Is this game worth picking up? I've been looking for an MMO to pick up, but I've got a question...

Is this game worth picking up? I've been looking for an MMO to pick up, but I've got a question. How is gear actually obtained? I was looking on the wiki and it just looks like you craft everything. Obviously this isn't how you get the best gear, right? How does the game compare to something like Runescape or WoW?

Nonetheless, the artists for this game are fucking amazing. All the concept art looks absolutely amazing and I applaud whoever did that art.

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The concept art and prelease hype was all the game had going for it.

we could have had another 3 GW expansions but instead we got this

I suppose it's alright for leveling a couple of characters and shoving your big wubwub flame ram in tarnished coast' gates
The story and its characters is a shitshow worth witnessing once if you enjoy the "so bad it becomes still shit" trope

I wish I could forget the core game even exists. Even when you buy the expansions, they force you to go through it.

Core game is infinitely more bearable than the shitshow that is HoT
>lel guys look at these gorgeous multi-layered maps, it's absolutely impossible to navigate in there without a map but it's soooo pretty xD lol btw sylvaris are still centric to the story ^^ l8a t8a!

How do I get ascended gear? Is it possible as a solo player? I haven't played in 4 years and I'm lost as fuck

>tfw balthazar is my favorite gw god
>tfw anet forces you to kill him
why, just why?

I think the armor is locked behind group raids.

>skills tied to weapons
>no multi classing
>Somehow this is still called Guild Wars

guild wars 2 might be shit and I might not have touched it in like 7 years but I still think the Super Adventure Box was one of the neatest events an mmo has ever had.

The FFXIV "Cheap Dungeon" was kinda neat too

I stopped for a while myself but I'm pretty sure you can craft the weapons yourself
it's simply tedious because you have to craft special time-gated resources so it will take you a while to do even if you already have all the basic components, but it isn't hard at all
There might be better way to acquire ascended shit now though, with all the content and the modification of pvp rewards they did a while ago, I just haven't dipped in it long enough to know everything yet

I was really into GW2 when it came out, stopped for nearly 5 years, got back in recently... and quit recently.

Even with PoF, endgame still once again remains Fashion Wars and grinding for Legendaries. There's zero depth, and the Mount License fiasco just proved that.

You'd think "End Game" would be defined by raids and challenge fractals... But no, there's no legit reward for doing those. Just grind and grind until you hit the timegate, and then do the same on another character (or if you're one of THOSE people, another account). This game does not reward skill in any way, and when it does, its bogged with terrible balancing issues (PVP used to be fun! FUN!)

Game is on suicide alert. The only people willing to spend money now it seems are people who have been playing the game since day 1. I don't know who the fuck is calling the shots, but they seem to believe that if something has existed for more than 1 month then its perfect. There's so much buggy shit left behind that will never get fixed because its old content.

it was the best, it's a shame they didn't finish it.

Legendary armor is not ascended.

So you got got three types of ascended gear, armor, weapons & trinkets. You got tickets from the living world maps. You craft weapons. You get the armor from fractals or raids or pvp.

The main way to get ascended weapons and armor is to either craft it, get lucky in Fractals, and find/buy from raids.

Trinkets are another story. You can get Rings easily from random shit. Amulets and Accessories are either from Laurels or S3 maps.

Back pieces are gotten from random things, usually objective or achievement based. Lots of ways to get them, but they're not all easy to get.

There's a few ways to get ascended loot from achievements. Some are near impossible and aren't worthwhile at all, while others are easy.

The easiest one is the HoT post-story mission, but you're restricted to getting one of 5 types of ascended weapons. They're popular weapon types at least.

>thinking about getting PoF to get back with still-kicking WvW guild
>see mount license bullshit
wew lad there really isn't a bottom for them to hit in their descent through microtransaction hell
I think at this point, giving arenanet your shekels qualifies as cuckoldry

>mount license bullshit

I can literally not understand the amount of autistic screeching this has had.

You and every other idiot are complaining about optional cosmetic content in a xpac where they charged like 30 bucks for about as much content as HoT with more armor skins, mounts and inevitably more free content from LS4.

Not worth picking up. The original was significantly better

Let me give the definitive answer on GW2. I have played it for 1000 + hours. I've leveled and geared 4 of the games classes. I have completed nearly all the raid bosses. I've completed the story three times and done map completion twice.

This game is shit.

It really does nothing special or cool. The mounts are nice and some of the art design is great. Everything else in the game is worst than most other MMOs out there. The game had lots of potential but has fucked it up. The story is cringe. The combat is easy. Gear a character is time consuming and boring. The events hearts needed for map completion are dull. PVP is unbalanced. The raids are well designed but there are two few of them and the rewards aren't great. I only play this game because I have a strong community of people I regularly play with. I really think GW2 isn't long for this world. I'm waiting for something better to come along, and then I'll be leaving and never looking back.

Ascended weapons and armor can be crafted, they're the highest tier in stats. The next tier is legendary but they aren't better thatln ascended in statwise, they just look fancy and allow you to swap stats for free. Ascended gear boxes that allow you to pick one piece also drop from various content so you technically don't need to craft but that's unreliable. Ascended trinkets like rings and such need to be bought with special in game currencies.

It's not bullshit that it costs gems, it's bullshit that it's RNG and you can't choose what you buy.

the endgame is cosmetics and you have to pay real money for all the good ones


it's like high end crafting in WoW where you need specific things from specific places so effectively you have to tour the content to earn them. but ultimately you do craft the items

Is the first one worth picking up? I fear they might shut down the servers sometime soon


GW1 servers are on GW2 servers and take minimal upkeep so it'll probably stay alive until GW2 dies.

The endgame is raids, fracs, pvp, wvw and etc.

Cosmetics are the reward/recognition for completing them.

Seems like you and all these plebs took the fashion wars joke at face value.

Can someone explain to me how mounts work?
I'm close to dropping 50 on both xpacs but before I do it I want to know the stuff isn't gated behind gemstore.


Living story, most of the glider skins and mount skins are gated behind gem store. Living story is not gated if you were playing during release of the episodes and you can use gliders and mounts just with default skins.

Okay so if I wasn't playing when the old Living Story chapters were released I'd have to pay money to now unlock the mounts?

No, mounts and gliders are considered to be part of the expansions. You unlock them with masteries.

There are 5 mount types you get from playing PoF and some cost a lot of gold to unlock, from a new player's perspective at least, and some are practically free. They have their full movement functionality and everything from just playing PoF and all have different movement skills that are useful in different situations. The gemstore skins are just skins for each of the five mount types and don't change their functionality.


mounts are bought from vendors in PoF maps, they are sort of expensive for newbies but only need to be bought once per account
mount skins are bought in the gem store, they don't do anything except trigger poorfags

You buy PoF you get access to all mounts.

They are not locked behind the gemstore but are a moneysink if you wanna get them all, Griffon is 250 gold.

If you really wanna buy HoT be sure to finish PoF first and get at least the raptor and the bunny, it will make your HoT experience considerably less shittier

This game is trash. The balance team don't know what the fuck they're doing. The content design team don't know what the fuck they're doing. The cash shop team knows exactly what they're doing.

Even WoW is a much better game overall. That final fantasy MMO is probably also better but I haven't tried it. GW2 is garbage.

t. Played GW2 as a necro for literally 7000 hours.

>Black Lion Chests
And don't tell me >but you can grind out the keys.

Yeah, fuck off with smurfing characters repeatedly through the tutorial section and up to the lvl 10 personal story quest rewards to get 1 (read: ONE) key that'll inevitably give you an instant repair canister, 2 mystic forge stones, and a transmutation charge. Whoopdeefuckingdoo.

Good fucking luck getting any of the exclusive account-bound Black Lion Chest shit like Fallen Balthazar, Hydra Staff, Elemental Sword, when the odds are such shit and the only sane acquisition method is Gold/Credit Card > Gems > Purchasing BLC Keys from the store.

I'm not saying mount adoption licenses aren't bad, but you've got to be fucking blind to not see there has been worse cancer in the store.

They're shit, but the fact of the matter is that power can be bought and it's most definitely not cosmetic.

>Watchwork Mining Pick
Fucking extra money per swing on any rock in the game, and it lasts forever. The piece of shit pays for itself with how overpriced watchwork sprockets are, and no ingame pick is capable of matching it due to the fact you get extra shit per swing.

>BLC Keys
Already went over this shit

>Exclusive dyes from RNG dye packs
Jesus fucking christ, when the fucking endgame is _fashion_ they sure like locking some of the best dyes behind RNG and paywall.

THE PRECEDENT HAS ALREADY EXISTED IN THE GAME SINCE DAY 1. This shit is disappointing that they would do it again, but the amount of autistic screeching this ONE damn addition to the gem store has caused is fucking stupid.


Which can't be used in raids or pvp or literally any content that matters

>Watchwork Mining Pick
>The piece of shit pays for itself

Yeah, after like 4 million swings at which point you'll start to profit. All you have to do is mine all day every day for the next three years and then you're in the money baby.

It's not surprising they started adding lootboxes.

The fuck happened to lineage 1 in q4 2016

Most of the dyes arent even expensive, you might buy a few 50-100g dye, but most of them are just varying shades that there are cheaper alternatives to.

The story is better written than witnessed through the actual game. Browsing the wiki websites for both GW games will leave you with a better taste in your mouth than playing the actual games. Even reading the novels which were pretty redeeming of the franchise is a better decision. It does have over a decade of "lore," but the developers squander it for cringe comedy missions in GW2 when they're not shoving lesbian romance in your face (even with the most recent expansion Path of Fire you have the game taking a back seat to a completely irrelevant and worthless lesbian relationship).

The gameplay is good, but the balance weighs it down. If you're still playing GW2 and hoping for proper balance patches then get ready to wait years.

Gear is easy as fuck to get but it's all you're gonna get from playing the game. This is an MMO that started off as B2P with a decently active cash shop and then moved on to F2P and injected steroids into its monetization department. You can spend game currency for cash shop currency so that further devalues most of the loot in the game. The community is split between people who call the developer out on this fact and Reddit deepthroating ArenaNet turds for more cash shop items and then crying about it when the jews shit in their mouths.

The game is still active even on the lower leveled zones. For the shortcomings under its belt, GW2 is still trudging on somehow.

PvP is rock, paper, scissors fights on even skill levels. Conditions reign as supreme cancer and outnumbered fights mean run or die. For the dumb ass shit game mode that is World vs World, that's most of the fights. But generally speaking if you know how to fight and play your class well, you can whoop people in outnumbered fights if they're shit. Only one competitive game mode in sPvP and neglected world PvP in WvW.

It helps to fool yourself into thinking that ArenaNet are a dying company who can't hold their talent.

What's that spike and fall for Blade and Soul for 1Q 2017?


How do you even make money in this game, I got a character to 80 and barely scraped together 20 gold.

just guessing, but probably gacha campaigns

>How do you even make money in this game
>Dailies 2g/day
>Daily T4 fractals (10-20g depending on the luck and if you sell everything) Requires full ascended gear with like 150 agony resistance
>gathering wood
>do PoF bounties gives lots of gold

Alright, I haven't even touched fractals or PoF yet, that'd explain things. Why wood?

check the market and see for yourself. It's like 2s each for tier 3-4 wood, 1,5s for t5 and t6 for slightly over 2s. so just run around and gather in level 50-80 areas.

I don't understand how the mount skin thing was what made people so mad considering the gemstore has been a shithole for literally years. Hell, we already had RNG shit in the black lion chests and unidentified dyes

Because it's shitty to have to gamble for something when you should be able to just buy it outright

You can also do rich node runs on a daily basis. This requires a fairly completed map, but it's pretty rewarding.

Hide anything that's like 3s or less, though, since you'd be spending ~1.5s just to waypoint and the run and durability loss of the gathering tool wouldn't be worthwhile.

Iron Ore, Platinum Ore, and several wood types are worth a fair amount.

the only issue I see with it is that it can be for any mount - including the 250 gold griffon which most casuals can't afford. If it was a contract for each of the mounts I would be fine with it.

it's because they were introduced after the recent moral panic over lootboxes

They added a more guided way to craft Ascended gear with the introduction of the Mastery system, though to be honest I've never bothered so I can't say whether it's actually less tedious to do.

Most BL weapons and all dyes can be sold on the TP.
If mounts could be traded this wouldn't be as much of an issue.

Are there any good MMOs besides WoW private servers right now?

>Because it's shitty to have to gamble for permafrost dye when you should be able to to buy it outright.

Then why haven't you been throwing a shitfit the very day they started introducing the special dyes through the Frost & Fire dye packs?

You're being fucking autistic. RNG gem shop offerings have been a precedent for _years_, this shouldn't surprise anyone.

Not to mention that the sheer majority of the skins are just the default model with particle effects, which won't age well when they inevitably release much better designed skins with completely custom models.

Remember when this piece of shit was the only glider skin apart from the default one and actually looked pretty decent compared to the default? Save your gems for the better skins to come if you're that autistic about wanting mount skins now.

The combat boosters aren't available anymore, are they? I only have the legacy ones left in my bank from years ago

you can buy them outright for 9600 gems

>Because it's shitty to have to gamble for permafrost dye when you should be able to to buy it outright.

You can buy it outright though. Everything else you can buy outright. Some of it is very expensive because it's rare, but you can still just get it off the TP if you have the gold.

isnt that like >50 bucks or 2400 gold

Because I can buy it outright. Or I could just use the celestial dye instead which looks practically the same and only costs 30g

I bought it right before it became free and regret it. Played it for a few months, leveled a Charr assassin or rogue or whatever it is to max.
Lots of grinding, world events are fun the first time around. The Charr were basically the only thing that kept me interested for a while.

It's an alright game I suppose.

There was an uproar when they added the BLC exclusive skins, which you can't sell on TP.
The problem was that they locked 4 dye channel mounts behind this shit and didn't separate them based on mounts.

Yeah if you also pay for everything else you didn't want too. That's bullshit logic and you know that.

And where do these enter the market _from_?

RNG dye packs from the gem store. SOMEONE needs to purchase RNG dye packs for these to exist on the market, you're shifting the goal posts to buying it from the trading post when your complaint is that ArenaNet shouldn't be selling non-guaranteed (RNG) cosmetics through their gem store.

>Got a Tier 0 name
>Remember it's "dodge the red zones":the game
i'll pass

no, it isn't. if you wanted to be able to pick one skin it'd cost 2000 gems like the reforged one. if you buy all the skins then it's like buying a bundle, like the halloween one. there is nothing fundamentally different about the licenses, there is no situation where you can just cherry pick one skin and expect to get it for 300. grow the fuck up

The difference is that something isn't completely fucking worthless if you didn't roll what you wanted.
If I hate particle cancer and got the fire pinion or the starbound griffon or any of the other shit there would be nothing at all I could do about it whereas with dyes I could sell them and use the gold otherwise.

Yes but you see I don't give a shit about what other people buy. Other people pay for all sorts of shit that I don't, like cocaine and japanese body pillows and movies and music, and they're fucking welcome to it as long as it either doesn't impact or directly benefits me.

I started giving a shit what other people buy once I realised I had to see this in game

>Still shifting the goal posts
Did you or did you not find fault with ArenaNet selling non-guaranteed (RNG) cosmetics through the gem store?

It doesn't fucking matter whether it's tradable, or pickable, or you can narrow it down to a mount type, or whatever; you were arguing that by principle it was unjust for ArenaNet to take something with a relative real world value and not give a guaranteed product in return; ie: a loot box containing a random dye.

I guarantee you're going to keep answering back with some bullshit excuse because for whatever fucking reason you have the shit in your head all fucked up and you're conflating one thing to be "OK AND REASONABLE" and another completely fucking unjustifiable and uncalled for as if it had no fucking precedent in the game.

Except for the main precedent for this which is fucking gliders? Where you can pick and pay exactly what you want?
And not a single person would argue that the Warhound isn't obviously worth much more than the regular reskins because it's a completely different model with different effects and sounds. If someone buys the bundle they obviously wanted all of them, same as if someone bought the pack. What if you don't want all of them? What if you just want a couple?

>What if you don't want all of them? What if you just want a couple?

Uh... Then you be an adult, evaluate whether it's worth the $5 dollars per spin at the slot machine, and if that's not something you think is worth taking a shot at, you say "Nah, I'll pass" instead throwing a temper tantrum as if RNG cosmetics wasn't already in the gem store for years to begin with?

Like, you have the choice to abstain from purchasing it, either because you don't like the odds, or your don't like the price per roll, or you don't like that it can't be sold off if you never use it, or whatever.

You're not being strongarmed into any god damn purchase retard. Do like I am and don't fucking buy it. Wait for something much better to come onto the store which actually does tickle your fancy.

>Uh... Then you be an adult, evaluate whether it's worth the $5 dollars per spin at the slot machine, and if that's not something you think is worth taking a shot at, you say "Nah, I'll pass"
Why is this and telling people Anet is getting scummer for doing this a mutual exclusive? I am not buying it and also saying that it's a shitty move.

Don't fucking buy it, it's that simple.

The fact that this triggers all you poor underage faggots so hard is astonishing, BL chests have been in the game much longer and nobody seemed to have complained despite worse RNG.

Then why the fuck are you arguing for phantoms?

This is what you said:
>What if you don't want all of them? What if you just want a couple?

And then you stated
>I am not buying it

If you had no intention of buying it, why the fuck are you wasting time arguing about this phantom person that wanted to buy a couple specific mount skins when by your own admission you are not that person, as you, and I repeat are "not buying it"?

I never had any intention of buying PoF, ArenaNet screwed me over with false promises with GW2 and then HoT, and I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt for PoF. I have no access to mounts, no capability to purchase mount skins (even though gold conversion) and have no will to ever pull my credit card out for this game again.

I don't like this shit either, but I've never thought their gem store was fair either. Gem store was disgusting since day one, and I called it the day they opened it during the beta weekends for GW2 on the GW2 generals on /vg/. BLC keys, exclusive dye packs, infinite use tools, combat boosters, character-specific bag upgrade slots, barely any bank tabs to start off with and such have always peeved me since day one, but I'm not some fag to pretend to argue and jump on this bandwagon from the perspective that "maybe this one retard wants a flaming raptor, what about this imaginary person that doesn't exist and wants some shit skin?"

If this person does exist, first, fuck him for being a tool, and second, not my problem or concern if he wants to or doesn't want to spend $5 of gems for a dice roll at a mount skin. I literally cannot stop anyone from spending their own money and making the gaming industry worse by supporting this shit. The only thing I can do is laugh at these morons so that maybe they'll look in the mirror and actually question themselves if they're being a tool for purchasing stupid shit.

I bet that faggot and many more poor faggots are just complaining and looking for an outlet to be offended and outraged in the hopes they get free shit from anet or some other bullshittery.

No fucking way it costs that much? I had 7 characters all at year 5 in birthdays and potentially squandered this? Fuck my life

Jormag kit was never available in the birthday kits. You're not the only one who thought of that.
They wouldn't still be as expensive if they were.

I agree with you, it was there from the start.
But what made me a bit upset is Fag obrien's reply to the community. Basically 'oops, we won't do it again, but this one remains unchanged lol'.
Also, most of the mount skins are fucking copy paste shit, anyone who gambles for those is not right in the head.

The retextures are only ok because they have 4 dye channels but you can't help but think they withheld the dye channels from the default mounts to sell these.