Do you play phone games?

Do you play phone games?

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All mobage are shit besides the anime sluts they produce for fap fuel.

Well of course!

3 more days until I jump back 10 years into my past

Are there any non-idolshit (not necessarily non-weeb) rhythm games on phone worth playing?



Yeah I play the smash hit Ignore Calls and the sequel Ignore Texts

Not that I know of, the only non-idol ones I see are bullshit where you have to pay for each individual song. As much as people hate on gacha, it really is the only way for a phone game to make money off of whales so that the rest of the playerbase can enjoy everything for free.

>not playing cytus instead
get gud scrub

Why is it so fucking hard to get Japanese offIine versions of games?

l aIways have such a hard time finding the stripped versions that come with unIimited coins/cash shop/dIc. l end up finding them aII so fucking Iate.

l was so far behind of ldoImaster, but waiting for that Fire EmbIem strip was so worth it for aImost ten minutes, fuck U.S. tabIet gaming


>playing shit mobage instead of IIDX
get gud scrub


fun fact it's by the same development office as mu origin, a game that not only wasn't a real time MMO like they claimed, but had instanced areas, auto-battle, no pvp outside of arenas, and a bunch of other shit they said was actually available and wasn't. Don't expect much.

>have to pay a monthly sub
no thanks

Just steer clear from im@s and lovelive




L2R has been out for awhile now in SEA so we already know what it has, and it's damn good. Although the leveling curve could use retuning.

Playing YGODuel links right now.


>No cash shop

It's a mobile game senpai. There's tons of cash shop shit. You don't have to spend money if you don't want too, but you're gonna need to work hard.

I really fucking hate despite how good I played I can still only get C because reasons

Swordsinger master race. Edgy blade dancers need not apply.

Really enjoying Tenka Hyakken so far

Barely or not for long because holding the phone to play a game hurts my hands really fast. My phone isn't sharp either. I just need to find a nice rubber made case.

I don't own a botnet device that tracks me everywhere I go like a fucking tagged animal, thanks.

Why do you?

I do now.

Just make sure your phone doesn't already have heating issues. Nothing worse than shoving a phone that gets toasty in a bunch of rubber.

So I can meme on the go.
memes > privacy

Why are you using internet, then?


I login daily but I do not 'play' them.

there's also DEEMO


Potion Maker!


Aw, don't be like that. I play a few other games but they're just gacha mobage and emulators.

I just don't get the appeal.

love live and duel links, stopped giving a shit about fire emblem since the artificial difficulty finally kicked in

jokes on you i don't go anywhere

Granblue is pretty decent desu

Yeah, I know it's not really for everyone. I like it though.

I'll occasionally play 2048 while taking a shit and thats it.

I play chess on my phone and it's the best thing I have it

Hi Sup Forums

how many anime girls does this have and is there full art

>how many anime girls does this have
It has two main girls, Pio and Tia. But there are many, many costumes out there for them, some of which even change hair color.

>is there full art
Not of the costumes, that I'm aware of. But there are some official art pictures like this one. I don't have many of those, though.

Unfortunately yes.

well do you do anything besides stand at the cauldren? otherwise i'd be better off just getting the compile heart app again instead

No, not really.

Please recommend good paid android games that don't have ads, loot boxes or in-app purchases.


>rhythm games
>on phone
No. A capacitive touchscreen is unironically the WORST possible input method aside from waving your fingertips in the air to break laser beams or some shit.

With all of these gachafests with cute girls, where are the ones where I collect Bara Men?

Fe Heroes doesn't count

All of those RPG ports. Baldur's Gate, etc.

Sounds like someone has greasy fingers.

Tactile response, motherfucker, have you ever experienced it?

Who am I kidding, you're 12 years old and have never owned a device with more than one button.

You can turn off location tracking.

>>You can turn off location tracking.
This is what children actually believe.

on the contrary, when my hands are too clean I actually have a hard time using a mobile device
your fingers don't slide across the screen if there's no oil on them

So, you do admit having a disability and blaming your phone for its effects?

Because i love irradiating my dick

>Younger people actually think mobile phone games are good

I truly feel sorry for you. Thanks to you casuals the 3DS and Vita will be the last dedicated gaming handheld device. You put up a good fight Nintendo and Sony but it has to end.

different guy
was just making a comment about how you don't want super clean fingers when using a mobile device

it's literally a small portable shitty computer, what game (You) decide to play on it is up to (You)

I remember L2. fuck.

Whatever you say young man.

what's holding mobile games back is f2p, nobody wants to pay money for a quality product on a phone, people would rather play cash shop plagued shit

the control scheme is limiting, but it's nothing that a creative developer couldn't work with

The problem is Japan, though. They're the ones keeping absolute garbage like FGO alive by spending millions on gacha.

Ultimately, the failure of mobile gaming can be pinned almost entirely on the pathetic Japanese consumer base made up of losers with too much money and a loose attachment on reality. It should have been obvious from the popularity of JRPGs, but most Japs don't want to "git gud" at a game. They want to invest hundreds of hours in grinding to pretend they did.

Now that they have soulcrushing jobs, the new way to experience that is by spending more money and getting slightly luckier than everyone else. The whales attracted to mobile games are a bigger boon to these studios than the otaku who would spend thousands on BR boxsets, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down.

sure gramps, just remember to take your pills and take frequent bathroom brakes, you know your bowel isn't as strong as it used to be, don't want a repeat of last time

In 70-80 years maximum, I'll be dead and it won't matter whether or not some schmuck at Google watched me go to Wal-Mart a couple times

I would rather use a fucking intellivision controller than touch screen input for a video game. Phones have the very worst method of interaction, bar none.

Fuck no. The only one I have installed is Super Hexagon and I never play it because the PC version is so much better

then get a bluetooth controller or something you brainlet

I own both a Vita and a 3DS. A device itself says nothing of the quality of a game. You're even worse than most stupid whales who keep investing hundreds of dollars monthly in gachashit by automatically believing a device or method of playing automatically makes a game bad.

Even F2P gachashit has been increasing exponentially in quality. Stuff like Starlight Stage and Granblue are legitimately good games in their own genre.

That's not even mentioning that a lot of traditional games nowadays are implementing gachashit unashamedly and consumers are eating it up anyways. If there's yet another generation of traditional handheld consoles, it'll be plagued with crap like that.

Nobody is developing mobile games with the intention of them being played with a controller.

A lot of mobile games will utilize touch gestures that you can't even fucking do with a controller.
Bluetooth controllers are only good for emulators.

I bet you also hate gyro aiming despite being the superior input, at least on consoles, you autistic retard.

There's literally nothing wrong with touchscreen controls. Even some arcade rhythm game machines go for them. It's all about how the game itself is designed, and it's a developer's job to make it work.

I ignore phone games the same reason I used to ignore leapfrog games. It's trash, popular trash but trash none the less. It is theoretically possible for a good game to exist on a phone, but lord knows it'll never make a dime.

Gyro is vastly superior to analog aiming but still inferior to mouse. Touch screen controls require you to cover up your screen in order to use them and give no feedback whatsoever. There is literally no worse method of controlling a game.

The only phone game I currently play is some godawful mahjong game

I just don't have time anymore

>>Even F2P gachashit has been increasing exponentially in quality. Stuff like Starlight Stage and Granblue are legitimately good games in their own genre.
Kill yourself. Both of those games are liquid dogshit. There's plenty of trash on the 3DS and Vita, but at least they aren't nickel and diming you to death.

I'm sure you're now going to post about how you don't NEED a million rare characters to get through most of Granblue, or how the beatmaps in SS aren't terrible, but both of those games artificially lock content behind stamina systems to prolong the length of their already laughable content.

>>There's literally nothing wrong with touchscreen controls. Even some arcade rhythm game machines go for them.
Yeah, shit ones for the mobile audience. You wouldn't catch me playing trash like Maimai even if I was dead.

Only King's Raid

Been playing the Asian English version.

I say playing, it's auto quest auto battle, gear score garbage.

Groove coaster

I kinda wanna make a rhythm game for android phones that uses more than just touch events for inpuy, maybe tilting, shaking, turning the device, and even raising and lowering the device, you'd look like a total autist playing it in public but it'd be much more mechanically challenging.

The sensors for those kinds of things vary wildly between phone models in terms of accuracy, you'd be effectively locking out 99% of your audience. Good idea for pure frustration factor, though.

GB isn't a good game by any measure of the word, and this is coming from a guy who plays gachashit on the daily.

What a shame

How could they fuck up Lineage? Seriously?

If I have to turn my phone around while also paying attention to frame-perfect information on-screen, I'm gonna fucking hate it

Yeah, that'd probably suck, it'd be the dark souls of rhythm games, I'll even use the environment sensors because fuck you.

>it'd be the dark souls of rhythm games
Yeah, because the souls series is really known for having terrible controls and dropping all inputs.

The only game I really enjoy is Dokkan Battle. Lots of events, updates and free stones which you can use to summon cards.

Also tried Animal Crossing but it feels like it's always the same after some hours.

Rhythm games are already the Dark Souls of genres

Just copy warioware tilted. Be warned you won't make any money without shitty scummy business practices. You can't make good games if you want to come out ahead, you need to make gacha trash

>legitimately good
Hell no, and I play the fucking thing.

>Yeah, because the souls series is really known for having terrible controls and dropping all inputs.


I could lock the minigames behind lootboxes.

>play this waifu game where waifus are static images the size of an ant
>but not these where you can actually look at them, in motion even
Bang flop was a mistake.

Rhythm games let you adjust certain timings.
For example on iPhone you can play on default settings, but Android will have the audio be 250ms behind in comparison, which needs to be adjusted to hit notes to the rhythm.