Why haven't you pre-ordered?

Why haven't you pre-ordered?

Already got Sun. I can't justify throwing $40 for a glorified DLC

Already played and is shit, fuck off shill.

I already paid for this shit back in 2000.

modern pokemon is barely worth a pirate
but i'll pirate it for best girl

Who doesn't have a hacked 3ds at this point?

>Implying there is ever going to be a good pokemon game on a post-ds nintendo console.

SM killed the series, fuck off traitor

ORAS killed the series

XY killed the series and SM revived it.

>paying money for a rerelase that had only 2 hour difference
>new camera mode wow
>shit tier battle facility
>no improvements such as skipping the dialogue or improving framerate
No thanks. Fuck that dlc tier shit. Not fucking worth it. The only reason id get it if it was a port for switch. Outside of that, everyone who already got unfinished sun moon release already had whatever it had to offer.

Why should I? I got memed into buying X before 3DS piracy took off and every Pokemon game since gen 4 has been shit.

>can romance your Pokedex

ordered like fifteen copies

It's honestly not good at all. They better put a real game out for the Switch pokemon game

I don't really pre-order games nowadays.
I plan to get it though.

because i pirate nigga

Why did they keep double battles if they knew how awful they ran? It's like playing on a shittty emulator what the fuck.

Because I pirated Moon and it was so bad I asked for a refund.


Are Pokemon fans the worst type of Nintendo fan? They've just let Gamefreak rail them hard since BW2.

It's the official format for tournaments and shit. They already cut Rotations and Triples due to performance issues.

it's just ridiculous they couldn't make it run better

pokemon company is hella lazy. everybody knows it too.

because it leaked and I pirated it you dumbfuck

They ruined her character completely in USM (not that it was particularly fantastic before).

too obvious

sounds like a shame, idk if i want spoilers but it's not like the porn will stop coming
i wish a lot of it wasn't disgusting though

Because I'm done with Pokemon.

is even worthy?

the rainbow team rocket looks so dumb

>he doesnt want a hairy mommy

Because I already beat it, and it's fucking shit.

>thick pubes, pit hair, and sweat
fuck no i want my classy beautiful woman who is also completely off in the head

>who is also completely off in the head
that's all women user

THICC pubes are the best though.

I already played this and stopped playing after the first trial. Game is still a clusterfuck.
If you've played SM then no, nothing really changes aside from remixes and shitty """""new""""""" content.

>SM revived it
XY and ORAS killed it. SM was the body spasm that made some think it was still alive, before it shat itself and stopped moving.

USUM is fucking the corpse.

It's just version 1.154
No thanks.

lel too much watar xD

Game Freak are notoriously bad at programming (which is a bit overblown, but they earned it due to Gen 1 barely working and Iwata single-handedly having to fix their bullshit in Gen 2), and they're using super high-poly models for the Pokemon so they can re-use them on other platforms, and the 3DS can't handle it.


This. In fact for once I'm actually glad I got the first version instead.

Nothing's changed, it's still the same slog through cutscenes. I've counted 177 and i'm not even finished with the game