Wow Classic Thread
All day every day till classic is out
Wow Classic Thread
All day every day till classic is out
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I can't wait to swim to that island off the southern tip of Tanaris.
The one with the gnome on it now?
I hope they’ll still let us clip our way into the caverns of time
What holds the future of WoW: Classic?
>hyping something everyday when it might take a year or two to come out
Big mistake. Your expectations will be so high nothing can meet them.
Fuck that shit. That series of jumps to get under Orgrimmar was the real deal.
>Welcome to Classic
>he didn't explore the Karazhan dungeons
Will it be Free to Play or did they already say no?
We've already played what we're getting and know exactly what it entails, nigger.
Anyone else hoping they add in stuff that didn't make it into the original release? Like the ultra dark zones, and the need for torches? Maybe the completed az
>wow’s anniversary is soon
I hope they give more details then
>We've already played what we're getting and know exactly what it entails, nigger.
You think you do, but you don't.
That would either piss people off or make people really happy... making the game MORE hardcore but also...
There may be riots
access will most likely be tied to your original wow account and thus need you to subscribe for wow classic
>Wouldn't mind playing troll Shaman because i've never done it before
>50%+ of the server will be UDfags
Back to Stormwind it is then
You think fucking BLIZZARD is going to waste time & money on anything that doesn't return a profit?
Be honest guy, I think this is a no-brainer.
I don't like any of those options but would be ok with them using the BC version of Azeroth and just keeping the Dark Portal closed. Maybe retune Kara and Caverns of Time instances for 60.
Good thing I'll play horde and wont have to deal with HUH
>not getting into bwl early and then getting your movies b& from warcraftmovies
Eh... I see it more as completing vanilla. FINISHING vanilla.
>no qol changes
will be shit
getting a HUH mask is even more of a status symbol for horde rogues than allies.
This is a good thing wether we want to believe it or not. At the end of the day it keeps the ten year olds out.
Tfw I'm more excited to have friends again because of dungeon groups than I am to play the game.
>furious casting sounds in the distance
Westfall. Home.
At least it was until I Huh'd everything up.
>Defias weren't paid for their job
>implying they're the paid guys
Yeah. Cataclysm rolled around, and all the guild regulars were leaving. Then it really hit me that raiding with my guildies was all I really enjoyed about the game anymore. I left without even saying goodbye to the few that were left.
who /lightshope/ here?
W-will I make friends?
Not me. All the content is post nerf and its so poorly scripted players are getting 1k dps in t2
>implying we aren't already your friends
That's why you're such a fucking faggot.
Of course you will, you have to. You won't get very far if you don't.
Their gear is fucking weird. Im looking at sets like Deathbone and comparing it to vanilla database stuff and nothing is matching up. Did their fuck up their gear to ancient worthless for most classes versions?
>implying they're the paid guys
I would not imply that
Why bother?
They'll delete it when classic hits
>content is post nerf
So since Blizzard don't have the balls to start with 1.1 on classic, since that would scare off even the most hardcore raiders, what the fuck are you doing in this thread? There will never be a unnerfed vanilla server, private or official.
This. I was leveling a character right up to the announcement but now i've lost all motivation to continue. Which is hell since i badly want to play vanilla now.
source: your ass
i would be totally ok if they add new stuff as long they don't raise the level cap and keep the old slow paced spirit of the game
These motherfuckers were a nightmare.
>tfw last time i saw that reaction image/watched the music video i was a neet
>tfw now have life together
There were progression servers in the beginning, there's one being launched in like a week. They stopped making private (patch) progression servers because of viruses.
Shows how much you know.
Can you remember launch WoW? Launch speccs, launch content, launch bugs, launch gear? Classic WoW would be dead in a matter of days. And it can't happen on private servers because they have no way to push client side patches.
>why live if I'm going to die anyway
This is what you sound like.
they're not actually going to charge a subscription fee for a 13 year old game right? especially when there are/were plenty of good f2p vanilla private servers entirely supported by donations with no p2w.
retail fags will hate it
I just thought it would be free since it would most likely be an old build of the game with no updates.
Do I need a sub for classic? Because I sure don't want to pay for it. Should be free, just like starcraft classic.
They'll definitely just make it so you have to pay the sub and you can use it to play retail and vanilla.
Never underestimate the hungering jew.
All they have to do is a Raid run (for each raid) in 1.12 and buff Boss health by how much they feel is appropriate
don't be naive
>pull two of these
>never kill them ever
We made it, lad.
They're probably gonna make the WoW sub itself cover it, so that way whenever people are finished with their classic shit they might think "Well Im paying for this version I should try to play it"
How long does it take to hit 60
I wish this shit would come out so you faggots would shut the fuck up about it, play it for 2 months, realize it's fucking awful, complain about how blizzard fucked something up for another month, and then it will be fucking forgotten about.
So fucking sick of seeing shitty "MUH VANILLA" and "MUH CLASSIC"
Shut the fuck up you fucking idiots, goddamn.
Of course you are going to have to sub, its Blizzards servers and you need to pay to keep them up. It would be amazing if you didn't have to pay, but that's a fever dream
>playing on vanilla private servers
>getting into random conversations with people passing by
>you actually talk a lot in dungeons and chill
I mean I quit during WotLK and dipped in a bit during Pandaria but man this shit is refreshing.
>play during nu-wow
>nobody talks
>no group quests, no reason to talk to anyone
>instanced areas
>no sense of server community
>dungeons are completely silent. The tank just walks through the entire dungeon pulling everything and barely getting hurt. 2 of the DPS are afk and you still end up completing the entire dungeon in 2 minutes.
>been two years since Nost launched and people are still playing vanilla
>i-it's just a fotm fad!
Laughing at your delusion here.
You can be friends with me user.
I think the thing is... they're going to make you but Battle Of Azeroth to play classic. Because they did say classic was going to be "Optional servers". In the end... we will all be retails fags...
*tips artifact power*
>tfw you made it but know not every neet on Sup Forums does
Fuck off fag
If you really love vanilla, it won’t matter.
After the classic announcement, I realized that vanilla wow is my favorite game of all time, and regardless of whether or not I will hit 60 or keep that character, I will still play because it’s such a good game.
Play it to play it, not to hit end game.
you are delusional if you think anyone is going to talk to you on the new server
the game is solved
take your glasses off
But in what gear, speccs and raid comp? Are you playing with experienced raiders or fresh 60s? Stacked world buffs or only consumables? See where this is going?
weeks to months
Don't feed the troll, it will help nothing
I'm sure they're smart enough to figure something out.
As long as you make it
Then why do the private vanilla servers I've played on have so much conversation going on? What would change between there and the Classic server?
A man can dream.
should I play horde or alliance?
horde got that barrens chat but I feel like alliance is more of a wild ride in leveling
Depends on how hard you go.
How do you represent/simulate the average raider when every single mechanic is know and every fight is mapped out?
Just play the opposite of your first character's faction.
Breakneck speed? 5 days /played
Realistically? 8-12 days /played, depending on class and other things
I just finished deadmines on my paladin there. I admit I only recently downloaded it because of the itch that classic gave me, but man, I didn't realize how much I missed vanilla. That deadmines run was more fun than any legion dungeon I've done.
Do you like trees and being gay? Then alliance is for you.
Nobody has done the old raids in the complete vanilla format and character since those times. So at first people will have trouble.
Define "made it"?
In vanilla, not those speeds
>32Prot Warrior LFG SM Armory,have Teamspeak server
They have a raid team made of one of the Lead Designers who got multiple world firsts
it will take a while only simply because you and a zillion other groups are going to be killing the same quest mobs. i can't even imagine how many generations of gnolls and defias are going to culled in the first 2 days. i doubt you'll even hear anyone of them HUH before they're torn apart by some hunter's cat, a mage's fireball, or gutted by a warrior nanoseconds after they spawn in. a good time shall be had by all.