>still no crack
Jesus, this actually might be the end for pirates. Why are crackers taking so long to crack games now? Did VMProtect finally stump them?
>still no crack
Jesus, this actually might be the end for pirates. Why are crackers taking so long to crack games now? Did VMProtect finally stump them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Given the state of NFS games recently, if I were a pirate I wouldn't bother with this shit.
>i-i-i-its bad
>n-n-n-no one wants it anyway
nigger the biggest indie shit garbage gets cracked. stop making excuses, piratepoor
>need lootboxes to even upgrade your car
How would you get around this in a pirated copy
this came out already? time is moving to fast
You're too obviuous, samefag.
You clearly don't realize shit games get the lowest priority from good folks doing cracks.
nobody cares about NFS anymore.
That's because it's garbage.
Just reinstalled Underground, good shit.
No one cares enough about this series to make a real effort.
God forbid I post in my own thread.
Dumb newfag.
then explain ac origins :)
Millions of retards care about that series.
People haven't cared about AC for like six years.
Redux 2017
>130k more owners than Cuckenstein, which got cracked 2 days before official release
Wolfenstein doesn't have Denuvo, what's your point?
The point is that it's uncrackable and you niggers make excuses like
>no one cares about it anyway!
>wanting to play a shit game
And what the fuck does that have to do with Wolfenstein?
Thank god for cheatengine and no anticheat. Just give me all the money, and no lootboxes needed ever.
>games no one cares about doesn't bother to get cracked
hasn't that been the case for the last few NFS? its as interesting as the FIFA series at this point
Who wants to crack a lootbox ginding simulator?
The game is super fucking turbo-trash anyway, it's better if you don't bother with this bullshit
The CE edition is fun
Brake turning and drifting are shit anyway..
At least it'll tide me over until The Crew 2. Not having to worry about lootcrates and having way more than enough money and parts cards makes playing the CE a lot better.
Gotta love the wraps the community makes for Payback though.
Have a discount AE86
didu somuon sai drifto?
Microtransactions killed my boner for it
there's always the ce edition
but the game is kinda passable, it's like a light version of the crew.
From what I've seen on Twitch it's like Underground 2 but with grinding.
are you telling me
that in the year 2017
with a game that has microtransactions and lootboxes
they somehow overlooked Cheat Engine, and didn't even bother adding in an anticheat?
Exactly. And this isn't just some mistake "oh we forgot to" I have a feeling the devs knew what was coming.
Wasn't the first time the PC versions had CE's.
Nobody gives a shit about it.