ITT: unoptmized western trash made to sell video cards
ITT: unoptmized western trash made to sell video cards
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Crysis is amazing and is one of the best FPS of all time.
This isn't 2007 anymore.
wow ......
t. underaged kid who never played it at release and only knows about it due to memes.
You can't call a game "unoptimized" if it was the best looking game in existence at launch and even a while after that.
Watch this and get yourself a proper opinion
I still have such great memories from this game. Ten years later and so few games have destructible environments on the same scale.
Don't get the hate for this game. It looked great and was way above any other game graphically at the time, its good to set standards.
And it was actually fun. Suit abilities and killing chinks in cool environments.
Let's just stop this meme aye?
Has any game surpassed it in terms of benchmarking?
>made to sell video cards
Games aren't made for that purpose anymore.
>everything has nitros
Huh, only played the game on Delta (no third person view in vehicles available) and never knew that.
Being ahead of your time isn't being unoptimized.
They're actually gooks though. Even though we both know theres no difference.
>shotgun is on wide spread all through the review
The multiplayer power struggle mode was great. Too bad it's dead.
I ran Crysis at medium on a 2 year old gpu. It is optimized as shit. This is clearly evident from the fact that it runs better on the hardware of its age than modern hardware - they tuned it to run well at the time of its release.
If it was unoptimised it would run like shit today.
I thought I'd load it up with texture and effects mods a couple years ago and found it STILL ran at 30 fps at max with no mods. Maybe after I get a new monitor I'll settle for medium settings and enjoy it at 144fps.
t. Nvdia and razor enthusiast.
P.S: anybody can make good graphics in a world full of nothing and sell for 59.99+tax
>cryengine consistently the most used "best graphics possible" engine
>even used for film cgi solutions
>hundreds of trees and ferns
>world full of nothing
any badly optimized game runs great if you throw enough power at it
To be fair, no one would ever think the shotgun would have an alternate spread mode because....literally no other game ever has it. Crysis is the only game that has it.
Which is why the Crysis shotgun is fucking God-tier.
I love it on narrow spread. Narrow spread + laser sight = don't need irony sights, just sprint around and one-shot Koreans. Put on assault scope for looks and mid-range shots and you're set.
not true. Look at Unity Engine. No amount of graphics hardware can fix shitty memory management.
Crysis is a amazing tech demo but really bad videogame
It was a boring version of Far Cry with cheats.
Only the second half of Crysis is bad.
The first 6 levels are bretty gud.
And Crysis Warhead is the shit.
Bitch please. The only complaint that can be justified against it is the aliens being garbage to fight. In every respect it is a solid shooter with lots of fun to be had if you fully exploit the suit.
Killing Floor has a shotgun that lets you pick between wide and narrow spread but that's pretty much the only game I've ever seen that had it.
It's not going to fix Oblivion or SR2
That's not how optimization works.
It's not as good as Far Cry but being worse than the best FPS ever made doesn't make it bad.
Maybe because optimization wasn't the problem with those games, genius
Then you don't understand what "badly optimized" means
Neither do you.
Nigger, until recently there were still games that 100% utilize your cpu at all times, even while minimized.
Oh wow did you really just respond with "no u"
It's Far Cry but you can go invisible. Same Devs, same issues
It's a legitimate response you just don't understand what we're talking about.
>I played the game in a boring way, so its a boring game.
I'd argue that its less broken than Far Cry
>A game that uses all your CPU's power isn't well optimized
I bet you're one of those people who think having free RAM is good
Stop it. It's a decent game at best. It is one of the best looking games of all time tho.
>ties up cpu time without doing anything
What the fuck do you think its doing? How could you possibly believe that it efficiently uses that power while actually running?
Unoptimized code means code that through bad programming runs slower than it should. More power absolutely makes it run faster. A buggy game isn't unoptimized.
Games should run as fast as they can unless the framerate is limited. Obviously if it's using 100% CPU at capped fps or while minimized it's bad.
It's far more complicated than that. Optimization often involves exploiting quirks of the tech the game is expected to run on. It's more than raw power.
A lot of games these days are optimized trash to sell vidya cards though. nu-DOOM is a good example of what an optimized game can do. A lot of games released in the past 5 years don't look that much different. I wouldn't be surprised if tessellation is hidden around just to slow down GPUs.
Clint is so /comfy/
I don't think anybody could hate LGR.
Crysis has nonexistent hardware scaling due to the hardware targets that are essentially hardcoded into the renderer, have you ever tried to max Crysis out on modern systems? My 5Ghz 4790k/1080 struggles to run is with 8X SSAA using all the standard SCREENSHOT THREAD texture mods/autoexecs