That kid who listened to video game music

>that kid who listened to video game music

Other urls found in this thread:

>that kid who put videogame music in his school media project

>that kid who used anime reaction pics

>that kid who listened to demoscene music

>that kid who used Spiderman reaction pics

>that kid who listened and used demoscene video game music in his school project, alongside anime Spiderman pictures

>that kid who listened to anime music

>That kid who did a school presentation about chiptune music

>was me
My HS English class had us do live radio play versions of scenes from Beowulf, and I was in charge of my group’s music. I picked two songs from Fallout 2 and Baldur’s Gate.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with me listening to vidya ost's

>That kid who listened to metal

>that kid who thought there was nothing wrong with listening to video game music

>that kid who abused over the counter drugs to seem like a badass

I know a guy who listen alot of vidya music but doesbn't play much himself, oppoosed to me. I play a lot of vidya but barely listen to any vidya music

are cringey graphic tees like this still a thing or was that just a staple of the late 2000s

How is there anything O T C than can be used effectiveIy without destorying your fucking Iiver, or even be enjoyed?

Robo tripping is about the best you can get, and even then at the endc it's just shitty tingIing sensations and vomit

>go on Sup Forums
>search for "hat kid"
>find this thread because of "that kid"
>be disappointed

>that kid who uses anime reaction images

there's nothing wrong with vidya music but i do feel kind of regretful that it partially caused me to never explore "normal" music, now i have basically no taste and couldn't name a band if someone asked me

"Oh, hey user. You seem really interesting and sweet. Not like most of the uncultured boys in college. What kind of music do you like?"
>start breathing heavily, can't think of any bands. "The s-soundtrack t-to Skyrim"

I'm hooked on this at the moment

Too be honest if someone asks me what I listen to I just say Nujabes and Tom Waits even though most of the stuff I have downloaded since middle school is dad rock or vidya music. I do like them a lot, but if you just looked through my library you wouldnt get that as a first impression.

Forgot link

>Can't say the same for you, hussy. Bet you think you're so unique and not like other girls with your denim jacket, short, hair, and nasal piercing. Get lost before I call the thot patrol.

Wow that was hard.

>look at the autistic fucks itunes, one obscure videogame track on loop played thousands of times
"i just like it okay"
"it calms me down"

And how your reaction images are any better?

wouldn't be so bad if it was this track

That's awful man.
Awful picture too.

they are not anime

...And? Very dank pic.

That's it. If it's anime it's shit
I'm just japing senpai

Surely there's at least one or two things you could name, dude.

But there isn't? What is wrong about it? It is music like anything else.

>judging others based on the music they listen to

Why is there such a stigma towards video game music? It technically covers a wide variety of music genres, what's the issue?

In high school my history teacher did that for a powerpoint once but it was Hell March

>listening to music written by the same 2 people

At least video game music has variety.

probably because its from a video game which pretty much have a stigma itself

>robo tripping
>literally never heard of that term
>found out its existence like a week ago in my oharm tech class
>this some fox news terminology tier shit
>some random faggot uses it in Sup Forums

Where the literal fuck do people even say robo tripping because here in la that sounds like some scare headliner shit

How the fuck does that sound like a media scare term? It's a simple "cute" sounding slang term for tripping on Robitussin (DXM is a dissociative hallucinogen.) The term has been around for at least two decades.

Oh please dont tell yy cant imagine fox news bringing in reports of the SCARY NEW TEEN TREND of "robo tipping" while everyone gives a collective groan

Robo tripping sounds like some sort of practical joke being played on robots where you attempt to tip them over with their current limited AI being unable to navigate stairs properly or something.

I gave that kid a blowjob.

music is like food: you gotta just get what you like. doesn't matter if others hate it.



No you didn't you ERPing tryhard
You don't even know how cum tastes like

>that kid who blasted touhou remixes in his car

I heard Flandre theme out of some old Civic once while on the freeway.

I blast Necrofantasia out from time to time.

>tfw listening to the Cuphead OST right now with my $500 MSRP headphones and DAC/Amp

I pretty much listen only to vidya music.

My Touhou folder alone is 77 gb.

>that kid who types it as Spiderman

>My Touhou folder alone is 77 gb.
Jesus christ like I know there doujin albums and everything, but this sounds like you have every single album or fan albums.

Do you even listen to more then three album'?

>but this sounds like you have every single album or fan albums

It's not even a tiniest fraction of all Touhou albums in existence. I only keep albums I like and delete like 80% of shit I try.

>tfw all I listen to nowadays is Persona OST

>that kid who listened to Sup Forumscore

Liking video game music would require Sup Forums to like something about video games

Is just retards on Sup Forums because this is the board where people shitpost more

>"it calms me down"
you'd be suprised what music works this way on some people

you say like... you never tasted your own cum?

I love NMH tho

>game series has sountrack so good, you listen to despite having not even playing it

I wouldn't do this thing to "after cumming" myself.

>that kid listened to stock music from Windows

i bless you with a get

Close but no cigar

>That kid who used hentai flash game music in is PowerPoint presentation

>music class
>teacher lets each student share their favourite songs

>that student that plays video game music
>that student that plays really bizarre hipster """music"""
>that student who plays brutal metal
>that student who played his favourite anime opening

They were playing video game music in Walmart yesterday. Don't know why though

What song?
I swear I once heard this on a commercial

Vampire Killer, Guile's theme, and the overworld music of a Link to the past were the ones I heard while in there. They weren't the original versions but I'm not sure where they originate from

Listen to these and tell me they aren't the shit

I sung this at my high school talent show while autistically air-guitaring in front of hundreds of people.

>it's almost been a fucking decade and people still pester me about it occasionally