What do you think of this, Sup Forums ?
What do you think of this, Sup Forums ?
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Absolute bullshit.
If your game involved grinding for anything then your game sucks.
Its not that I dont disagree but its hard to take what Randy says seriously.
I think it will be delicious to save these tweets and have them ready for when Borderlands 3 comes out and it has microtransactions in them.
do take 2 own Borderlands or is it retained by gearbox? If they own it they may be looking for a new publisher for BL3
>believing a fucking word Randy says especially about being principled
I think twitter screencap threads should be a bannable offense
i agree with him
If he's "our guy" it's just because he's grasping at straws to try and make battleborn popular, not because he actually believes what he's saying. If battleborn had overwatch's success it'd be monetized in the same way, if not worse and more blatantly
honestly his aversion to making battleborn f2p is kind of admirable in a way, in today's world of half-finished f2p crap. It was a bad decision because it screwed the community (his actual paying customers) but at least the guy isn't 100% sellout.
I think that I have reported this thread for being not video games
Did he somehow forget about the hundreds of DLCs for Borderlands 2?
You're missing parts of that, wonder why?
badass totally buying lawbreakers now!!
>/threading his own post
Jesus Christ, Randy
So wait, does Randy lurk here then or is at least aware of Sup Forums?
>tfw Randy was "our" guy all along.
Gearbox games are monetization schemes in and of themselves
Fuck off Randy
Take Two own Gearbox, champ.
That he's full of shit because his publisher 2k just said that every game going forward from them is going to be heavy on microtransactions and he's not going to get a new publisher
He wants to know who owns the IP rights. If it's Gearbox directly, then they could retain it after a split from Take Two.
Like Hitman and Squenix
This, also:
>needing 12 fucking twitter posts to say what you want to say even after you now get 280 characters per tweet
So this confirms it. Randy is /ourguy/?
Randy is the hero we need yet we don't deserve
Why would I even bother readying any of that when he's been repeatedly proven to be a compulsive liar, so it's most likely bullshit anyway?
bullshit. We have Gearbox to blame for the concept of a Season Pass and BL2 had $100+ easy in skins.
whats up randy *dabs*
Then what the fuck was the golden keys on BL2
Niot gonna lie: That's a pretty BADASS opinion!
Just wish his games weren't shit.
I'll have to agree with him 100%.
Temporary buffs in f2p games are the most cancerous form of monetization.
DLC might be a shitty practice the same as deluxe editions and shit, but it's still permanent content you get.
He has some sort of common sense left in him.
Yep, he is smarter than he leads on to be. Also doesn't like bigots which is pretty cool.
We all have 280 characters now and this fucker still needs 12 tweets to say his dumbass opinion.
Weren't golden chest keys sold for money as well? You could literally buy OP gear for your level on-demand.
Stopped reading the first tweet after he called himself an artist and creator. Also why does this site lose its mind over reddit but twitter which to me is just as cancerous constantly gets caps of it posted here and threads usually reach bump limit? Fuck everything.
>a randy post broken up in a dozen tweets
I'm not reading this mess. Randy is a two faced coward who will say anything to try and look 'hip'
Broken clock is right twice a day etc etc
But those are items your character unlocks for ever. As much as I hate the guy, he has a point there.
because e-celebs use twitter and rarely use reddit?
randy's son and wife
>/threading your own post
Randy come the fuck on, even when I agree with you I fucking hate your ass.
Because twitter is the biggest, most ubiquitous communication tool in the modern world, moron.
okay and?
jealous that your pops wasn't around and your mother was fucking blacks?
I dunno, man. Bold words. Borderlands doesn't really play by the rules when you think about their releases to games similar to them at their time. They're different. DLC is a full expansion. Their season pass includes literally everything, characters and cosmetics included. Borderlands has always had microtransactions, but not the same way the big companies do. I legitimately doubt there will be lootboxes. But you never know.
This is rich coming from the guy who literally tricked people with Aliens Colonial Marine by pulling a bait and switch. Kettle, black etc.
This site just needs to fucking die already
fuck off randy
His point is shit. Permanent buffs for money are as P2W as temporary ones. You're still paying to win.
Fuckin' kek.
I know this poster is Randy because this is the biggest lie ever. I had to buy mechromancer and psycho and had zero cosmetics from my season pass.
Even Civ and XCOM? F u c k
>Randu Pitchford
Greatest joke ever made.
Randy that's kinda racist don't you think...? Might have to talk to PR about this.
>Sup Forums invented /thread
Underage go and stay go.
FUCK Randy Pitchford, what a piece of shit of the worst kind. He's always like this. He's going to fool you all with Le Consumer Bro talk, then fuck you blind with his shit games, predatory practices and unadultered lies.
He's just using yet another industry drama to market himself.
Every game
Do they do this on GAF?
Do they do this on Reddit?
Please tell me he's not on here.
Well, that's not gonna happen, dude.
what do you think of it?
>either randy or someone who is taking the bait to the next level
wtf i love lootboxes now
I don't expect anyone to actually be taken in by this bait, but it's still nice to have a visual representation. Behold; What the BL2 Season Pass covers, VS what it does not.
nice projection
Remember that time he made up an elaborate story about how he won the name Gearbox from Gabe Newell? Good times.