Play Warframe
Play Warframe
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already mr24 and lead a clan of 100+ friendly folk. ill play warframe when they actually release the newest operation
I'd rather just look at the porn
Pay me to and I will
OP here, disregard me I suck cocks.
I am. I started a few days ago and I hate the majority of the systems outside the shooting and melee and even then they're designed to funnel you to the marketplace and lootboxes. I think I'm going to uninstall it.
I am im farming some relics right now so I can get my Saryn Prime
there is not a single lootbox in warframe. are you sure you didn't install battlefront 2 on accident?
what the fug are you talking about
What do you call fissures? They have loot in boxes. The odds of getting the thing you want is so bad that you're encouraged to go to the shitty marketplace. Even basic shit like colors can only be bought with plat.
The game's problem is the massive boring grind that you realize real quick, not the nonexistent lootboxes lol.
That is too true. I enjoyed it at first but got to mastery rank 3 and got bored.
I want her to grind that butt on my face.
the odds of getting the rarest void fissure item is 40% if you have the brain cells to upgrade your relic. did you play the game for 5 minutes or something and then give up? holy shit.
Nope. Got bored of it.
I'm going to let it download over night the next day or two because shit internet for living in shit internet area. I haven't played for like 3 years
grind more boxes.
IF I know Sup Forums well enough then this image is blowing things out of proportion over something minor which has probably been reversed or patched by now. It's a capsule of its time and the image is formatted in an easy meme format to be consumed by normies who don't play the game.
How right am I?
how come my game doesnt look this good? wtf
Been saying it for 2 weeks and holy shit there is so much bullshit that I can't even call it a grinding simulator. On top of having to wait to get anything without using real money if you want anything past 2 you have to keep using platinum which can only be gained through high level trades so real money. Explain why the fuck I should get further
because you didn't BUY PLAT, goy
Don't play Warframe.
The Warframes aren't actually suits, but they're still called "armor" and have "helmets."
The question is: what's underneath?
You don't, the grinding is beyond boring and it feels like you don't even progress at all unless you are married to the game.
i accumulated literally everything in the game in under a year and only ever put 10 bucks into the game, which was only spent on slots and cosmetics. it delivers a lot of information in a shit way but if you actually step back and plan things out, it's incredibly easy to progress to and surpass any veteran player. warframe is a happy accident made by inept jews
infested flesh, like the enemy faction
They're living beings infested by tumblr haired teenagers. At the day of the usurpers greatest triumph history will repeat itself.
The warframes are remote controlled golems made out of flesh and magic.
If I remember my lore right, the Warframes are basically designer-grown Infested. They're just mindless biomechanical bodies that are remote-controlled (and later merged with). If you want a good example of what's "underneath," look at Valkyr's Gersemi skin compared to her normal appearance.
Guys my warframe has some pink thing coming out of its neck, did I catch some kind of STD?
Nidus is straight up infested.
Mine too. It's red.
tldr- gib me short explanation
I'm kind of enjoying it I think? Not too detailed on what the fuck is going on though.
Kind of. You let it grow for about a week, and then you can either drain it for a special kubrow, or cure it in the infested room in your orbiter, and then that warframe can never get it again.
At least get the special kubrow first if not only for the MR.
Is Rhino still good? I remember Rhino being really fun to play
>vendor who is supposed to sell rare and expensive items has a worthless skin that even has a typo
>people who complain ingame get kicked
>people who complain on forum get threads deleted
>server gets fucked so nobody can log in
>server finally comes back up and everyone is greeted with two more worthless items
rhino the best
Still stomps around being an angry bastard.
Yes. He's wanted in groups because of his damage buff, and he's great to play because his defensive skill and stomp fucking kick ass.
I've never looked at it like that maybe because I'm not a retard
It's interesting though. I guess.
you cant buy the best weapons from market places, everything in the market is over priced and trash compared to what you can get from trading with plat
>this whole first point
I've been playing for over a year, a friend started playing.. last month or so, and he's earned almost everything in the game by trading shit in-game to people for plat.
What a fucking homo.
buying a weapon or frame from the marketplace is solely to prey on neanderthals who dont know how to obtain them by other, effortless means. its literally the same thing as tf2 weapons on the official store, only a hasty fool would do it
anyone have that image some user posted the other day that had all the enemies weaknesses or something
Is Loki still super fast and op?
at least there's nehza
So you're mad about a shitstorm that fell off most peoples radar right after it happened almost two years ago? lol
aww man what a shame
>Loki is no longer a starter frame
Oh so you're not all qualified to even give an opinion because you never even broke away from the shitty beginner weapons you start with.
This is an Ember with the Grax Skin and the Majesty Skin helmet I think.
>it gets boring 1000 hours in
It's already boring at the beginning.
I only come here for the porn but i'd actually play this game if the girls in it had nice butts and it wasn't pay to win.
>pay to win
you have no idea what youre talking about. it's a pve game
>it's a pve game
How does this stop it from being pay to win friend?
I haven't played the game in a long time but there used to be an option to skip the wait on building shit with money.
Hi want to play video games?
I will when theres an auction house
So what do you win?
isnt that more pay to progress instead of pay to win?
Not sure never spent money in it.
If you're paying to get the best stuff fast i guess but it seems a bit cheap.
>shilling DE games
>defending DE
>honest discussion is now considered "shilling"
the absolute state of neo-Sup Forums
>farm relics for 2 hours
>only get 2 of the ones I need
Don't listen to that faggot Loki is still the most overpowered broken frame in the game barring MAYBE Nova and the newest one Gara, just depending on mission for those last two.
Loki is still the 'trivialize all content' frame of choice.
easiest way is to just get packs from the syndicates
No, I'm not coming back
Implying I said it got boring later. No. You're just so shit at the game that you quit before it even got fun. Quitting before getting a single good weapon in a game with hundreds of good weapons is a retarded move.
yeah but user asked if he was as fast as he used to be, and he isnt
That's just pay to play faster. If you wait you can beat the game just as fast, and you can beat the game with starter gear. You technically don't need to build even a single thing.
What is a good weapon? Is it just an automatic rifle that puts up bigger numbers? I'll pass on that. I also have different weapons from the beginning ones.
Maybe but they've added more speed mods, so he can be faster than before even if he's not in base.
Rush, armored agility, speed drift, Firewalker/IceSpring/LightningDash, Maglev, Streamlined form, etc.
Loki prime is the fastest thing in the game. Loki is tied for 3rd. With mods he's still up there.
Im kinda new so I dont know what that is but thanks for the advice
what relics are you looking for and why
At MR4 you get a massive shotgun. There is a rifle that shoots bullet projectiles and is decent for sweeping around but you have to lead shots. There is another rifle that does almost no base damage, but the Soma is a crit weapon so if you headshot with its insane accuracy and magazine you can hit top numbers.
All totally unique, and that's only a handful of the good ones at that level. The more unique guns require a higher level, which you get from playing with the other guns.
This isn't even getting to all of the warframes that you failed to even attempt to use.
Like I said, you never even tried to get into the game. It's boring because you didn't make anything, and because you hardly played. It snowballs and it gets more fun especially if you don't play it non-stop. I've only ever met people who got burned out from never playing other games, and people who failed to get into it like you because to be fair it can be kinda confusing, but you really make it seem like you didn't even make a decent attempt.
So don't call the game boring. You played it like a boring person, you used the shitty starter stuff and then left without making one of the hundreds of other weapons. You left before you got to any actually hard missions, before you got any actually interesting mods to build with, and you left before you got to any interesting bosses. Just don't be such a dumbass next time you play a game, at least make a weak attempt. Better than this cop out shit.
no, fuck you, plains of eidolon really feels like the last straw for me, they're never going to change and it's too profitable to burn down
ass too big
Meso S5 for the Saryn Prime Neuroptics Blueprint.
Last piece I need then I just need 2 more Nitain Extract
do you like tummies?
>implying de or leyou are savvy enough to even attempt shilling it here
beccaswetspot or fatfuck or ponyfucker might lurk and shitpost once in a while but I can't see more than that
her tummy is too flat
i have 15 relics and 3 of just the part itself. if you wanna drop your ign, you can have one
> Grinding and grinding to get your mastery rank up
> Not just grabbing your favorite frame and favorite weapon and letting off steam by running around killing niggers while doin dem parkours and bein a ninja wizard n shit
Warframe seems like it's more fun when you just stop giving a shit about grinding for shit like prime parts and all that gay stuff. I got plenty of parts, I got plenty of credits, I got all the shit I need.
>you're playing it wrong
>It gets good 100 hours in
I have 29 hours. If 29 hours isn't enough then what is? I have built new weapons. You keep assuming that I haven't changed my weapons already. I'm at Celes now with all nodes on the previous planets unlocked. I would have changed my frame but I can't find the mats until probably Jupiter or marketplace.
IGN is OuchStopIt
Would really appreciate it
Good fucking luck with those Chassis.
call me when they make focus not take literal, actual years to grind without lootcaving.
>caring about shit thats like a .5% DPS increase
Just post the part where Sup Forums made everyone mad. I didn't play when it was FOTM and only heard about it recently.
Nezha is my wife(male)!
because, I have all the mods in the game, I have all the mastery rank, and I have completed all the content. I am happy when I have build diversity, even if it's basic utility that focus provides. It's what kept me coming back to the game. But because there's no possible way you will reach your daily focus cap just doing random missions even back when it was 100,000 not 250,000, I'm stuck doing this shit. It's the same OCD you get when you don't have certain stances and certain mods.
And besides, it could be a 0.001% boost to damage for all I give a shit, no system in any game ever created should ever, EVER take as long to farm as focus does.
cute feet
I already have it I just need 2 Nitain Extract now
So I haven't since the second dream quest, have they given more backstory to shadow yet or explained why your frame moved on its own?
very likely the next quest
I've sold three sets for 70-85p over the last week.