff for you, im working on my own projects but il give you some direction at least
>falling for the college Jew
Lmao at this nerd.
Just saying. I agree that you don't even have to get a degree but it's not bad taking a few classes at some community college. Unless you're very disciplined and can figure everything out.
Real talk, I have a B.S. in CS and I feel like I haven't learned much that wouldn't have been able to learn on my own.
Well, the two big ideas I had were a cross between a rhythm game and a Puyo/Panel De Pon/Kirby's Star Stacker/etc VS puzzle game (which I have almost completely explained on grid paper, which I do not yet have scanned) and a sort of more overworld puzzle focused "RPG", where the general premise would be that time is looping completely outside of the player's control and that you'd need to find certain things/objects/locations that reside outside the repeating events to change the outcome of each cycle, with the eventual goal of breaking it and getting the best ending as a result. Combat would be present, but would mostly take a backseat to exploration of the world presented and the puzzles within it. I guess if I had to describe it using another game, it'd be Yume Nikki but with a clearer purpose and the occasional Mario & Luigi style fight. Alternatively, instead of RPG combat, battles could be VS. puzzle game shit liek the aforementioned Rhythm game thing, but given that Puyo Puyo Chronicles was pretty not great I've decided against that.
>love videogames in general
>love playing them
>love discussing about them
>but fucking hate programming because it makes me stressful and gives me headaches
>I'd never get interested in developing a game anyways
feels good not being an autist
not that user but here's my thoughts
Sounds like Undertale to me. By that I mean, Undertale had an interesting take on "combat" that was creative and interesting, but ultimately it was a secondary component to the story and art etc. This is doubly true given that you're comparing it to Yume Nikki, a "game" that is 100% exploring an artsy environment. Even the "combat" in Undertale was geared towards artsiness, fights are memorable due to boss dialogue and approaching battles like a one-gimmick puzzle.
With that in mind, I say work on your art to give your game the same visual appeal that something like Yume Nikki or Undertale has. Consider a simple game engine like Clickteam or Game Maker, as the world exploration aspect mechanically sounds like something you could implement with RPG maker.
do you have any art skills
il help you around unity
Doesn't that actually make you an autist if you can't begin to do anything remotely difficult and refuse to learn?
You're just the worse brand of autist.
You're not even creative or productive with your autism.
Honestly, Undertale was kinda the inspiration for the idea and not in a good way. Undertale coming out, Homestuck ending, and Owlboy coming out in such quickly fucking succession were just a long string of disappointments over such absolutely wasted potential that it made me want to more or less take the concepts I actually liked from them and do something that I actually liked that was more than just a straight sort of "diss track" to those things.
I do, but not with 3D.
Well then, if you wanna be a diss track to Undertale then I saw you gotta really polish your art, music making and story writing as those are the actual parts of Undertale that people care about.
>I do, but not with 3D.
Unity can do 2D and your game idea sounds like a 2D game, though if you're going to stick to 2D you might be okay with Clickteam that is easy but only does 2D or Game Maker which is what Undertale was made in.
if your willing to learn tools
[email protected] temporary email
>making bad games
I'm busy doing things that are actually worth a damn, not programming some silly games
Obviously not if you're on Sup Forums.
Issue is I hate that type of combat. It's from an era where devs had trouble animating big battles on screen, aside from LoZ.
For nearly 20 years -- 23 if you count Secret of Mana -- it's been possible to have multiple player characters on screen fighting a boss and multiple enemies.
If I could include combat even as simple as Tales of Phantasia, I'd probably do it.