MHW shitposting continues

old thread

What Palico are you going to make? What armor and weapon is it going to wear?

I haven't decided which weapons I'll primarily use, so I can't really choose how I'll gear my Palico.

Will it be good? and yes i fucking know make my own opinions and go buy and play it. fuck that answer the question.

With switching in the camp, I expect people will alternate a lot more. I am still going to blow monsters the fuck up with HBG however.

>What Palico are you going to make?
None, if that's possible.

>Will it be good?

Yes. There will be a lot of shitposting saying it'll be too fucking casual, but I know that at least half of those niggers haven't played a Monster Hunter in their lives, and the other half don't want that first half to play, so they are saying it looks like the worst game ever.

It will be good. I vouch for it. Me, the user. And if it is shit, let me be eaten by Great Jagras.

I think it will be good but it won't have anywhere near as much content or lasting value as MH4U. There will be fewer monsters, fewer maps, fewer equipment sets and no G rank at release.


I hate to say this but what about expansion, if they set it up to be easily expandable dlcs etc then it could become more.
I saw it was like oh nice new game but haven't really followed along, I'm excited for it though.


Yes, after an expansion or two it could be the best MH game ever, assuming that the endgame is still challenging.




Make my palico look my cat. Gonna sick as fuck.

But can it also blow my own team the fuck up at the same time?

I wish I had one of those cats as a pet in real life


Did 3 have G rank at release? Did 4? Did generations?

No generation had G rank at release. So it's pretty much impossible for World to be the best in the series, at least until it gets an expansion.

>What Palico are you going to make?
That depends on how much fucking cat pun they are going to shit out.

I've tried the dual blades in the World demo at PAX and it is entirely possible for World to be the best in the series with less content like tri before it

Less than usual but still lots

My point was simply it is ridiculous to criticize world for lacking the very same thing every single other MH game lacked at launch. Not to mention world can't just copy/paste old assets like the DS ones have been doing. It'll get G rank. Whether as a rerelease or as a dlc? Time will tell, I guess.

Black cat with heavy armor and a bow; you can customize your cat's gear, right?

Are they that fun? I hate how hard it can be to remove parts from the monster, and you can't really do anything about a rampaging monster, you just have to wait till it stops while a hammer or great sword user can counter it.

They still haven't gotten rid of these retarded cats?

nothing because i dont use palicos

Cats have a generic melee weapon and boomerangs. How you set up their skills varies from game to game but usually you can rig them to focus on melee or range.

>you can't really do anything about a rampaging monster
You can exploit some pretty small openings with your spin2win spam

Dang, I wanted a sniper cat; now that I think about it, heavy armor isn't even made for ranged weapons so I'm a double retard.

I always make my Palico look like my cat that died and name it after her that way she can still be with me in some form still. She used to always sit on my lap while I played MonHun.

I have seen a bow cat, but it was a special ability I think.

so can you play as a cat or is this some kind of side kick for something? ive never played monster hunter.

My Palico will be just like my nigger cat IRL, fat and black.

The palicos are basically tamed monsters that can help you during hunts.

Aren't they called Felids? I haven't really been keeping up with MHW news.

The race is called felynes and the tame version you bring on hunts is usually called palico.

they went ham with the naming thing, as a whole race there are both felyne and melynx, palico is the name for cats that hunt alongside hunters

delete palico

>Weapon movesets are more or less identical
>Most of the armor is recycled
>Most of the weapons are recycled
>Most of the monsters are recycled
>Most monsters are just reskins of each other
>New monsters are reskins of old monsters
Why is anyone excited? You've already played 90% of what the game has to offer if you played any previous MH. But I guess that's to be expected from the fanbase that happily laps up the clockwork ultimate re-release that's sold as a full price standalone game instead of DLC. I'll never get the MH fanbase.

>Most of the armor is recycled
>Most of the weapons are recycled
Does this matter when the last game in which we got to see them was a 240p 3DS game?

It's bait, dude. World is the least recycled MH to date given that it can't just rip old assets and use them on the new engine.

But can you play as them and shit out boomerangs?

You described every new entry to the MH series

Weapons aren't ever going to change much, and going full blown over the top anime moves like XX and such won't be a good start point for what they are clearly positioning as a "realistic" monster hunting game.

None of the armor is recycled. Not even Rath sets. They have similarities, but are different enough that they actually step away from the copy paste of the previous games.

Weapons are different again here, but I like the idea you start with a base model and as you upgrade you slap more bits on, rather than the whole weapon completely changing every time, or literally not changing at all and just getting a higher attack value.

We have Barroth, Raths, Diablos, smaller monsters, and if you want to be a nitpicker Jyura is obviously Lavasioth reskinned, and Radobaan is Uragaan. That's it so far. We've already got more new monsters than any game since... Fuck I don't even know.

See above.

See above.

I just hope they ported all the best old monsters. I don't care about the roster size, just the quality.

This is the right attitude. I would rather fight the same 20-25 monsters than a roster of 50+ if they are fun, challenging and present different ways to beat them with different weapons.

where's the himecut