best pokemon game judging by today's standards?
Best pokemon game judging by today's standards?
The best pokemon game is and will always be Gold/Silver. It was the culmination of the creator's designs and vision. It was an amazing adventure that truly took you away to experience this strange fantasy rural pokejapan. Everything that comes after is franchise, but GSC were pure art.
Plat would be if the region wasnt so boring. As far as HGSS goes sometimes less is more
I like a lot of them and Pokemon Blue was my first game I ever played but maybe BW2 and Platinum. The gen 3 games and HGSS are up there too, though Johto always came off a bit lopsided and with a weaker story to me due to the lack of a central villain and the low levels of the game even if it's not all that different overall than RBY.
I've enjoyed gen 6-7, but not in the way that I keep coming back to play after I've completed the main story.
>best dex
>best postgame
>best music
>best waifus
>any answer that isn't from Gen I
you forgot
>worst designs
I'm going to assume you're putting GSC/RBY together as Gen I right?
I'm playing through all of them I'm order and I started Gen 1 as a kid. You can't go wrong with 1-3 for classics but gold and silver is the best of the 3. Gonna go through 4-6 now.
You know as well as I do that GSC are Gen II
How the fuck you gonna sit there with a straight face and pretend that RBY are better than GSC? They are the compromised games. If they hadn't fucked up, the first games would have had 250 pokemon.
Thats why it adds lots of pokemon from older gens, also gen V designs are fine.
you faggots need to take those nostalgia glasses off. by today's standards (well, any day's standards if we're being completely honest), gsc has some pretty serious issues: the level curve is awful (big design no-no), the amount of content is lackluster (wow, I can travel to Kanto! too bad it's empty af and the only things to do there are 8 lackluster boss battles) and, of course, gen 2 lacks a lot of mechanichal improvements to the Pokémon formula (evs, 31 pts. ivs, phys/spec split etc.).
hgss mostly fixes these problems (kanto feels like a region but the level-curve is still a bit off), updates mechanics and adds more content with gym leaders/rival rematches, pokemon league rematch with new teams, battle frontier (copypasted from platinum but oh well), safari zone, following pokemon (great for immersion) and shit like the Giovanni/Celebi and Cynthia/Arceus subquests (accessible via event pokemon).
still I think hgss are second best in the series; bw2 take the crown. if you want to play pokemon at its absolute peak, play that.
Literally outdated tier, every aspect of it has been surpassed.
gen 1 is outdated if your plan is to have fun with mons.
speedruns are fine tho
>Today's standards
Pokemon GO
Dude, I'm not saying that the series hasn't mechanically progressed. You'd be an idiot to argue that BW2 isn't objectively a better RPG than Gold and Silver. However, I'm talking about art, not gameplay. Gold and Silver is the pinnacle of the pokemon experience. The music, art, and design create a perfect atmosphere that shifts with the adventure all throughout. It was lightning in a bottle. I love the whole pokemon series, but the magic of those games created the monster frachise of today. I'm saying that, if you want to experience what Pokemon really is, what it meant to the people who made it, you have to play G/S/C.
It wasn't that deep dude, it seems you have nostalgia blindness.
I dunno BW2 I guess in terms of meaningful content, USUM in terms of compatibility with games.
gen I games are boring as shit now.
Only if you're a nostalgiafag.
BW2 is objectively the best pokemon game
I never understood why people got so ass mad about the level curve being a little skewed.
what the fuck does "art, not gameplay" even mean. no wonder shit like undertale is regarded as "bst gaem evah" if people talk about games this way. what you refer as "the magic of those games", and I hate to break this to you, was just yet another 90s fad; I love the series, I grew up with the shit, and I think it's obviously more than a fad and actually a good concept/game/whatever (wouldn't have sticked with it if I thought otherwise), but people need to let go of their rose goggles and be objective about the fact there is no fucking reason to go back and play gsc today, if not for nostalgia.
because the level curve is one of the things that make or break a pokemon game.
also, the fact that the level curve is fucked in gsc specifically is important. you have to grind like a madman and the random encounter variety in johto is straight liquid ass, making it really boring to play the game past a certain point.
What did they mean by this?
The level curve pretty much determines how fun the gameplay is, if its too high that its difficult than it isn't enjoyable, if its too low than the game becomes a cakewalk which poses no challenge, gen 2 is the furthest from the sweet spot than all of the other gens (sometimes it switches between too easy to too difficult because people get lazy when they are higher levels than the trainers but then the game jumps and they aren't prepared which isn't good design and it happens multiple times), which automatically affects enjoyment.
What did they mean by this?
BW2 gets a lot of praise
>people get lazy when they are higher levels than the trainers but then the game jumps and they aren't prepared which isn't good design
Crasher Wake's Gyarados, I'm looking at you.
I think Platinum, Black2/White2, and HG/SS are all potential contenders for the best games with the overall best of the three depending on personal taste
Pedophile pandering
Not Diamond & Pearl
Just Platinum
Anything else is wrong
I unironically think emerald is the best game. Only thing it's missing is the physical/special split. Platinum is my 2nd
may be nostalgia but Platinum version will always be my favorite. at the time it was my first pokemon game and it blew my cock off.
Fire red comes at a close second tho.
fuck now i want to play some pokemon.
is the 2ds worth it?
It sure is
The new 2ds is about $120 and its built a decent library of games throughout its long life span
Only issue is finding deals on the games
Since nintendo are nippon jews
2DS is like $80 dude, that's an entire system for the price of a single switch game.
It's worth it for more than Pokemon, the system has a good library and you should give it a look, hell if you're ok with piracy, it's easy as hell to pirate, just ask /hbg/.
BW and Platinum are closely tied.
Platinum has better exploration and music by far while BW is just really good quality and has the best story and postgame.
They're both difficult on their own terms if you don't go out of your way to grind and get top tier mons.
GSC autists need to get their facts checked and actually play the games themselves. They might have the best music and be comfy as fuck but they don't hold their own as individual games unless you consider hacks as well.
Only reason grown men still watch/play Pokemon.
there are always garage sales and flea markets where i find cheap and mostly shitty games.
gonna look into getting the loaf of bread looking thing used just so i can play some pokee man's and other comfy games for a road trip and such since im too broke for a switch.
speaking of, the latest pokemon movie was horrible, is cringier than watching pokemon the first movie
Platinum and Heart Gold/Soul Silver are still the best overall. Not perfect, but they do the least wrong.
>muh mature games for matur gamers
There's literally no reason to play Pokemon when SMT exists.
BW2 is untouched in terms of quality.
It also performed relatively poorly in sales, which is why it was the last game Gamefreak put any effort into.
sad to know that the game they put so much effort into had the poorest sale, no wonder everything after that has sucked so much
Platinum if you want the most solid in-game balance, HGSS or B2W2 if you want sheer single player "content", ORAS if you want the most well-rounded multiplayer functions, USUM if you actually wanna get into multiplayer seriously.
It really warmed my heart to see Bianca a second time with a new design and some character development.
What would Akko's team be?