20 million

Why the fuck PCfags don't buy games with good singleplayer content?
Why the fuck PCfags support multiplayer cancer?
Why the fuck PCfags suport microtransaction cancer?
Why the fuck can't PCfags buy 20million copies of games with some singleplayer content?
>inb4 best selling consolefag games are primarly MP too
Yes, but literally almost all of them also have singleplayer content for singleplayer fags like me.

Other urls found in this thread:


probably because we dont have to pay for our online

You're missing a lot of "do"s in your spastic questions, OP.

>why are shitty popular games shit?
There hasn't been any good games for any platform in years. Enjoy your storygame BS on consoles, kids. Just as bad as fucking PC esports BS.

Chinks. Simple as that.


why would anyone buy a game that can be pirated? that's just illogical.

>singleplayer content

Go read a fucking book.


What I fucking love is that newfags got completely lambasted by this game. Either they play at the shittiest settings because the game is as optimized as a 3ds emulator, or they have to upgrade with the fucking mining craze going on. PUBG really is the normiefilter that we needed

this is some seriously retarded bait

>20million copies
And 19 million of them are owned by chinks

>tfw I unironically enjoy PUBG
However, it has glaring issues, and it's ridiculous that they haven't optimized better with that amount of income.

Why the fuck is this game so big yet I've never heard of it or heard anyone ever talk about it?

You do realize that almost 75% of PUBG players are Chinese people trying to make cash off trading, right?

>singleplayer content
>ever good
Yeah,no. Good bait. Bet you can't name even one.

>"I-it's 50%"
>"That still gives it more players than Dota 2 and CS combined"
>"I-it's 75%"

The current map is never going to be fixed without a complete remake, hopefully they've learned a lot for the desert map though.

PC has been the best place to play multiplayer shooters since the beginning of the internet.

However the big companies that used to make amazing online shooters have been absorbed up by companies like EA.

So instead of trying to force yourself to enjoy a shitfest that is Battlefield, people go for the simple, effective shooter, where you go in and start shooting with a side spice of survival.

It's not rocket science and most people who started playing didn't know this shit would have loot boxes. I don't play PUBG but I tried it and I hated it due to poor performance on my system.

All that said, the game is OK. It's not good. It's not great. It's just OK. At least you don't have to deal with a 60 dollar purchase and make a new account on some shit program like Origin to play online and it's a simple "play" and go experience.

I get the appeal. However lootboxes are fucking retarded, and some of the clothing clearly offers camo for the players. It's fucking dumb.


Would you believe it, the rare clothing items are all the brightly colored ones or the stupid coats. The drab shit that offers very mild camouflage is 95% of the drops.

>bought PUBG
>played like 30 mins
>killed some dude hiding in a shack
>got killed later by another dude

Game is just too stressful for me.

I should get a refund

I don't really care since I don't play the game, I was just trying to answer OP's question.

By making shit up?

What was made up?

that's china

Nah fuck off, I'm not going to argue about elements of a game with someone who doesn't even play it.

This is the problem with the Internet. Spastics who have zero knowledge of a subject invent what to them seems like a plausible narrative and chip in as if they have anything useful to add.

I didn't even talk about the game itself apart from mentioning loot packs containing camo gear, but nice to see you forfeit your "argument" since you have no ground to stand on. I'm glad you agree that what I said isn't made up. Keep using buzzwords and being angry.

There is no camo gear. One item in the game makes you harder to spot over the default equipment, that is the ghillie suit.

You guessed wrong. Care to make some more baseless assumptions?

>Either they play at the shittiest settings
That's litteraly the best way to play the game
Hell some people still fuck with the Ini to disable grass and other shits

>75.75% Player Retention
How can anyone argue against this?

Why are you asking here? Ask on Chinese Sup Forums.

fucking degenerates I swear, at least this game is also a flytrap to these retards

This review says otherwise: youtube.com/watch?v=tWsYWcLlRFE

I'm more inclined to believe him than you, a faceless lying buzzword name calling faggot on Sup Forums.

its crazy honestly
most singleplayer games don't have 20% retention/completion
hell even cod on pc loses 90% of the playerbase after a month

Of course you are, since he agrees with the assumption you made. Probably he doesn't play the game either.

no crate has gear that actually hides you
most of the shit is actually bright colors

First of all it's not just PC. On consoles multiplayer games are becoming more popular too
Second, stories are becoming too hard for people. I mean it, the intellectual level of average player is becoming so fucking low that they can't follow even the most trivial stories

this has all the gear you can get from crates
have a look yourself
the only camo in game is from ghillie suits which are found in the game and are only for that match

>being this braindead
Not the original user you were arguing with but the ghillie indeed are only rare drops in matches from supply crates

So I'm right and he's wrong. Why the fuck is the retard arguing with me and calling me a liar?

I don't know but I just straight up don't believe that many people can stay entertained hiding in video game grass that long.

Do you even know what a lootbox is. You should, considering how angry you are about them.

Only literal autists do that user. Cmon this is a game with guns. You go roody shooty things.

ask the chink community user.

>baiting this hard
you must live a lonely fucking life

the supply crates/air drops are dropped by the plane, several of them drop during the match.
you can not buy them
they have decent gear in them for that match only
they are basically massive hot spots because several teams usually go for them

>why x don't y
how to spot an ESL poster from 100 miles away

And people who want to win a game.

So wait, all along you were complaining about the items found in game and not the cosmetic items in lootboxes at all?

>have to buy the camo gear with real money
>after paying to play the game
>in early access

Sup Forums will defend this

Only the most MLG of pr0s played on potato grafix

we dont pay for the "online" we pay for the barrier that keeps foreigners, hackers, and people who sperg out over comms out

ah i get it, your actually retarded

This shit has zero effect as camouflage. And even if it did, 99% of the map is green.

fuck off retard, I said I don't care about the game or the shitty lootboxes. user said I was making shit up and I asked him to prove it and he couldn't, because he's a fucking coward mongrel. end of chain.

PCfats are mostly children and buying stuff on Steam is way easier than buying stuff on console when you're some kid.

So yeah the people who ruin gaming are 100% pcbrofucks.

make your point again because none of what you are saying makes fucking sense

>However lootboxes are fucking retarded, and some of the clothing clearly offers camo for the players


The camo shit won't hide you. It's all blue and grey and tan and shit. Also you can find clothes all over the game world and the camo pieces are really common. Best you can do is dress in dark colors and even tat doesn't really help because the player models stand out from the environment quite a bit. Play the game before you post stupid shit you faggot.

go up the chain and read the original post faggot

and that's true

that was for subscribing to twitch prime
>tfw could have made 100 bucks but forgot
feels bad

Player models are visually distinct against all types of scenery regardless of what you're wearing in pubg.

Anyone who played the game will be aware of this.

>current year
>still trying to force console war shit

Sage&hide guys.

I'm really hoping for one day it's found out like half the people running Twitch turn out to be self proclaimed pedos so this tumor of a site finally disintegrates.

i did read the entire chain
you need to restate wtf you are saying because you are all over the place

It's literally untrue and everyone else in the thread is telling you that.

are you retarded


read the original you fucking mongoloid

Oh, so you don't get any kind of camo gear from lootboxes? None at all?


20 million, holy shit, Steam has possibly made a minimum of 200 million from some other companies game and all they had to do was host it, that right there is why Valve is never making another single player game themselves.
It's just a better financial investment to try to put their efforts and capital into growing and expanding Steam.

That is correct, no gear in lootboxes has any camouflage effect in game regardless of what it is named or what it looks like in a steam marketplace image.


>loner virgins with crippling autism can't into simple multiplayer games

Feel free to post an in game screenshot or clip from any source which shows any of the lootbox items giving any sort of gameplay advantage.

I wish I could actually play it and run it without lag

You seem a little confused, let me help you out. The cosmetics in game (that you can get from loot boxes) has camo in the name, but is actually really shitty camouflage in gameplay.

That hat is immediately covered up with a helmet, you are always going to wear. The coat actually makes you more bulky and easier to see. The hot pants make you stand out more with the contrast between the shorts and your leg color. The gloves are so small they wouldn't change anything. The only thing that matters is having a similar color shirt and pants (either dark or light), and even then it isn't going to make a difference in 99 out of 100 games.... and even then, you will get a complete set of this gear after your first few hours, or $0.10 if you don't feel like waiting.

I don't have to, it's in the name of the item. Camo is an advantage.

I blame reviers
>Elex comes out
>reviewers and yt meme channels shit on it cause of muh graphics and muh gameplay
>gameplay and graphics are actually pretty good
>reviewers shat on the gameplay because it was too hard
I feel like Elex is what would have happened to Cuphead if they didn't have hype backing it up. The reviewers were painfully incompetent and didn't understand any of the game mechanics, but they got away with it cause PB is just a smalltime nazi studio.

kindly delete yourself american

1.it's not camo has zero impact on game
2.you can get all of that shit for free by playing
3.it all gets covered by armor anyways

>you can buy camo from in-game store
>yes it is
>prove it
>ok then it is

in response to


How do you make money off of the game?

the "camo" is useless

Why should anyone reply to you when you make it so obvious you have no concept of the game?

The sunglasses don't provide any in game effect, nor the headset, why would the 'camo'?

>lootboxes in full priced release is okay as long as they don't affect gameplay
This is why we can't have nice things anymore. Everybody thank valve for enabling and reinforcing this kind of thinking.

it is okay though. Seriously, as long as it doesn't affect game play who the fuck cares? Would you rather have full on DLC?

But I can't interact with a book

You can turn page, its not hard

You could interact with it using your brain if you fucking had one.

12-16 year olds play awful games. News at 10.

>that keeps foreigners, hackers, and people who sperg out over comms out

Lmao the delusion, keep crying sonybros.
P.S all the people above also have credit cards

>gameplay and graphics are pretty good

The game looks and plays like bargain-bin shovelware from the mid 2000s.

no one knew it would have loot boxes because the developer flat out said there would be no loot boxes. He's a lying piece of shit Jew.

This, kinda. They fucked up with the difficulty scaling, but I still bought it.

that's just like, your opinion though