Yes. One of my favorite games. Good music, good atmosphere, good game play

Yes. One of my favorite games. Good music, good atmosphere, good game play.

If you don't puke every time you see anime artstyle and jRPG is not your most hated genre then sure, it's worth it.
Game is over 100 hours long and has multiple endings and NG+

Yes it's worth it, but be prepared to put at least 90 plus hours to beat the game. Also, it would help if you if did some research on how the game mechanics work before you buy just so that you have somewhat of a good idea on how the game works so you don't get overwhelmed with too much information.

Sure, if you don't mind 50-60 hours of YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING, then go ahead.

Great game, and even better if this is your first Persona game so everything will feel absolutely new to you.

This is fake news. Etika would never praise a Sony exclusive.

Absolutely. It's a ride.

any major difference between the ps3 version and ps4?

Aside from the resolution, there's no difference..

I played PS3, was dope.

As for the OP, yeah it's worth it. If you really wanna maximize your time to soar ratio, I'd strongly suggest playing on hard mode.

Do you want an actual game? If so then no, it's not worth it. If you just wanna jerk off over some waifus then it's ok.

Time to dollar, I'm drunk

>Sony exclusive.

>best gameplay
>best waifus in general
>best story
>best ost
>best team chemistry

They're all have their good sides.

That's not a good thing, she single handedly ruins the narrative.

I'll fight you. She just made the PT more careful not to get caught.

>Tries this in Okumura's Palace

>50-80 hours

What the fuck were you guys doing?
Playing on safe or skipping all dialogue?
I played it on hard, and while it was a immensely satisfying and well balanced challenge (except for the last 5% of the game where you can essentially break it, but that's just JRPGs and it's fine) i never ran into too much trouble, but the game still took me 130 hours to beat.

Anyways, while some of the characters are not very well written, there are a lot of plot devices and contrivances and Ryuji is FUCKING annoying it's still probably my GOTY 2017.

Wait for Black Friday, where it'll be $30 at Walmar and Best Buy.

What the fuck were you doing is the better question.

Just playing through the game?
I mean, naturally the fights last like 30% longer because you have to "waste" more turns healing instead of attacking, but i never really got stuck on anything, just had to be more careful and pick my fights. The only time i actually got kind of stuck was the Okumura boss fight which took me like 5 tries to beat and that probably amounts to 90 minutes or so.

I actually haven't seen anyone beat this game on hard on their first playthrough in less than 120 hours so i don't know how the fuck other people can beat it in 80. Normal must be piss easy if it shaves off 40h playtime


Game is good but pretty forgettable imo

The Strength confidant breaks this game as does the Death and Sun. I played on Hard and beat it in 85 hours or so, difficulty curve after Madarame drops and stays there. The only way I could see this taking someone more than 100 hours is if they had never played a Megami Tensei game before.

English translation is pretty shitty at times but it's an okay game

if your a long time fan, sure. otherwise play the older games first faggot (3 and 4)

(Because 5 is that much better that you'll have a hard time going back to the inferior 3 and 4)

i would not go as far as to call 3 and 4 inferior to 5. both games do things better what 5 did while same thing could be said about 5. i personally enjoyed 4 more than i did 5.

why do people say this
"hey guys I want to play game X"
"okay but play these other 80-100 hour games first"

just go play Persona 5 if you want to play it

fuck you faggot

5 is much better mechanically and graphically (if only due to being few newer), but all three games have particular sweet spots in terms of story/characters/themes.

I'd say do as says, but just keep in mind that if you do decide to try P3 and P4 afterwards, they did come out about a decade earlier.


Delete this first.

Fuck off niggetika

>No control over party members during combat
>Repeat the exact same floor 300 times
>Non existent story for half of the game
>Majority of social links range from mediocre to boring and have no effect on the game outside of xp bonuses during fusion
Let's be real, P3 is basically unplayable by today's standards.

The biggest selling point of 5 imo is that the Palaces are actual fixed levels they put some time into designing.

Not saying that the level design is great, but it's definitely a step up from 3 and 4.
Fuck Shido's palace by the way. After the 5th fucking rat corridor it's really just getting fucking annoying because while this doesn't pose any challenge whatsoever it does make you run back and forth A LOT.

you're so gay, kid you're prolly a loser, little bitch

are you autistic too

Shido's Palace felt really phoned in. If it didn't have the cool music, and the traitor and CHAR fights waiting at the end, it would've ranked worse than Okumura's Palace.

I like persona 3 but yes this is pretty true.

Going to tartarus feels like a chore.

The one saving grace of P3 is that the split up command makes NG+ a breeze.

Yes, I blew $300 on a PS4 and I just got it for BB and P5

Does Multiple endings really count if every ending that isn't the true ending just ends earlier, with no unique content other than the ending cut-scene it self?
Alternate endings should only really count if they have unique content, or require different play styles to get.

but user P5 is PS3 game with a PS4 port

>plays on safety
>first tutorial miniboss

Do you eat shit?

But BB isn't on PS3 and I also wanted the best version of P5, not the 15-20 FPS one with jaggies.

Man I really wanna play this game but don't have PS3/4

yes. 90 hour worth of gameplay

big update in style and art compared to p3

P5 on hard was actually the most satisfying gaming experience i have had in a long time.
The game felt really smartly balanced in just the right way for hard. Of course you can still break the game in traditional JRPG fashion once you get Strength confidant to 10, but for the most game the game was challenging in the most pleasing way possible. And i would've NEVER expected this to be possible in a turn based JRPG.

My GOTY for that alone.

>Kawakami SPECIFICALLY says SHE and other members of the teacher staff can't go on the class trip to Hawaii and that's why she sends Makoto in her place

>Kawakami shows up on Hawaii

What did the writers mean by this?

>What did the writers mean by this?
waifu baiting

I’d hate to be you and have such shit taste. Feels good, famalam.