Soul Calibur 6 announcement next month

According to the rumours. What do you want for it? What guest character would you add?

I want this game to stay dead and for its shitty fans to join it.

>clicks on a thread about a video game he doesn't like

kill yourself weebposter.

Because I do like Soulcalibur, I'm just extremely bitter towards it and the people that like it

>Add in the best character builder of all time
>Fuck the rest

I'm only here for the OCs. Chronicle of the Sword was the best.

good guest characters.
>William Adams nioh
>monster hunter rep
> mokujin tekken
> sting bloody roar
I have no hope though.

Please get back on track lore-wise so we can have the characters we actually give a shit about, not their relatives. Even if you want to keep the relatives in the game as some sort of weird time-portal bullshit, I don't care. 5 was just such a bizarre departure for the series compared to 4.

I unironically want Dante as a guest character in SC6

>have played the games since 2
>realize I know barely any of the story
>when I realized a bunch of characters were missing in 5 I didn't really care



What rumors?

I just want my nigga classic rock back.

I know barely any of the lore either. But I play fighting games for the characters, not the "functions," as the most recent joke goes. I don't want to play Amy, I want to play Raphael. They're two different characters for a reason.

where are her nipples

Why do you torment us so with false hope?

>tfw bloody roar has less of a chance to ever come back
This fucking hurts so god damn much. All I wanted was a fucking shark character that they teased a long time ago but fuck konami!

>he likes the game but wants it to stay dead because other people he doesn't like like the game as well
I mean, you could have been a homeless drug addict injecting yourself below a bridge, so i guess this could have been a little worse. You've got to look on the bright side of life.

Chronicle of the Sword was such a fun mode.

Microsoft: elite with energy sword or jago from KI
Sony: bloodborne/monster hunter, dante, or cloud
Nintendo: marth/lyn/ike/chrom/any fe lord except lucina, or shulk. But i wouldn’t mind link again

If universal: ryu hayabusha or lloyd irving

And bring back staff wielding kilik

I wish they would bring Luna into canon.

I guess, but hell look at this thread. People want things or care about shit that is either dumb or doesn't even matter. Plus I honestly hate Create a Soul and wish that shit was never added to the series at all but people love it for some reason that I don't really understand so fuck it. I don't want CaS, I don't want guest characters, I don't give a shit about story, I just want a fun game.



Well, I whine about all sort of shit, but the most important thing is for the gameplay to be solid.
But they already got pretty close to that in 5, so as long as they don't fuck around with it too much all's good.

Personally I enjoy create a soul like hell, but I like all sort of creative things in all sort of games. Even minecraft and shit.

But in that case you can just play SC2 forever like the dull purist you are.

If wanting a good base game to be prioritized makes me a "dull purist" than so be it.

Yeah SCV was good it just needed some kinks worked out, but people shit all over it because they don't give a shit about the core game.

Fine taste.

Same, she was a super cutie.

>I want a hugbox safespace
He's allowed to dislike things you like

>Posting Taki as if she's going to be playable over natsu


It does so fuck off and play 2. It got rereleased for people like you

Best fighting game for femdom

>What guest character would you add?
This is an extremely easy question.

Best thing they can do at this point is say the swords created some bs time warps and bring everyone back.


>he wants another sigfried/nightmare clone
Yea no kys faggot.

There's a difference between providing a contrary opinion and just being a dick. You're allowed to like or not like whatever the fuck you want but if you're only contribution is FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU FANS DIE then you're just being an asshole and people are going to call you on it. Acting surprised when they do makes it sound like you need the hugbox.

I think I read something like that, that Patroklos and Pyhrra would travel in time.

What a pleb.

You don't even have to go to that much effort. Just make Taki an alt skin for Natsu after you beat her arcade mode or edgemaster mode.

If people can just write of fucking Darth Vader as being there just for fun we can do the same with characters the fans actually give a shit about.

>bawww I'm mad SC5 killed the casual shit and had no focus on barbie rpg shit in a fighting game bawww

>>William Adams nioh

Arthur is already basically just William Adams


>Bloody Roar
Please happen, although I would rather Shina, Gado, or Cronos

Abelia was better, especially that move where she mounts them and just starts punching the shit out of their face.

Pat already does travel in time in SCV to reverse him killing Pyrrha


fuck off FGCunt.

Do a Mortal Kombat 9 and go back in time to around 3 or 4 so that 5 can be erased from the timeline.

look at this casual shit, look at him and laugh

5 gameplay wise is infinitely better than 3 and 4.
If you disagree you're just a nostalgia-shitter

Abelia was a traitorous whore.

Being better than 2 games that where shit doesn't make you good.

Lloyd always got into that horrid spin-off.

If they want to go for a real shocker, get a Marvel character like Thor or Captain America to join. They both fit the weapon motif, Thor more so because he's kind of a fantasy character.

It was the best one in the series.

I hope you fucking kill yourself and your parents, specifically your mother, cries as she packs up your belongings in a box. I hope your father breaks down emotionally years later after finding your belongings in a box as they pack up their things to move to a smaller home. I hope they never get used to not having you around. My dream is that your family is never the same again.

No it wasn't, it tried to be a 3D Street Fighter with weapons and botched it so hard it put the franchise on hold. Not help by Bandai Namco meddling and budget cutting.

Right and Street Fighter 5 is totally the best one in that series too.

Actually I agree with you. My bitterness is towards the people you described.

Yes she is.

it isn't though. nice try buttmad.


> muh lore
Literally who gives a shit, let them focus on the gameplay and net code.

Reboot the series. Just call it "Soul Calibur"
Saying SC6 is gonna turn people off

Also I lost track of how many times Ive fapped to Taki

>Literally who gives a shit

Actual fans of the goddamn series who have come to expect this shit since the original game.

> and net code.

Right, being able to play with some random shitter online who you'll never meet is much more important than making a game with actual content.

I want ZWEI changes such as
3[A] going into KF
3A BE to work like 4B BE
Tracking on 22/88B fixed. Is it supposed to combo naturally if the first hit lands? I could never tell because it’s so janky
Scrap 1A and replace it with an actual intimidating low
Longer throw range

I want Talim damn it

>Reboot the series. Just call it "Soul Calibur"

I hate that shit.

remember when this happened? All the new characters got shredded and not a peep since.

>the fighting game part of a FIGHTING GAME isn't important!

I want you gassed.

Tira with her original SC3 design

How would an archer character work, if at all?

>Somebody put this much effort into learning Z.W.E.I.
I'm impressed, I wanted to like him during the pre-release, but I just didn't like his moveset.

>The only thing that matters is me being able to beat some punk kid on the other side of the country and show off what a badass I am.
>Anyone who disagrees with me should be murdered.

I think what kills me the most is that the FGC is so far up it's own ass that it doesn't even realize there's a problem and that they're being played harder than the games themselves.

Lexia didn't deserve to be bottom, that should have been Xiba

>bawww muh rpgshit in FIGHTING GAMES

want an RPG? play an RPG you mental midget.

Wait what

Sc5 had the most customization and story mode out of all the games, shit sc5 had the LEAST amount of focus on the fighting aspect

lmao you are seething right now.
literally retarded

Eh. I kind of get it. It's not really her fault but she's the daughter born from breaking up the series power couple and just a discount version of an established girl.

>Im happy to pay for a game that's completely devoid of actual meat and was rushed out. Here's 60 dollars for the privileged!

>lmao you are seething right now.

Uh no, that would be the guys screaming bloody murder.

Several people in /scvg/ played him.

fucking casual, christ leave, fighting games are not for you, you never were a fan you poser, sc is better off with the sereious community

>mommy I can't make my naurto characters it's shiiiit!


That's actually the only thing you CAN do, so yeah.

>According to the rumours
there are no rumors, series is dead

Are we talking about the same game? The one with the patroklos malfested shit and texture changy shit right

I've never seen such rectalrage

>Best thing they can do at this point is say the swords created some bs time warps and bring everyone back.
They're not goign to do this just for Taki when the Japanese like young cute girls like Natsu. It's only gaijins that like Taki, not Japan.

I would love a ssb style game with bloody roar characters. It would work so well it's criminal.

The netcode worked like a dream for me. Well, as long as I played opponents near my location.

I just want a discussion without someone scresming hurtbutt after every post

Poor mother fucker doesn't even know what the fuck he is replying to

Good base game design and fun single player content are not mutually exclusive.

I never got the impression that V and Natsu where especially all that popular in Japan either though.

>fully featured multiplayer
>pc release

big single player campaign would be nice, but the main thing would just being able to pick up a game with friends at a moments notice and not having to yank out an old console and use an ancient lobby system

I'll laugh at your pathetic ass

Legends wasn't THAT bad.

>FGC autists vs Roleplaying autists
Maybe the series should stay dead. If another game came out it couldn't possibly please both sides. I think they really need some quality single player shit like sc 2 and 3 but FGCtards think any time spent on the single player content that made the series popular to begin with is time wasted.

Natsu was in PXZ2 if that counts for anything

I just want to play talim again.

Natsu was really popular, even in NA.

So wasn't Hibana and while I love her and Nightshade to bits I doubt there's a huge fandom Im missing for it. Putting her in XZ2 seems more like a case of trying to boost popularity rather than capitalize off it.

And frankly it only made me saltier because Taki and Hibana have been my much wanted ninja babe dream team for ages.

Bring back Talim

I want the actual game to exist, mainly

Other than that:
>Single-player campaign like the one in SC3, Chronicles of the Sword
>Edge Master mode from Soul Edge
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

You have all the contrary assholes who call out anyone who wants any form of single player content as being casual shitters, however...I think they're being a bit too shortsighted. SP content brings people to the game, gets them invested, potentially turns them into someone who likes to fight actual opponents.

If they can afford to add the content without affecting the game's systems, amount of characters that are added or whatever, I'm all for it. SCV lacked any decent SP content and it felt really empty for it compared to SCIII and below (I mean, SCIV was also pretty barebones on this front). SCV had the combat tuned to an excellent level, had surprisingly decent netcode and had enough of a roster to feel varied enough. If they can keep that level of quality while tacking on Edge Master, that'd be cool. All V had was a "play through this crappy story once and you're done" scenario and the option to play against broken AI opponents for titles that no-one gives a shit about. Also, don't really care much for trophies or anything, but "Win 10 ranked online matches with Ezio"? Really?

>even in NA.

Don't lie.

Fuck 5 was perfect and was by far hands down the best game in the FGC in its time. Just make it like 5 but expand the roster to add the original cast and make the lore slightly less gay, also Kilik is a staff user, end of discussion.