RIP Sony

casuals already abandoned this for the Switch.

What happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing happened.
stop shitposting.

>What happened?

casuals already abandoned this for the Switch.

Had nogames

people got tired '' waiting for greatness''
Nintendo shat out 2 10/10 games in a row.

Only had Bloodborne, pathetic

I also notice game journo's changing their tone and doing non-stop nintendo dick sucking instead of sony lately.

>What happened?
casuals already abandoned this for the Switch and the Xbox One X has the better multiplats mixed in with BC.

really now just for anyone who has no money

I'm so sorry.
Hopefully SONY tries again with the PS5

>most powerful handheld
>fun innovative games
>Mario kart

>most powerful
>best multiplats
>xbox 360 bc

>not the most powerful
>not portable
>boring movie games

ps4 is old now

It's not just Journos, it's the attitude on social media as well

I bet they fuck up hard.

B-But Bloodborne!

>Nintendo babbies getting spanked in doom threads
>Realise they bought a console that can only run last year's games at 610p and 20fps
>Suddenly, lots of refuge threads pop up, circlejerking "sony is finished!"


>nothing happened

just like the PS3

Sorry user. Sony fooled you again
I'm sure death stranding will come out in 20 years.


ITT Nintenbros post their delusional fanfiction

Probably but it's not nice to make fun of SONY fans
>try to think something positive for PS4
Well at least it was liked by its fans? Is that even a positive?

>death stranding
What the hell is that game anyway?

>b-but muh portability
>muh "playing on the go"
>muh playing it on the way to mcdonalds while mommy is driving

I used PS4 way more than my Wii U. Now THAT is some actual buyer's remorse.

>Xbone X is the MOST POWERFUL console in history
>Steam continues to have way more games
>SONY has focused more on more on VR with very little in the way of quality exclusives.

its fans are probably the worst thing about sony.

It's why I didn't buy a ps3 back in the day

>>Steam continues to have way more games
You'll never play Persona 5.

E3 2016:
>Sony announces 5 games

E3 2017
>Sony announces those same 5 games again. Still no release date

January 2017
>Nintendo announces 20 games for the Switch

December 2017
>All 20 of those announced games have been released

That's what happened.
People wanted games.
Sony promised games and delivered nothing

Nintendo promised games, and delivered ALL of them.

Mario Odyssey was announced in January, and released in October.

God Of War was announced a year and a half ago, still no idea when it's coming out.

The fact that these threads pop up prove that the Ninten year old salt is real

I can imagine the coop and local multiplayer games being a problem for you but don't lie user


I hate the Sony fanbase, they ruin everything and can't really get along with anyone.

Sonybros have always been nicer to me than Nintenbros. Nintenbros on Sup Forums are fucking rabid.

>psychotic fanbase that gobles up anti-consumer sony

the WORST THING about sony desu.

When you have hordes of people making excuses for sony's bullshit, you'll never get good service. Never get shit fixed either.

>download speeds are shit
>games take fucking half a decade to come out
>knack 2
>no backwards compadibility
>shit battery life
>GARBAGE PS+ games
>no cross platforming

all of this, the fans find excuses for

>You'll never play Persona 5
I own P5 for my PS4 Pro user.

No, I used my PS4 way more. Wii U was an abortion.

>he doesn't have friends
That's so sad user.

the ps4 was never good, it was just the least terrible of the abortion that was the 8th gen

now that ninty and xbox have gotten their shit back together you see it for the turd it is

But I do.

Sales says otherwise.
PS4 sales keep going as they were, switch keep selling pretty much as much as it, so nothing but more money for the game industry in general.

Apparently they abandoned it for the switch.

>xbox have gotten their shit back together
Switch shills are supposed to be shitting on the Wii U. Get your narrative straight, dumbfucker.

The Wii U was a god tier local coop and multiplayer device
You would know this is you
a) owned a Wii U
b) had family and friends
Don't worry user, I'll be your friend.

>Nintendo doesn't even make dedicated home consoles anymore

How sad is that?

even if they're not spectacular now, literally ANYTHING is better than 2013 xbone reveal mattrick shit

>PS4 sales keep going as they were

only in europe and even there they've sunk to normal levels.
It's not like the first year when sony lied to everyone and everyone bought it.

by next year, who knows. Maybe PS4 will go down to psvita level of sales. Switch already beat it every month of 2017


I played Persona 5 on my PS3. My current GOTY and I didn't have to buy a shitty $400 console.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill

My friends pretty much only liked Smash and Mario Kart, which are on literally every Nintendo system. Still used my PS4 way more, Persona 5 playtime on PS4 dwarves any playtime for my wii U games

They did enough for me to get one.

Anyone that expected better was surely deluded as fuck.
Snake pass pretty much showed from the get go what the switch can do in terms of "next gen engines", that is delivering a passable experience due AA saving the day.
Also this thing of saying just the lower frame rate as "it's the frame rate it always runs" only makes you sound like an annoying fanboy instead of someone with reason.

Don't worry, Sony will come out with their new and innovative console/handheld hybrid by 2018.

No, don't bother screencapping. We all know it's happening.

What is wrong with console players

>43 posts
>18 ips
>op literally has nothing to do with his life
>replies to EVERY SINGLE POST that takes the bait

god am i glad i come home from work and play video games for hours a day and then come on this board for like 15 minutes to laugh at faggots like you


>Nintendo drove the Vita out of the handheld market
>now they're going to dominate both handheld and home consoles
I'm scared user, what's going to happen to PlayStation?

>Nintendo shill thread, crying about Sony
>500 replies

and people say Sup Forums isn't just NintendoGAF. Fuck these biased mods

>Maybe PS4 will go down to psvita level of sales
Not happening, sorry.
PS4 is THE console base, and not even 300 teraflops will make that change.

These people who make these "sony is dead, why haven't you bought a Switch yet" threads every day are shills.
>It's okay when Nintendo rips off Skylanders and Disney Infinity

>2 posts per poster is impossible
Not OP but what? If it was 100 posts 18 ips you'd be on to something

I would say it’s a hard tossup between PS4 and switch for best exclusives but honestly why the fuck would anyone have an Xbox Scorpio or whatever and not just play on pc?

>Also this thing of saying just the lower frame rate as "it's the frame rate it always runs" only makes you sound like an annoying fanboy instead of someone with reason.

It's consistent at 20-22 FPS on everything above easy.

Actually Skylanders ripped off the GBA's card reader. Remember the best MMBN where you bought netnavis IRL and put them into the game? Yeah.

Most people don't make more than one post, they just post and leave. OP is autistically replying to every post in the thread that disagrees with him

lol I don't think so. Sony spent their pr money marketing graphics. The casuals masses will either eat graphics or nintendo switch up. Not last weeks news, which is sony right now.

>Most people don't make more than one post
[Citation needed]

>Actually Skylanders ripped off the GBA's card reader.
I'm so glad I'll never be a delusional Nintendo fetus

all the casuals that play fifa/cod on ps4 will probably want the most powerful console.

The kinds of people that don't play weeb shit like persona.

>Snake pass pretty much showed from the get go what the switch can do in terms of "next gen engines"


>Thread for triggering Sonybros
>First one to appear are guys deflecting "Nintendorks are salty".

>"t-the PS4 is finished!!!"
>PS4 has sold more units than the Xbox one, Wii u and the Switch combined

Gamers are finally abandoning all consoles.

As soon as they realize the shiny newer Switch is the same garbage, they'll abandon it too.

And see that PC gaming is mostly garbage too.

Then the industry will finally crash like it should have YEARS ago.

And from its ashes, a gaming industry about GAMES again instead of modern pseudo-game story bullshit and bad games with laughable controls.

And it will be good.

Tons of extra stages for SMB3 too. And unlike amiibos you can emulate the damn things so that future generations can play them.

By the DF videos it looked more of a "drops when too much shit onscreen", but there are a worse problem than frame rate that its the bad frame pacing.
Probably calling it stuttery 20-30 fps is the ideal.

>b-but the popular vote!
I'm sorry user

This thread is cute, how often do you all suck each others dicks?

How salty do you have to be to make a dedicated thread to your salt, reply to every fucking post with your salt, and digging out your salty anime pics?

The Switch is better in literally every way, save raw power.

I know I sound like a shill, but it's absolutely true.

You ain't fooling anyone with that post

It's so easy to spot people who started posting on Sup Forums during last year's election.

It flopped in Japan though, which we all know matters more to Sony than every other market combined. They've got to be shitting their pants now that every single faucet is failing.

In a certain way yes, as the UE4 is using all the next gen effects and rendering methods on that game.
It's just the artstyle that is horribly simplified due being an indie game with no budget.
But a pixel is a pixel, and you can't say it's only half.

Yeah announcing multiplats people dont care for and indies

Definitely, and they brought their friends over from GAF after it collapsed
>B-but the PS4 has Bloodborne and Persona 5!

10000000% THIS!!.

Make videogames great again Armstrong.

>"console war threads are against the rules"
>except when we're shitting on Sony

Something something you replied blah blah something you're a cuck.

>which we all know matters more to Sony than every other market combined
Why exactly?


what is sony gonna do with 60 million SHIPPED but unsold ps4s?

>Implying user is OP.

Discussion threads are ok, shitposting threads are not.

the TV and movie industries have been around for way longer and haven't crashed yet, so i'm not hopeful for vidya

I bet you use the word "degeneracy" on Sup Forums as if people think it's an insult.
This is a shitposting thread.

Maybe the fact they let all their exclusives go to PC and the only ones leftover are movie games and bloodborne


>I bet you use the word "degeneracy" on Sup Forums
You bet wrong.
>This is a shitposting thread.
Really? It's a lot more civil than most anti-Wii U threads on Sup Forums ~2012-2014 and they were allowed.

It’s marginal at this point between the two. Unless you mean scorpiro then price point. There used to be a point last gen cause devs wouldn’t know how to put a game on PS3 without breaking it but at this point I don’t think anyone cares. I have nothing against Xbox, I actually enjoyed my 360 but at this point when the exclusives just mean Xbox/PC why even bother?

Shareholders, probably. Possibly licensing fees. Metroid, Castlevania, they all come back to please that nip penis.

>ps4 is dead blah blah
How the hell is that NOT shitposting? Let me guess, it's okay because you don't like Sony right?