>game gets a 10/10 review
>"it's not perfect..."
Game gets a 10/10 review
maybe it's actually a 9.96 rounded up
It's impossible for a game to be perfect. If the requirement to have a 10/10 is for it to be perfect, then there's no point whatsoever in such a rating existing to begin with, which is stupid. You're stupid. Fuck you.
get your meme frog man off of my board, shitkid
No you're fucking stupid.
Eat shit you underage fucking scum. 10/10 IS perfect, just because it 10 is on the scale doesnt mean it has to be fucking achievable.
People shouldn't dole out perfect scores if it doesnt live up to perfection's standards.
Get educated my child.
10/10 means masterpiece not perfect
>just because it 10 is on the scale doesnt mean it has to be fucking achievable.
yes it does retard
There can always be improvements. It’s like when your good teachers give you an A on essays or projects but still pointed out areas that you can improve on.
Getting the highest score means the game achieves its goal, a recent example being BotW. The player is given absolute freedom after the plateau tutorial and can go beat the game immediately if they wish. BotW has shortcomings, but they don’t overshadow the experience or nah at the player.
No it fucking doesn't you fucking idiot
I agree with your overall point, but the game you show as an example is really poor and hurts your case. BOTW is a 7/10 at best and has the same problems the average open world game does.
>achieves its goal
even if it aims really low?
A thread died for this stupid bullshit you dumb frogposter
It's like a 10/10 doesn't mean it's perfect or something, right?
It's almost as if a numerical score is just a reductionism to an ultimately subjective opinion that should be considered such, despite the manner it's presented.
But no, of course not! This system is clearly different and inferior to an opinionated piece where a reviewer comes up with a reccomendation to get it or skip it.
That would be tottaly fine, as long as you don't attach a number next to it.
I just made a thread about this , but whatever, I'll say it here too.
1 to 100 and 1 to 10 are stupid scoring systems. 1 to 5 is the only thing that makes sense. Having no score system whatsoever is even better.
Rating subjective things (pretty much all art) with numbers is stupid to begin with.
No it doesn't moron.
Maybe it will be achievable one day. So it exists on the scale. For the hypothetical scenario where absolute perfection is created.
Shitty magazines and "journalists" just throw 10s around to generate hype for retards like yourself.
So feel free to kill yourself any day, lad. Having one less entitled faggot on it could do the world some good.
>car gets 5/5 stars
>nobody complains it's not perfect
>movie gets 5/5 stars
>nobody complains it's not perfect
>song gets 5/5 stars
>nobody complains it's not perfect
>HDD gets 5/5 stars
>nobody complains it's not perfect
>game gets 5/5 stars
>Maybe it will be achievable one day
That's fucking stupid. Then near perfection might be achievable one day too, which means that you can't go around giving 9/10s either. You have to give 5/10s at most for the theoretical perfection and higher level of quality that one day appear in the industry. You moron. You stupid faggot, you. You god damn shit-eater. I fucking hate you. Games are being rated based on what we have today, not on some stupid what-if scenario you conjured up.
>car gets 10/10
>this is fine
>pizza gets 10/10
>this is fine
>assignment gets 10/10
>this is fine
>game gets 10/10
Man i really took your bait and wanted to fight but you are so unbelievably stupid that i don't even care to argue. Later gay boy
I'm agreeing with you.
I’d argue otherwise. The whole game is designed around choosing your own path, which is why there are so many shrines and koroks scattered around, they are placed there so regardless of where the player goes, they will find the resources needed for upgrades. You aren’t necessarily meant to get them all, which is why the korok seeds stop upgrading your gear slots after a while and your reward is a golden poo. Unlike other games where your goal is to clear all the outposts and liberate the map completely.
Other open world games are almost always story first, and the open world to compliment that. BotW is gameplay first, and its open world is designed to compliment that. However, this means that it’s story is very held back, told only in flashbacks and in a non-linear way. It also means future open world games won’t adopt this non-linear design because they would be sacrificing the story elements they are often praised for.
Some games fail at even that.
The majority of people that discuss games on the internet are children and manchildren.
>The whole game is designed around choosing your own path
Which are all equally unrewarding and boring in an overall empty map.
>Which are all equally unrewarding and boring in an overall empty map.
In your opinion, and you're alone in thinking this
Human can't make something perfect idiot
>In your opinion
The only one that matters. Gotta look out for number 1.
>and you're alone in thinking this
No, I'm not, and this wouldn't be a good argument even if I were.
fucking frogposter
What does a 6/5 score imply?
I could of sworn this wasn't the youtube comment section
>No, I'm not
Yes you are.
Ocarina of Time was a 10 but it still had some issues.
How are they unrewarding? Some paths are clearly tougher than others, like Gerudo Desert or Death Mountain
You're trying to apply an objective standard to a subjective opinion.
You're a retard
fifth post best post
>if games has 10/10 it means its perfect
>"i absolutely adore this, it's perfect"
This is why giving any game a 10 is fucking retarded. 10 should be a non-existent perfect game, and every other number should be a measure of how close the game comes to perfection. For example, if you think Ocarina of Time is a "10", it should really be a "9.9", because no matter what, no game will ever be perfect. This is the only logical system and anyone who says otherwise is retarded.
You're stupid. Giving games a 10 isn't retarded, what's retarded is treating a 10 as perfection.
nobody will ever take your opinion seriously
Real retardation is giving average games a 8/10 instead of a 5/10.
>4 stars... OUT OF 4
Kill yourself.
10/10 means masterpiece, not perfect
>6 out of 5
>it's in the middle of the scale, therefore it means average
That's not what average means you stupid fucking cretin.
This, only Allah is perfect
>They still care about scores
You know scores are meaningless and dont accurately reflect quality right? Reviewers just slap scores on the end cause they know retards overvalue them.
>If the requirement to have a 10/10 is for it to be perfect, then there's no point whatsoever in such a rating existing to begin with
10/10 serves as a reference point.
No, it serves as the maximum achievable score you can get.
>have had assignments 100/1000
>people still struggle to hit 50
Why do some of you not understand rounding? If they only do full points, then a 9.5+ is a 10. If they do half points, then a 9.75+ is a 10.
It's obvious.
>my opinion is more valuable than professional reviewers
A reference to what? How are you supposed to use something that doesn't exist as a reference?
This is why I prefer reviews that don't give scores and just give suggestions
>Give it a pass
>Rent it
>Wait for a sale
>If you're a fan of [Insert IP] you won't be disappointed with a full price purchase
I like the way you think.
>you're stupid
>no you're stupid
This is too fucking funny. You're actually children.
Fresh off the boat, redditman?
Ratings are subjective to begin with, meaning someone who gives a 10/10 personally thinks it's perfect, i.e. they have no problem with what others might consider to be flaws, so it is flawless to them. For someone to give a 10/10 then acknowledge it isn't perfect is straight up retarded and wrong. You're wrong.
>meaning someone who gives a 10/10 personally thinks it's perfect, i.e. they have no problem with what others might consider to be flaws, so it is flawless to them
Only brainlets don't have criticisms to their favorite games.
That's besides the point.
No, it isn't. If 10/10 means you think a game is basically flawless, then it means that the 10/10 rating can only be used by morons, and I don't agree with that notion.
And you're an autist.
Why, because that would make you a moron? From your posts that wouldn't be inaccurate.
The game is not LITERALLY perfect, a 10/10 means it fits all the points in the reviewer's criteria for the review.
Most 'reviewers' just make the score up on the spot though.
10/10 doesn't mean perfect and has never meant perfect.
Making a game isn't like writing a book report. There's no rubric or criteria for a "flawless" game to compare against.
If you look for flaws in literally anything, you will find them. Even in 10/10 games.
Then you'd need an actual 10/10 game to compare every game against.
Reviewing art is not the same thing as grading an algebra test. In the algebra test, there are only right or wrong answers. In art, there is no such thing as objectively right or objectively wrong. It makes no sense to look at the score for a game or movie like you would a test, where a 100 means you did nothing wrong. Treating a 10/10 as a perfect score, never to be doled out, only encourages this misguided mindset where a game starts at a perfect score and you deduct points for flaws. That's not how it should work.
So what about 0/10?
How often do you see those doled out.
is there a video game that no one hates?
>a 10/10 should never be achievable because my autism won't allow me to let an absolute be met with anything else than an absolute
>How are you supposed to use something that doesn't exist as a reference?
did you never had math in school? Never had to calculate the limit of something or just straight up use infinity symbols in formulas?
a function doesn't exist in a point where you have to divide by zero, yet all adjacent points are situated towards it
No but I like things so they deserve a 10/10.
You're wrong because I say so, please ignore that I will not give a logical reason that you are wrong.
Is there such a thing as a perfect game Sup Forums?
Chrono Trigger.
10/10 means it's enjoyable enough to ignore its minor flaws
It's literally impossible for something to be perfect. It's just easy to express an opinion with a number based system. Ten doesn't represent some kind of divine and infallible thing.