Startinf a new emerald run. Do you guys have any interesting / gay ideas for some self imposed rules?

Startinf a new emerald run. Do you guys have any interesting / gay ideas for some self imposed rules?

You know what a scramble challenge is?

not op but bumping for interest

Post your progress here and we name your mons. After you finish it you can transfer your whole team to an actual cartridge if you have an R4/GBA flashcart.

everytime you encounter a wild pokemon, take a different object from around your house and insert it into your anus. You can only remove an item if you successfully capture that pokemon.


you take that shit to your containment board faggot

i like this

you can only use pokemon who's name starts with ten random letters from the alphabet

>self imposed rules
Why? The Battle Frontier is challenging enough as it is.

Please catch a ludicolo, friendo. That's all I ask of you.

You mean Shiftry.

Just play the game normally.

That's the gayest thing you can do.

>That time someone was doing this and they caught a shiny Whismur


I lile this one... Start rolling letters
Also cant really post live progress because i like to take my time with my runs

no evolution allowed


Every time you reach a new town, you have to randomly select (use a randomizer) one of your party members and release them.

Only 3 pokemon in your party allowed. Others must be sent to the box. Might be a little too hard once you get to Elite 4.

Use RNG to give yourself 6 random lvl 1 Pokemon. They are your team for the entire game. No evolution. No catching new ones.

At every sixth Pokemon you catch you have to release whoever is the first slot of your party. You have to attempt to catch every second Pokemone you encounter. You cannot rearrange your party outside of gyms, and cannot enter gyms unless you're challenging them.

*At every Pokemon you catch beyond the sixth slot of your party

Ended up going for 10 random letters and i can only catch and evolve if the evolutions name starts with that letter. also every town that i unlock grants me an "evolution point" that i can use to evolve 1 pokemon.

Scramble challenges are runs in which the player's team is chosen for them. Often, there are additional challenges for each Pokemon, for example, someone may suggest that a player play with a Wooper, which cannot evolve into Quagsire until it beats a grass type Pokemon on its own.

Basically the game rules go like this

>Always mention your planned team (based on others' responses) when you ask for more team members, so others know what has already been suggested.

>You may create your own set of (minor) restrictions concerning gameplay - just be sure to mention those as well.

>Just because of the fact that not everyone is on the same level experience-wise, you may reject team suggestions. However, please don't abuse this. If you feel that you need a really easy challenge, say so.

>Typically, no Legendaries and no duplicates are allowed. Apparently, trading in any form (except for evolution) is discouraged, as well as post-Nat. Dex Pokémon, but if you wish to use a traded Pokemon you may,

>Limit your suggestions to one per team (if it's rejected, you may suggest again), so that everyone can contribute. If the challenger's team goes two or more pages without a suggestion, you may suggest a maximum of an extra one, but no more.
Purposely giving challengers blatantly terrible choices (Lillipup that may not evolve at all, etc.) is against the spirit of the game