Height sliders

>height sliders

there's no such thing as a womanlet


Why did this need to be a webm? Or even a thread at all?

Taller woman is peeking at her boobs.

I bet Alicia could take dibecki in a fight.

>3 stacked burgers in a dog bowl

But why

>left girl will never spread her pusy in front of you

the sexual tension between these two is astronomical.

The one on the left seems to want to do questionable things to that short girl

>height slider
>can't tell what the average height of characters are until you are in the game
>can't change it in game
>either end up super huge or manlet
I just wanted to be slightly taller than average.


you are eating bean burgers, fuck logic.

What boobs?

can't gauge if she's checking her out or just passionately listening

This, they should tell you the actual height in numbers.

>tfw no dhalsim gf

Just assume one notch away from max in the goto race is the average in MMOs, rarely fails

Those aren't burgers, son.

Why do veggiecultists always do this? They can't eat meat so they will concoct some fucked up meat-look-a-like thing that tastes nothing like meat. Do your own thing and don't ape us real humans, you fucking mindless slaves.

>thread about how people aren't all the same height
wow, both interesting AND video games


fuckin pedo.

giv her the gas

I dunno who that tall girl is but she's really pretty.

Debicki is gorgeous and I'm sad I'll never have a tall gf like her.

>hate sliders

What's it like being short and talking to talk people in close proximity. Do you guys even have an opinion on it or is it just a thing that happens?

Everytime I see something like this, I realize I have had very few interactions with people taller than me by any more than an inch or two. I talked to a 7 ft guy one time and that was really weird. I don't actually know what that's like to do that all the time.

>Trying to animate sitting at a table eating, when literally everyone's a slightly different height.


Sega didn't give any fucks

I think Sup Forums's manlet memes have made me more concious of it but it never really bothered me before nor did I give it much though. At one point I guessed someone's height was 5'10 when it was actually 6'2 and they got really offended. Pretty funny.

Hard to determine if she's pretty since she doesn't look at the camera

Is it okay for tall guys to date short women or should they find a tall gf so they wouldn't look weird?

It's perfectly normal to date either as a tall guy.

Whom'dstv the girl on the left?

At worst it made me double take muh steel boots and ponder whether people thought I was overcompensating (they're just the GOAT mix of comfort and sturdiness), this as a guy that finds the manlet meme rather funny aand continues to propagate it. End of the day, it doesn't matter

Elizabeth Debicki


That’s not a dog bowl


Must breed with for superior height genes.

>ywn get a whiff of her armpits due to her height
why even live


Does she not wear long hair often? I'm starting to worry she might be gay and waste those genes

She looks better with short hair.

Is she the chick from Guardians 2?


I want her to cosplay and step on me.

>you fucking mindless slaves.
Says the dietary exclusionist.

>tfw no tall gf

I didn't like her look in GotG2 but she looks amazing IRL

>mfw the chick on the right is the new Lora Croft

>thinking 'that other girl must be super short'
>Debicki is actually just 6' 2", 1.88m
Jesus Christ

I know, would unironically worship

>be male highlander in ffxiv
>tower above the potatoes, cats, women
>though shorter than the raidens, orcs and giraffes, look proportionate compared to them
Truly the master race if only the eyebrows didn't need to be painted on

Well she's 8cm taller than my gf. Wow.

How do I get a tall gf?

>standing cunnilingus



Be an attractive male
Find a tall woman
Present your attractive features to her
You think Jon got in on that Tarth pussy?

Don't even bother unless you're tall yourself.

Fucking Dragon's Dogma. It tricked me with the height as well as the posture. My character looked like a Neanderthal for like half the game.


Being good at video games is an attractive feature, right?
Where did you find this video of me?

>all women with short hair are dykes
By that logic most grandmas are lesbian.

Stop watching anime, for one.

>Manly Tears walking with a child

short women are best women they are so cute

jesus christ is Kit really that short? looked up his height and he's the same as me listed, really fires up the insecurities

this has to be photoshopped

Yeah he's like 5'5 but Cristie is also really tall too.

this is why you should always make the smallest female because they are cute

>wat are heels

Cute women are cute.
Kit is ridiculously short and Gwen is ridiculously tall.

tfwn tall aryan wife to balance out manlet genes

Wonder what the sex is like.

im not saying shes not cute but you wont catch her climbing the counter to get things off the top shelf

Don't do this to me

More like Jon Snu Snu.

Reminds me of Avatar


Just statistically finding a tall woman at all in any capacity is nearly impossible, so you're basically shit-out-of-luck

no of course not
the husband doesn't always die first after all

>wanting your kids to be taller than you


Unless they're really tall, like over 6'5" it doesn't feel any different than talking to an average height or other short person.

>short hair
All of my yes.

If that has to be done to change it to a world of tall people.

britbong is 6ft

Like slenderman mounting you and fucking you with his ghoul pussy

>Haha this is a girl?
>Haha she's so small!
>Like WTF she doesn't even have tits!
>She has a fucking man body...
That's what's going through her head, that's why she's trying her best not to burst out laughing. She has to interview this "female" abomination and act like she's a qt princess, when her boyfriend has more curves then her.

It's funny because Debicki is the real freakshow here. Human beings aren't that tall.

>not wanting to do everything you can to make your kids a stronger, smarter, better version of yourself.

You sound like the type that hopes others fail to feel better about your own disgusting mess of a failed life.

In dragon's dogma manlet characters have more advantages


She’s just 6’3 lol.

Guardians Vol 2 was a fun movie, second half especially, not as iconic, originally or as well-paced as the first but it made up for it with a much better villain.

The fucking Drax and Mantis scene where they talk about their respective pasts will always be one of my favourite emotional scene in the MCU.

t. lanklet

Am I the only one who thinks the new Lara Croft is hotter?

Not if you wanted to have a carrying capacity worth a shit.

When will they ever learn?

Any webms of tall women?