Are you over 25 and own a computer?
Are you over 25 and own a computer?
>Are you over 25 and own a computer?
Hi! 99.7% (IiteraIIy, Iook it up) of over-age-25 Americans here!
We're not 3rd worId trash, so yes!
I own a computer
I'm 24 and my B-day is in 2 days? Am I allowed to post here?
>tfw another 4 months until i can play this game
I'm 23 cmon I'm close enough, right? Right?!
Who is this tree? Is he here to sell me hard apple cider?
i'm a 300 year old deity but only grow to be physically ~20 can i play?
Your time shall come soon, my child.
is this the deku tree's brother?
I'd like to understand this meme, but I don't play mobile trash. I actually only care because you faggots keep posting that terrifying tree.
Like, what the fuck is that thing?
Intimidation or Diplomacy?
You’ll understand when you’re older.
Im 27 and im renting a computer. Wat do?
>not owning supercomputers
>not being 25^2
>with a tree
>intimidating a tree
>I don't play mobile trash
what part of "you need a computer" you don't understand?
burn it down
I saw this tree on television, it looked like it was an ad for mobile trash like that game with Fridge Mctits riding around in armor.
That tree bothers me immensely though.
It's some ad for a chink game or something, the only people seeing it are phoneposters and people too stupid to use adblock
>Phoneposters that don't use Brave
A shiggiy diggity doo da.
still 1,5 years to go
Goddamn Elves
28 and still a computer.
I block Hiro's ads, I guess that means I was cheated out of a meme.
23 and own a pc
Did this picture even originate with "Stormfall"?
Are you a retard?
I only have tablets and a Switch. I don't need a pc anymore.
What of it?
>that thread when the mods started banning people who said they're under 25 and played this
That was a good day.
My computer owns me.
Before I can answer, are you over 25?
you better have a computer
>tfw I missed this
>tfw can't get to max level because can't accept this guy's questline or he'll zap my character into limbo
Was it permanent?
deepest lore
Except you amerimongrels are 3rd world thrash.
Dude that's fucked up. The tree guy can't even move out of the way or anything.
why are you guys posting blank images?
>24 years old
>tfw my time will soon come
Most of my family have died of exhaustion because they literally couldn't stop playing this game, I'm living with my grandpa now since he's too old to understand computers.
Every second on the clock gets me closer and closer to my fate
I turned 25 just last week so... whats the game like?
I am interested in this game
if you were really over 25 you would know
but, i don't have a good enough computer
It's hilarious how the piss-poor defense of "obsessed" literally caused the amerimutt meme to be so popular.
It shows that you are butthurt enough to reply, but don't have anything to reply with.
>nearly a year
My time is coming, brothers.
I will keep you in my thoughts, user.
I'm 47. I'm an alcoholic. My liver should've failed a long time ago. I should be dead.
Heh. Life's not always that fair, I guess.
I worked in an office back when I turned 25. IBM bought us out, wages got cut but they gave us all personal computers to compensate. Marketing move, I think.
When the Internet came, that's when it began.
I had to disown my computer. I couldn't be like one of them. I'm still in that office. Surviving off the beer of the Christmas party we were supposed to have.
A week after this came out.
I've watched literally every coworker of mine die from starvation, exhaustion, or both. All with their faces glued to the screen, staring down "it", that fucking tree.
This is the first time I've used the Internet in decades, and I think my life's coming to a close.
At least I still have time to play the game.
Anyone else find living trees kinda spooky?
yes i am.
This meme is so simple and stupid and yet I love it so much
our landlord put up one of those faces on our fence looking towards the house one day when he stopped by to check up on the place. it scared the shit out of me the first time, but now i'm used to it.
Reminder to ban all >25 yo posters.
Only if you're over 25
Nice job spoiling the fucking ending.
No, you just got a warning that said "joke"
1988 reporting in
Yeah it would probably spook me too but I would find it pretty funny as well. Your landlord sounds like a top bloke dishing out the banter
I know you deleted your own post but it's still funny.
What the fuck happened to wispy woods?
he is, sadly we're moving to a prim and proper housing association community since my fiancee needs to work too far north to drive
Is this loss?
The World Is Going To End In September?
When Earth Collides With ? Planet X?
>n-n-no u
26 and pc broken for several months now, lost everything from my 9 years old hdd
This is a mockery of the tree lord.
Anyone up for Haunted House Adventure?
don't worry
he will come for you
>getting close to 25
should I be worried?
V is this ad, believe it or not!
Here's the thing my Burger friend: when we talk about the stupid shit Americans do we're not mad at you. We are laughing at you. You only think we're obsessed with you because there's so much to make fun of. Your country is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to dumb shit.
>people misunderstanding this
It says "If you're over 25 and own a computer, you MUST play this".
It doesn't say you can't play it if you're under 25. You can play it before you're 25, but you MUST once you are 25.
Just 2 more months
>It says "If you're over 25 and own a computer, you MUST play this".
>It doesn't say you can't play it if you're under 25. You can play it before you're 25, but you MUST once you are 25.
>he replies to a post that's an hour old
Nah, you're definitely not mad.
how would you even be 25 and not own the best platform there is?
No, 21 apparently.
What is my punishment, master?
nothing, see
rent the game
sigh, and as the saying goes
"we don't even think about you at all"
>owning a computer you can play the superior PS4 version, enhanced for PS4 Pro
Never EVER Xboners