Is the mass effect trilogy worth playing?
Is the mass effect trilogy worth playing?
Not really. The first leads into the second and that leads into the third and it gets worse with every jump. If the first story could be played as a stand alone then yes but it's not the case.
No, unless you dont care about finishing the story then play 1 and 2.
That's why you play the 2nd as a stand alone.
I mean the entire intro is basically an excuse to do exactly that, and the whole game is a series of sidequests. Literally no relation to the overarching plot at all.
As the second act of a trilogy it's fucking garbage but on its own, this makes it great, because then you have an excuse to never suffer through the 1st game's combat or the 3rd's....everything.
ME 1 and ME 2 are okay, stay away from the rest
The first is really enjoyable if you want to explore a new universe. The in-game encyclopedia is a pretty interesting read on its own. Combat isn't as bad as most people make it out to be. The problem is that explorable areas tend to have the same design across planets and galaxies.
Absolutely. ME3 was awesome except for the last 10 minutes. All 3 are worth it.
Yes. First one is great, second is good, third one is okay but has some good parts. Just don't play the ending of the third and go read a fan fiction or some shit
ME1 totally has the old school rpg problem of weapon skills being required for even basic usability, but stands on its setting and dialogue. 2 and 3 lose the setting and story but gain better combat. All are worth playing if you enjoy the "shooting with active skills" gameplay formula.
Tali's Loyalty mission is like the greatest thing....ever.
If you want a trilogy that you can really get immersed into then yes. Yes you might be intimidated by the side missions and the awkward gameplay but the story is rich and every line of dialog had emotion. The first 3 would be a definite recommend. Andromeda is an iffy game. You either love it or you hate it, it was a bombshell when it was first released as is anygame that was made post 2010 but all the updates and patch fixes they have released for free makes it playable.
It's worth playing for best bro garrus
So I played these on the 360 originally, and was thinking of going g back to them.
Wtf is the deal with the DLC on PC? I legit don't understand.
3 has a bunch of shoehorned bullshit with Shepard being required to care too much. It feels like garbage even as a paragon.
You install them all and then run a utility that makes the game recognize you as having permission to use them.
Tali 4 life
Play the 1st 2, fuck the 3rd one.
>Press and hold (F} to continue
I like where this is going
>(press F)
>*Gets out of bed*
What a fag
1 and 3 are like marvel movies
2 is like Agents of shield, the ABC Television spin off
>press and hold f to continue
>press f
>immediately continues, no hold necessary
>2 games
What are you on about?
ITT People still butt hurt over the ending (s) of mass effect 3
2 feels out of place in terms of story
If they had the whole picture right from the start the order would be 2->1->3
>Shepard fights the Collectors
>Discovers the Reapers and get to be a Spectre
>Shepard fight for Earth
I don't think it ever should have been a trilogy. Bioware was almost capable of making a story work within the context of a single game, but they just didn't have the skill to make a story work over multiple games. Planning the whole thing in advance wouldn't have helped, because a single game-sized story is their limit.
For this reason, the Reapers should have been shelved after the first game, and the sequels should have focused on exploring the setting and dealing with smaller scale threats.
Anyone who thinks 3 is shit has no idea what they're talking about
Anyone who thinks 1 is the best has no idea what they're talking about; gameplay is the weakest out of all of them
2 is my personal favourite; gameplay is perfected
The best thing about the ME are the characters; which for 70% of your ship mates are unique and interesting. Each in turn will make their way into your heart.
tldr: possibly one of the greatest space opera RPGs of all time; the only problem as with most RPGs is that your choices generally don't have much gravity.
>I enjoyed all 3 games and there's nothing you can do about it
ayy lmao
Yes, so long as you recognize that 2 is a soft reboot that doesn't matter at all narratively, and 3 is a clusterfuck of shit that yoyos in quality, with the worst parts being the beginning and the end. Anyone who tells you that only the end is shit has absolutely 100%, full stop, terrible taste and wasn't paying attention.
ME3 has the best mechanics though. ME2 has the best side missions. ME1 has the best narrative and the most well thought out plot. It has a painfully shit inventory system though.
The series would be amazing if choices and deaths in 1 and 2 really had a "Mass Effect" on the last game. They even advertised the first game as such...
>Butcher of Torfan
>kill people by the dozens
>kills those who surrender with no remorse
>kills his squadmates with no remorse
>wipes out 300000 batarians with a glee
Yeah it's so stupid. Like it would make sense if he feels kinda bad about it but being so tormented over it was so out of place.
Worst part is that he will always feel the same disregarding how much of a dickhead your Shepard is.
I kinda like the first, but on replaying it they just padded the shit out of it with those empty Unity-tier maps for you to drive your truck in.
Second I got bored in. Didn't bother with the third.
So if I'm only going to play one game it should be 2? The only rpg I've ever finished was KotOR and its my all time fav. I might get bored, which should I play first?
1st one is RPG, but with lots of copypasted dungeons and mediocre at best gameplay.
2nd one is Action with RPG elements, but gameplay is actually good.
3rd one is the best gameplay, but shit everything else.
Mass Effect 1 is literally "let's make our own KoToR except better because it doesn't have baggage."
The only people who should skip 1 are illiterates and CoD fans.
Personally, start with ME1. If you don't like it by the time you get your ship, you're probably not going to like it. Skip to ME2. If you find you still don't like the series, ME3 would just be confusing and torturous.
ME1 has worldbuilding and sheer scale out the ass, it's a shame ME2 abandoned it all
Yep. ME2 is where it all goes wrong. Minor mechanical improvements don't make up for what was lost.
>Best gameplay
>It's worse ME2 combat but with grenades on the same cooldown as your actually useful abilities.
1 and 2 are the only ones worth playing, 3 is a joke and anyone who say's PEOPLE ONLY HATE IT CAUSE OF THE ENDING are deluded
>gap between them is censored
ME1 is most like KoToR I suppose.
The combat system though is them trying to adapt their usual Real Time pause into a cover shooter system. It's not very good.
first one is pretty good, I still gotta get around to finishing it though. but I hear the series really drops off after that
>ME2 replaces ammo mods with powers
>somehow this is okay
Sorry man. ME3 is actually better than ME2. ME2 doesn't have as much power or weapon variety, and the ability to mod weapons gives it a lot more freedom in your loadout and approach to "solving" combat situations.
>faster gameplay
>more weapons which are customizable
>more enemy variety
>adept is actually useable since not every single enemy has shields/armor
Depends on class. Rolling and nova make vanguard even better, though they seriously fucked up being able to cleanly land headshots after charging and the special effects from the impact and detonations are absolutely fucking blinding. For almost any other class, the expansion of detonations is a huge bonus.
Adepts, or rather biotics in general is too OP in ME1. They are more balanced in ME2 and 3 where you have to build a squad that can peel the shield/armor/barrier onion. Biotics aren't entirely useless against protected enemies either, they stagger them. This allows you to use singularity as a CC or use push/pull to harass key targets out of cover.
they were brokenly powerful in 1, I concede but they were a lot more fun without arbitrary immunity to their powers based on armor bars. Divinity OS2 sorta ran into the same issue, there it was an attempt to move away from RNG to a consistent system but it reminded me of ME2
Counterpoint: Horizon on insanity as an Adept is hellish. Even with a balanced party.
yes, im about to replay it myself. i just cant decide between femshep or tali romance
You can play ME1, but after that expect a massive drop in quality with every entry. Even ME1 is just a solid 7/10.
2 is baaarely playable, and is essentially not an RPG anymore. 5/10.
3 is abysmal and should be avoided at all costs. 2/10.
Andromeda should not exist, and even the creators caught on to this fact. Though sadly, they caught on AFTER the game released. 0/10.
If I could recommend anything to you OP, I'd recommend playing a better series.
Wrong, dont listen to this faggot OP, Mass Effect 3 is based.
>I'd recommend playing a better series.
Such as?
yes, when you are 16yo
Well I'm currently playing Shadow Warrior 1 and 2, and that's a far more competent RPG-shooter. Of course it is first-person instead of third, and it does have it's drawbacks too. But they're sequentially 8/10 and 9/10 in my books.
I'm sure you don't agree though (we're on Sup Forums and no one ever agrees with anyone) but that's my two cents.
>Shadow Warrior 2
>I'd recommend playing a better series.
Yeah but play through the games anyway so you have context when fapping to SFM porn. krogans have quads, ok.
>That's 40,000 for the whole set
Do it for Tali, Garrus, Mordin, and Wrex. Especially TALI.
>Shadow Warrior 2
You REALLY fucked up. It's objectively worse.
>fornax exists
>space internet exists
>how quarians look like under their suits is a mystery that's never resolved in any of the games NO, STOCK PHOTO DOESN'T COUNT
>Krogans with pairs
>Quarians in non-sterile environments
>Non-futa Asari
>Jack actually enjoying sex
Damn immersion breaking porn.
>Jack is bi as per her backstory
>you can't lesbomance her
Damn immersion breaking game.
Every time we see video footage of them, it's how they actually look unless you're saying their alleged biotic camouflage somehow edits future data storage devices too.
Quarians are not asari.
I read that wrong. Apparently I should go to bed.
The stock photo is indeed bullshit, but it's also classic BioWare. They did the same thing with BG2.
Isn't that one of the collector stages? I thought those were easier for adepts since they only use barriers and armor, but i suppose the reinforcement spawns makes it quite hectic.
First one is.
The sequels are varying degrees of trash.
Been wondering if I should play Andromeda. Maybe I could take it as fanfic parody.
Yeah dude, you should play the Trilogy.
I actually played ME1, hated it, but went back after a couple years and powered thru the learning curve.
ME2 was my fave. The gameplay was easier and I thought it was really fun. Intro'd some of the best characters of the entire series.
ME3 is what is. Games still fun, but seems they did less characterization. And the ending is bunk.
I STRONGLY recommend downloading and playing the dlc "Citadel" after completing the Trilogy. It has a great story, brings back all your favorites (unless their dead), you throw them a party at the end, and it wraps up everything perfectly!!
I specifically meant the part where you are trying to defend the surface to space guns while EDI reboots them. That part is the worst fight in the game on insanity, and it's double for an Adept.
Yes, but mostly just for 3
This guy gets it.
Citadel is a treat.
Totally the same
Enjoy the trilogy. 3 is good but you need all the dlc for a real complete game the ending is ok.
Just using a stock photo is one thing. Using a barely edited stock photo for a long awaited reveal of a previously faceless fan favorite companion who has been in all 3 games is another.
The 1st age badly but its a must play. 2 and 3 are good
Dont listen to Sup Forums faggot they just rush games like they eat burgers.
Yeah I guess that's true with how they spawn. At least Adepts get to cheese the Praetorian, the big floating corpse-pile.
Don't do it. It isn't worth the pain.
>gameplay is actually good in 2
Go back to plebbit, you stupid fucking casual brainlet. The only thing they improved in 2's gameplay is the feel of the guns and shooting, which is purely superficial. Everything that was good with the gameplay got gutted in favor of making it more accessible instant-gratification trash for the cawadoodie-audiences.
No! don't waste your time op, there are plenty other finished games out there, if you want disappointment then by all means play it, but I highly recommend you spend your money on something else.
Spotted someone who hasn't rolled a Vanguard.
>ME3 is what is. Games still fun, but seems they did less characterizatio
But thats wrong more armors more weapons witch are customisable.
Gunfight in 1 are shit.
Loot are shit
graphics age bad
Only the story redeem it with a lot of inconstitencies
Story wise it's worth playing, gameplay wise meh, each entry modifies it's core mechanics.
ME2 it's considered one of the best game ever made but without playing the one nothing will make sense.
However I've a question: is ME Andromeda worth trying?
I can't even listen to the osts anymore they just fills me with rage, an Jennifer hale I fucking hate her voice as it's a reminder of my shep.. and the abortion mass effect 3 turned out to be.
No. Worth than Inquisition.
me1 had a real nice immertion. everything felt so huge, including the enemy.
man i so loved me1, too bad me2 was so tiny compared to it.
Sure was nice to ram opponents with incredible speed and force only for them to stagger a bit, because they still had some shields and/or armor left. Really satisfying.
you pause
you point at their face
Yeah, I think a bunch of the haters hadn't played "Citadel", that's why they are still angry. It's total fan service in the best way.
I hated having to play a mini-game just to open any box in ME1. I think doing away with that mechanic was the right move.
Sorry, I meant the characters sucked in ME3. James Vega and Javik? I'd rather stick tree branches up my peephole than hang with those two fartknockers.
That's why you have a shotgun you dingus.
>mfw ramming at geth colossus at really high speed
So it all comes down to gunplay again and the point made still stands.
>feel of the guns and shooting is purely superficial
Muh artificial fun
>Everything that was good with the gameplay
But there was nothing good about ME1 gameplay