So what does Sup Forums think of Myst and similar point and clicks?
So what does Sup Forums think of Myst and similar point and clicks?
Pretty fun. Can be a bit bullshit at times.
My mom loves it, has played all the sequels, and continues to play its online game practically every night.
And to think she would've never gotten into it herself had I not gotten a Sega Saturn for christmas ages ago.
Very annoying.
But once you get into them, satisfaction is unlike anything else.
This and Riven.
Obstruction and Quern are great as well.
They're great. Except for those parts in Riven that you literally have to pixel hunt for some screen. That was bullshit.
God Penny Arcade has gone to such shit. ;_;
is Syberia good?
worthy of trying?
Yes. First two are classics. Didn't play the third one yet.
Didn't play that many but Dracula games on ps1 were my favorige.
that's funny, my dad loves it too. it appeals to old people a lot because it's pretty laid back.
I liked Riven and another game called Rama. Found Myst to be pretty boring other than the sound island.
This was by far the worst part of Riven. It's a fucking anti-puzzle, the more logically you think about it, the less likely you are to get it.
Original Kings Quest was pretty dope.
yes fuck me the first is so comfy. 2 is ok i guess. don;t fucking touch 3 holy shit what a mess
could never get into them. too confusing.
Just brought the first 2 simon the sorcerer games. what am i in for lads?
Syberia 1 is one of the finest point and click games of all time.
"Quern - Undying Thoughts" is pretty good
Syberia games are one of the best point and click adventures ever, love this shit.
>what am i in for lads?
they look good. love the graphical style.
sam and max is my favorite
>Just brought the first 2 simon the sorcerer games
Only played StS4 I think, and that was years ago so I remember almost nothing from it, but I recall it being a pretty good adventure game.
>could never get into them. too confusing.
I really liked Myst, but I could never get into Riven mostly for the same reason, despite everyone claiming it's the better one. I tried a few times, even got kind of far the last time, but it never really clicked.
I'm glad Ross made a video on Black Mirror because I can attest it's really fucking good and y'all should go play it.
riven is a masterpiece. quern was wonderful as well. obduction was okay. any of these adventure games are fun especially if you dont give in and go look up the answers and break out sketch pad and pencil instead. i'll never forget learning d'ni number system and solving the moeity puzzle.
looking forward to the reboot end of this month
I love these kinds of games.
But holy damn did they ruin the fucking indie scene. There are people with the AUDACITY to call Gone Home a Myst-Like game. At least Myst had gameplay. At least Myst wasn't a boring ass house.
i always wanted to get into Gabriel Knight
should I?
yes great games and tim curry as voice actor is great.
I can't not shill Technobabylon, it's a very solid cyberpunk game with great story, characters, dialogue and okay puzzles.
I wish this got a gog re-release
I liked it way more than Obduction. That final puzzle sucked dick though
i had an amazing fun with this
3D adventures died because people don't want to solve puzzles, but they don't want puzzles to be spread out over 10 different screens
*because people want to solve puzzles
How is The Raven? I wanted to wait until all the episodes were out to play it, but ended up never getting around to it.
I'm glad he made one 'cause I didn't even know about the reboot until I watched it. I also missed a lot of the crazy shit in the environment he points out during my playthrough.
Myst is one of my favorite franchises but I don't play it very often since I usually remember all of the solutions. It has some really cool backstory and the short-lived online game was comfy because so many players were nice old people.
Obduction was a big disappointment.
>game has puzzles with solutions that change every time you play
>you only find out what LINC is trying to do in a game over scene
what game does that?
There are some, but I'm having a hard time remembering any specific ones now. The numerical code for Talos Principle's ending C changes on every playthrough. Also the final challenge in The Witness has completely randomised puzzles, not only on every playthrough but each time you attempt it, and it's timed.
Putting "In the Hall of the Mountain King" as last song that plays during that was fucking genius. It's stressful as all fucks when it starts getting faster and more intense and you know you're running out of time as you're desperately trying to solve the puzzles to not have to start everything all over again.
>tfw too retarded for myst
Syberia and Machinarium are the only Point and Click games I finished without using a walkthrough at some point
I played a lot of demo games years ago and now I can't find any of them
I wish there as a list of all PnC games sorted by release date
riven did it 20 years ago. the dome codes you need from gehn's office change everytime you play so you can't skip half the game.
Uru is still up and playable online friend, it got reupdated