What's your favourite character design from a dead MOBA?

What's your favourite character design from a dead MOBA?

Contenders can include:

Infinite Crisis
Arena of Fate
Heroes of Newerth
Rise of Immortals
Dead Island Epidemic
Magicka Wizard Wars
Supernova - Bandai Namcos attempt of getting into the moba genre. Moba with RTS elements.
Heroes of Newearth

Other urls found in this thread:


This dude was a badass, miss dawmgate

>Heroes of Newerth

God I miss Savage, even though they could never balance it properly and humans were almost always ridiculously overpowered.

my boy rook

>a giant castle that moves slowly

Explain this.

did gigantic died already? wasnt it like a win10 only moba?

It finally came on steam but that first year exclusivity deal was the nail in the coffin. It's a shame too because the team actually cared for the project but it was mismanaged.


you just posted him nigga

shame what happened, I really liked Cerulean and Freia

You forgot battleborn. Wasnt there also one that had a fuckload of advertising on flash game sites and a graffiti/punk aesthetic, with a single word plural title? I cant seem to find it but i remember liking those designs but the game looked like shit

Without a doubt Arcane Supergirl. As a comic book nerd I loved the fact that they delved into the Infinite Crisis mythos.

Along with Dawngate and Strife they were all solid MOBAs with new and interesting mechanics.

If Dawngate had the baking of EA it could have been big and successful especially.


Heroes of Newerth pre-silhouette had some good shit. While it's a shame we'll never play Puppet Master in DotA, at least they made Clockwerk's cogs circular like Pharaoh

isnt awesomenauts still going though?

Still kinda dead by MOBA standards though.

>this died
why are we here?

what the hell is this guy from, he looks 10/10

>another girl with a mohawk


I liked Ramsay a lot.

Are you retarded?

Design hell as well as common misconceptions. I also personally think the fact there's no waifus played a part.

Demigod didn't deserve to die in obscurity.

thats a qt goblin so it's totally fine good porn came out of her, pun intended

i liked hellskitchen too

red rubick

Uncle Pedo is GOAT

*grappling hooks u*
*makes your healer useless*

Picked up Strife and played three games as this cheeky fucker, won them all and then promptly retired from the game. I feel like once you've played one MOBA you've basically played them all.

clearly, since 'demigod' was quoted but op's post was not demigod

oh fuck, i am retarded

Gigantic is not dead but thanks to perfect world it will be soon

God I miss Dawngate

more like gonegate, am i right?

Battleborn had great designs. Fight me

Needs one less belt.

god i will miss her

more like Deadgate

I wish I could play this


>a battleborn character that isn't over-designed

I'll be damned

Oh what i would give just to play dawngate again

literally the only good character in BB was benedict

And now my actual favourite. I liked how battleborn designs went just an archetype with one thing changed like overwatch. Battleborn combined several things or tried new things completely in their character design. I respect that. People on v of course only want characters to be as plain and generic as possible.

Literally the most generic and uninspired design but that's what I'd expect someone on v to like

I'd like ISIC if he wasn't so fucking annoying.

They should have advertised these characters instead of the tumblr uggos

I love Gigantic, and I'll be playing it until it dies assuming it does instead of going into dev hell.
But I'd deal with LoL being three times as popular and Gigantic never existing if it meant Dawngate would come back to stay.

no u

I do agree though, the character designs are cool, I even like the guy with the tiny head

There are actually three (3) projects being worked on that are 'spiritual successors' to Dawngate, at the moment

Aether Forged, a brand new game in the same MOBA style
Shrine of Imanna, a private server/remake that uses the original Dawngate assets
Shardbound, a tactical CCG

REALLY BIG is dead?

But they did. You wouldn't see them on Sup Forums though because we actively decided this game should fail and just reinforced that thought.

well, no, but the company that made HUGE is, so it's most likely gonna die, I did like th /vg/ thread, the little while that it did last that is

You mean her bro

That's too bad, it was the only MOBA I actually liked.

Gnaw and Skolldir were my favorites, mostly for their killing spree music.


This is actually pretty rad

I played it on the boner like a month ago, and it was one of the most barebones mobas i've ever played. Not surprised its dead.

Rest in benis, it got me making OC again for a little while.

Shardbound is not like dawngate in the slightest?

The art of demigod didn’t deserve to be wasted on a shit game you mean

You're right, I only included it because as far as I'm aware there is some overlap between the teams that worked on each game

the art that came from /vg/ was underated as fuck, I got a folder full of it

Why not include Monday Night Combat? It was way better than SMNC.

This character didn't deserve to be trapped in Battleborn, it's actually really cool.

It wasn't a bad game at all though. It had a lot of great features, especially in making the creep more than just waddling exp potions. And the capture the point gameplay was later ripped off by LoL.

I was posting fang

also i guess tyto really does have a snatch, didnt realize it was a female owl


axe from dota 2

also, something literally no one ever talks about tyto only has one arm

oh look a false flagging subhuman gaftard

EA shitting all over Mass Effect after I fell in love with the first game was a lot, but shutting down Waystone so unfairly made me try and personally boycott EA.
I know it's not doing a single thing to them in the grand scheme of things, but it feels a bit better every time I avoid supporting them when I otherwise would have.

Moya and Mina were who I fell in love with in that game. The fact that they had lore read BY the characters on youtube gave each character so much more personality. I don't give a fuck about League's novel-long lores for new characters no one cares. I want the characters themselves telling me their story.



So what exactly is wrong with Battleborn? I haven't played it but the character designs and gameplay actually look good from what I've seen after this thread. What did I miss?

>so it's most likely gonna die
Perfect World has it now.
It'll most likely just live on in perpetual dev hell with very little in the way of actual updates after they push out whatever Motiga was working on.

What happened to S2? I played the new savage reboot and it was so bad. It was like it was made by someone who had never made a have before.


>The fact that they had lore read BY the characters on youtube gave each character so much more personality
It was in-game too.
I actually put aside an hour or two to listen through the VA'ed lore bits for all the characters.
The world building for that game was goddamn masterful and it's a crime that they got axed in spite of it.

Some of the gunplay is a bit weak and it takes a few games to get the flow of it. Most people here didn't play past the tutorial but really it's a pretty good game that was shat on by blizzard fanboys and people who just love a good hate train.

>Wizard Wars
Why did you remind me

I actually got to play a bit
I was more interested in the PvE aspect to it, but I did play the PvP
there were things I hated about the game, like how it took AGES to kill someone, no matter who it was it felt like they were a tank.
I couldnt tell what the fuck was going on as well, the art direction for that game gave me a headache.
it could have legitimately been alright if they changed some things, but I guess they didnt, and now we get to laugh at it

does he only have one arm? that's cool

rook was cool to the point where it killed the game for me.
when I saw him I got so fucking hyper but seeing the other characters was beyond underwhelming and I lost all interest. I don't remember what a single one looked like

Now this is the one that triggers me
>female armor that covers head to toe while still retaining some feminine traits will always be perfection
>the armor itself looks great, even if she's wearing a mando helmet.
>her voicelines shows she's only overly dramatic which is a fucking miracle in a game where everyone is quirky and BADASS
Why couldn't she be in paladins or overmeme? It's not fair

t. Randy

Fucking hell.
Watching these again is great, but also killing me.
I miss it so much.

Kinessa has something simlar but not fully armored, and Nando has the gunam skin that's kind of like that.

>design is literally dota 2 zeus

but how does that remotely look like mario(moustache notwithstanding)

Basically everyone that got reworked in LoL
Fuck Riot

>implying there was anything original about Dota 2 Zeus except for the fact that he was a midget

>implying an unoriginal design can't still be blatantly ripped off

>implying dota's zeus isn't the ripoff and the other guy isn't just a man with a sexy moustache

>implying renzo came out before zeus

I liked strife. It seems that they didn't update the game between seasons.

Her game was shit but this character was cute

Developers are SJW cock suckers. You'd be supporting shit developers if you played it.

For all you guys who (somehow) really liked Dawngate, you are aware a 1 to 1 remake of the game is in the works, right? I don't know how much traction it'll get, but it's a thing. twitter.com/ShrineOfImanna

>Moba with RTS elements.
It literally wasn't in any shape or form

Was just looking at it after getting disheartened about the 8 months of no uploads to their youtube channel.
Apparently they're gonna be throwing up some updates on what they've added recently next week on their sub, so I'm cautiously optimistic about the project not being dead.

The worst part though is that they're banking on getting a limited license to continue working on the game into the future based on what happened to the IP for the game Battle Forge.
Basically this is their plan. youtube.com/watch?v=sFZ6_AMjxf8

So even if they do manage to get the game looking similar, or even identical, to the original Dawngate it'll be up to EA once again whether or not it gets a second chance at life.
I'm not looking forward to having EA ruin my favorite competitive multiplayer game of all time again, but if the risk pays off then we'll be getting something a lot more faithful to the game's original identity than a fan bootleg that has a lot more ground to cover on their own.
My dream outcome would be for their plan to work, and then have them hire the original devs from what's now Spiritwalk Games in some fashion to help them work on the game again.

>only MOBA I like dies
>had the best/most unique character design and art style of any of them
>no stupid click to move shit
>had a z-axis and heroes that took advantage of it giving most of them good movement options
>creature loadouts added a layer of depth to the typical tower/objective format
>cosmetics that never strayed too far away from the characters base silhouettes and wasn't wacky meme shit like LoL and SMITE
>fun as all hell
>stifled by a stupid deal struck with Microsoft, on top of partnering up with a notorious Chinamen-based company, ON TOP OF never optimizing the game to be played with less than 6gb, gating BRs and other toaster players from playing the game

it's not fucking fair Sup Forums I stuck with this thing since 2015 and it had so much fucking potential. This was gonna be the next big thing but so much dumbass bullshit went against it. I've been rooting for Motiga for so long now, that announcement a few weeks ago was heartbreaking.