RE7 was better then most of the series

RE7 was better then most of the series.
Why the hell does this board hate it?

>Sup Forums is one person
oh lookie, this meme again

Bad taste. 7 wasn't perfect but let's be honest, only a few RE games are. It was fucking fantastic and a huge step in the right direction.

Would have been better in third-person

>sludge monsters

Almost at Lucas' house

It's the best RE since 4 desu

Leaving because I don't want you turboniggers to spoil me

So you have only played 7? Ok.

I played almost every one.
And yes it is better then most and is the best RE since 4.

>underage the post

Only people who like 7 are retards like him, or people who joined the series at 4 and like YouTube jump scare games.

>worse exploration/level design/puzzles than old re
>worse combat than new re
who the fuck was this game supposed to appeal to?

Short, shallow, linear, terrible combat.

Ive played Re4 beginning to end at least a dozen times. The gameplay, pacing, and weapon variability make it a joy to revisit.

I dont mind Re7, actually enjoyed it. Aside from the facial animations, its gorgeous and paints a horrifying atmosphere. As well, the story elements were pretty interesting.

That said, I can never see myself playing it again because the lack of depth in gameplay would make it akin to rewatching a 10 hour horror movie.

i skip all fps trash except for fun games like stalker

>7 wasn't perfect but let's be honest, only a few RE games are.
Two to be precise.

Fuck off Russia.

Played ever once since 2 and I adored 7.

>worse exploration/level design
Its about the same as 2 expect the other way around as RE2 starts off open ended then becoming very linear at the half way point While RE7 does it the other way around.
>worse combat than new re
I had more fun with RE7s combat then any of the crap in 5 or 6.

Everything with gramps was fucking great, the rest was ehhh.

4 is the only good Resident Evil, the rest is a bunch of retardation matched only by Modern Sonic

>First person
>No pre rendered backgrounds
>One campaign and low replayability in general
>Game turns into DOOM at the end
>Much more linear progression compared to REmake
>Over reliance on scripted events rather than player improvisation

It peaks early (the chainsaw fight) and decreases in quality drastically as the game goes on.

The railroad after picking Zoe was shit.

Not enough enemy variety and the first area was by far the best. It also lacked the extra modes every other game had( they were sold as dlc this time.) the game was still fun though.

Because the story is cliche, when you have to make a decision on who to save it's for nothing and doesn't matter, final boss is onrail shooter, second half of the game is annoying and not fun to navigate, little girl monster trope, and it's shit.

>Would have been better in third-person

No, it would have been terrible. This is coming from somebody who loves Third Person RE.

RE7 is completely designed around First Person. You crawl through tight places, look for resources in odd places and the sound and field of view is completely designed around it; headphones for this game is basically a must. I had issues with RE7 but the First Person part they completely nailed.

>Over reliance on scripted events rather than player improvisation

Wtf is this even supposed to mean

RE7 is good, niggers.

Probably is, its only good for one play through...All the spooky, and horror effect shit goes away after the first attempt/run through of it.

this. 5 was ridiculous and 6 was like, a parody of a resident evil game. How they took the concept of 'over the top' and made it un-fun is beyond me.

>sludge humanoids
>combat is boring
>the """choice""" of who to save
>dlc advert in the credits

>First person
RE has been fps before dummy.
>No pre rendered backgrounds
>One campaign and low replayability in general
Played it five times and Madhouse is pretty much a whole new playthrough.
>Game turns into DOOM at the end
>Much more linear progression compared to REmake
Its about as linear as 2.
>Over reliance on scripted events rather than player improvisation
Theirs only like a big amount of scripted stuff in the start.
After the first Jack fight theirs not that many scripted moments I can think of besides the ending.

It's good but the ship was a boring slog.

Think he means the game railroads the player through a series of very specific events instead of giving them room to explore and create unique experiences.

Basically, its more of a movie than a game.

Dude play madhouse that's pretty much a whole new campaign.

You're describing every horror game. I replayed RE7 four times to unlock things.

The circular saw is delightful.

How is it really an advert if that dlc is free?

Who's hype for the Not a Hero DLC?

More interested in the Zoe's Not Dead Now DLC.

1st person is for developers without the talent or resources to make a real game, and we know Capcom has both. They bought the VR meme hook, line and sinker, and RE7 suffered as a result.

Don't believe me? Play madhouse. Every 2 seconds you're being spun around by something, forcing yo to spin the camera back in place only to have it undone 1 second later. This should not be in the game.

Thought the first gameplay trailer looked like trash but now that we've seen a geniune lab area and new boss fight I'm excited.

Can't believe they put this much effort into a free DLC. Will probably be like 2 hours max but it's still appreciated.

Beginning was fucking amazing, but sadly towards the end game turned into a generic shooter and story became boring.
I didn't give a single shit about that girl or whatever was there.


Admit it. You shat your pants.

>1st person twitch bait

Not enough sexy girls for these waifu-addled degenerates

Have you wonder why Sup Forums still discussing re4 from time to time ?



Another reboot
No zombies
Hide and seek
Walking simulator
Almost no puzzles
Terrible plot
Don't give a shit about either character you have to choose
Tanker level is just padding
Can't skip Le Epic cut scenes
DLC, meaning missing content for vanilla players
Zero replayability

Controls are fine and game camera is fine, but it's not enough to save it.

It would have been better if it was just it's own IP.

Because Jack was the only thing remotely memorable. The game is very forgettable. There's a reason why people stop giving a shit about two weeks after it came out.

Umm nothing is free it capcom.
>paying $60 + $30 + tip for a mediocre experience

goddamn this stupid game. can't believe it made me punch a fucking boulder. easily the dumbest thing a game has made me do.

>Because Jack was the only thing remotely memorable.

But goddamn was he good. Best new character of the year.

Not every horror game. A lot of newer ones though, yes. RE7 is pretty linear and scripted. Once you go through the script once, you've gone through it 1000 times.

Unlike a game like REmake or even RE4 and 5 where you can do each play through somewhat different.

But at least madhouse changes the script instead of just buffing the enemies. Reminds me of the scenarios in RE2.

4 is dogshit, it's not even survival horror.

More like unbased fucking retard with a hardon for arcade style games.

>Once you go through the script once, you've gone through it 1000 times.

That's not even true though, there's scripted set pieces that are missable and can play out differently. The garage fight has different events, Jack walking through the wall is missable and Madhouse even changes so that Jack returns from the garage fight way earlier than the bathroom cutscene.

>Another reboot
Its not.
>No zombies
Zombies are everywhere now dude.
>Hide and seek
You mean the two times you do it in the whole game?
>Walking simulator
You don't know what that means.
>Almost no puzzles
Flat out lie.
>Terrible plot
Welcome to RE.
>Don't give a shit about either character you have to choose
Zoe is best girl.
>tanker level is just padding
Its the most open part of the game.
>Can't skip Le Epic cut scenes
Agreed that sucks..
>DLC, meaning missing content for vanilla players
Not a hero is free but it does suck about the other DLC.
>Zero replayability
Play madhouse.

>It would have been better if it was just it's own IP

Marguerite and Lucas were fantastic too.
I loved all their dialogue and sections.
Plus Marguerite is one of the scariest bosses in the series.

To people who weren't satisfied by the ten billion 'dark house w/ random chase sequences and jumpscares' games already out there.
I blame Amnesia. Well, no- I blame its plagiarists.


No Jill.

Will we ever see another Voth Jill?

We have to wait 5 years until Sup Forums can agree RE7 was good.

Or until RE8 comes out.

After RE7 bombed, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I just want another Revelations game. Revelations 2 was atrocious

It's the best RE since 4 m8

RE7 didn't bomb, it just sold less than RE6. This was offset by the fact that RE7's target sales was much smaller than RE6. Latter being 7 million and former being 4 million.

I doubt modern Capcom could even afford another RE6.


hopefully they sell the ip to sony who wont destroy it

what did obvious d44mclone DLC mean by this?

You're missing RE2 there, arguably the best one.

take your nostalgia goggles off. re1 had jump scares

RE6 destroyed it. RE7 saved it.

Marketer-kun do you ever get sick of sucking this game's dick daily?

most Sup Forumsdwellers are too young to remember the old ones.

Do you ever get sick of sucking the dicks of the games you like, faggot?

>implying Outbreak File #2 isn't the best RE.

You never get tired of sucking my dick do you.

my nugga
>tfw Capcom made Umbrella Corps and ORC in the era of online console gaming instead of Outbreak File #3
It hurts senpai

first 1/3rd of the game was good horror
second 1/3rd was a cheesy attempt at a deep "story"
last third was just running and gunning

Like an old mans erection, which then flops down to a pathetic limp mess

Very strong start that overshadowed the rest of the game

It's good, no doubt. It did lose some steam towards the end and it doesn't really ramp up, you're always fighting goo monsters and you get stronger but they don't.

Hmm unless you count spin-offs RE7 is only better than RE6. RE7's gameplay is the worst in the entire series.


Why do you know what old men's erections look like?

I liked it

with the DLC coming I'll definitely replay


I just wish it was longer

>I just wish it was longer

Do you really though? Game was already losing its momentum by the end, imagine if the game had been even longer. I think RE7's biggest strength is that it moves very fast, you don't dwell on one thing too long.

Jesus, how fucking hard is it?

The only correct ranking.

Only correct post.

4 was the decent into Action over horror.

>Hurr durr RE isn't meant to be scary

I was 9 when this came out and shat my fucking britches. Getting eaten alive in the first screen of the game totally caught me off guard, and when you finally find safety, *CRASH* ah, AH, AAAAAAAAAAH

based gamecube

>Why the hell does this board hate it?

because it was being pushed as a walking sim with jump scares in order to push VR sales

>jump scares

Well it ain't a walking sim and their's not that many jump scares.
So your wrong.

blame the marketing