The developer and director of the last game you played are now making a sequel to the second-to-last game you played

The developer and director of the last game you played are now making a sequel to the second-to-last game you played.

How does it play out?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cuphead devs making Odyssey 2
Finally, some challenge.

>Hiroyuki Ito(Final Fantasy 9) making a sequel to Tokyo Mirage Sessions
It could be okay I guess

>valve making rocket league


>Kodaka and Spike Chunsoft doing a Nier game
Oh gosh please no

Didn't mean to reply my bad

Nintendo & Kenta Motokura Working on the sequel to Doki Doki Literature Club


This are XCX are best games I own on Wii u. Too bad I have to turn on my Wii u to play them

I bought Wii U for those 2 and Bayonetta 2. No regrets.

>CD Project Red making a sequel to Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash
...that could be interesting.

Tell me about this man. Why does he wear a mask?

Autism, probably

>the developer/director of Morrowind making a sequel to Doki Doki Literature Club

Sure why not

I think a better question would be:
The developer of the first game you played but didn't beat and the directer of the last game of which you saw the trailer to are now making a pre-sequel to the last series you saw mentioned online

How does it play out?

>Larian making TES:VI

Bethesda and Todd making dark souls 4

>Yoko Taro maked Doki Doki Literature Club
I think I want this.

MonHun devs making Heat Signature 2. Maybe it could work ?

>whoever did valkyrie profile 2
>developing a zelda

sure. anyone but nintendo at this point.

>that quote
Thank fuck people like this exist.

Player Unknown and Bluehole making a mobage with anime waifus.

It'll print money.

>Team GrisGris making a new Bomberman

So basically it's Bomberman with more torture porn and pissing lolis? Kedouin, you absolute fucking madman.

Whoever made Nioh is now making the sequel to Wolfenstein.

Diablo style loot with guns? Samurai Nazis getting killed by a minority. Not that different from today desu.

>Developers of Forza 7 making a sequel to Forza 6
B-but they already did

Not gonna lie, that would probably be one of the few ways to make that VN better.

>Kenji Saito and Platinum/Kojima make Team Fortress 3
So...this basically

>Jagex making a Killing Floor 3
All the focus is on witty british humor, one-liners and everything has examine text. Bad news is it ends up being another ace of spades.

>Fromsoft makes Evil Within 3

I'll take 10 copies

>Arenanet making sequel to Bayonetta
Guess the aesthetics might be pretty decent.

Not like the AI would improve any so eh, why not?

>Final Fantasy 14 devs making a Xenoblade Game

I'll probably be an mmo, and an amazing one at that.

Literally too autistic to show his face.
He really is /ourguy/

>Fromsoft and Miyazaki making a new senran kagura game
Everything i love about SK but with actual decent combat, sounds fucking sick

The AI was pretty good in the first one, now in the second stealth is too easy because they're blind.
From would just remove most stealth elements and make tons of ambushes.

>Fromsoft making any decent game without reusing any assets or mechanics
not happening

>with actual decent combat

The creator of Spark the Electric Jester makes a Sonic game.
I am okay with that, his trilogy of fangames were really good. Good addition to Mania Team.

considering Tamsoft is going to be reusing estival versus models for Re:Newal and possibility 7ven they would fit right in

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis.

I don't see much changing.

>Blizzard making Doom 5

every time i see this stupid ass fucking mask i just get pissed the fuck off
apparently neir automata's a good game and i want to play it but god fucking damn it that face is preventing me
god i just want to kick the fucker down and punch him


why he go up in front of crowd then

Why tho? Could it be you hate Emil?

>CC2 develops the next FFXIV expansion


what about the mask makes you so upset?

its apart of his job

i don't know
it just looks fucking stupid weeb shit

>yoko taro directs a new castlevania

impossible because the company were dissolved
>Shadow Hearts 2 developing and directing a sequel to League of Legends
Doesn't really work

>Todd Howard is making Dark Souls sequel

>Yoko Taro directed Jet Set Radio

I'm scared and excited.

already happened
and it sucks

>Taiko drum master devs making next mainline Mario
mario: rhythm heaven

>playing a Bethesda game
literally why

well it if makes you feel better the mask he wears is based of a character who wears a similar mask from the games, also he really just doesn't like showing his face in public events
also how can he be a weeb if he's literally a japanese man

>Hideous Kojimble makes Dragon's Dogma 2

He doesn't like cameras. He's shy and thinks that game devs shouldn't be treated like celebrities.

because I can

Hey adam

>MachineGames are making Half-Life 3
Well, Gordon's about to become fifteen times the murder machine he already has. And then he caves G-Man's face in with a crowbar in graphic detail.
I'll take eight copies.

Grim Dawn devs making Darkest Dungeon 2. Well... Yes?

>Well, Gordon's about to become a sassy black afro headed womyn who don't need no dr vance

>Odyssey devs
>Sonic Mania
I more than welcome EAD to try making a good Sonic game, preferably a 3D one. I'm not saying they'd pull it off well but Sonic Team have had enough chances. Leave the 2D stuff to the Mania team.

>Ben Brode developing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


>Gamefreak developing Soul Reaver 3
NO. Oh no no no

>The devs for Nioh are now making Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Redux
I don't think it works, but it would be probably be interesting to see.

>dark souls 1 devs making a sequel
>to dark souls 3
>tfw confirmed to never happen
why live

>Team Ninja making a sequel to Doom 2
Isn't this just shadow warrior?

>Studio MDHR making Hitman season 2
I have no idea how that would work

>Nintendo EPD making Digital Devil Saga 3

> Fromsoft makes a Fallout game.
I mean... It will almost certainly be better than 4. No doubt about it.

>Capcom and Kamiya making a NieR Automata sequel.
Gameplay would be 11/10, story would be shitty because of the lack of Taro.

This . But also he also spends most of his free time playing videogames, doodling, or watching tv in his room. He hates leaving his room, and taking vacations. He only goes outside for work reasons, when forced to do so, or to play pinball at the arcades. Because pinball makes him feel nostalgic for his childhood, but then that makes him feel sad.

valve doing league of legends 2

>southpark picross
Seems like it'd be a bit boring.

>Valve making a sequel to Natural Selection 2

wtf this is actually a good fit

>FFXIV's dev team making a Etrian Odyssey game

I mean, I'd play it a EO MMO if it has unique map making mechanics or some shit.

Doesn't he have a wife?

Well she's japanese so

So it would be Team Ninja (Nioh) developing a sequel to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. We all know how that turned out, so no.

>New Vegas devs making a sequel to Fallout 3

>creative assembly
>making a sequel to Nier Automata
So...kinda like Spartan Total Warrior, but with robots and butts?

>Fire Emblem: Heroes devs making a sequel to Dark Souls

kill me

Bethesda making the sequel to Bloodborne.

"You see that monster over there? You can KILL it."


Can't wait to play a snarky/good/asshole MC in a Cthulu Fucked shitfest.

remember me?


Fuck, I wish I didn't.

>valve developing a sequel to consortium: the tower

Valve are decent at story but I doubt they'd pull it off well at all.

Ace Attorney SoJ devs working on a new Touch Detective game? Seems like a good fit.

>Yoko Taro making Persona 6
This could be interesting...

Nintendo and Hidemaro Fujibayashi is now making a sequel to F-Zero... I mean Nintendo did say expect non-traditional Nintendo IPs which could mean F-Zero

Dragon Quest guys making Darkest Dungeon 2

Shit I'd play that.

>Rabi-Ribi devs making Transistor 2
Alright then.