When is the last time you've been severely challenged in a video game, Sup Forums?

When is the last time you've been severely challenged in a video game, Sup Forums?
I watched someone stream Hollow Knight.(I know watching others play games is lame, I don't care), and the streamer was so bad, they died in the intro zone for an hour. And then 20 minutes trying to buy a map. And then another hour and a half trying to beat pick related enemy.(Who they thought was a boss) Afterward, they bought the compass from the store with the measly amount of money they held.

When it was all said and done, it took them 3 hours to achieve what most players do in 15 minutes. When was the last time you stuck through something *that* difficult for you?

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I just got done with the white palace in that game, made me feel retarded
honestly fuck that place

I guess maybe SMT Nocturne. I initially played through Persona 4 and enjoyed it so much I wanted to explore other games related to the SMT series. After getting through P3, I took a stab at Nocturne since people told me it was a good place to transition into the mainline.

Goddamn did I get my ass torn up playing that game. I fell into nearly every single beginner trap (not Matador, weirdly enough though). I remember at one point early in the game I got hit with a random Hama from an Angel in a random encounter, and bam, dead. Lost like an hour and a half of progress because I wasn't saving consistently. I got so salty I put the game down for a few weeks. Despite that, I went back, beat the game, and got the Neutral ending. Not the True Demon ending, but I was still proud of it. Since then I've beaten SMTIV, Apocalypse, DDS1, and I'm working on Strange Journey. I love the series now, but it was a rough start.

Fun fact, I remember I was stuck fighting Isamu at the end for like, nearly 40 minutes since I was an idiot and didn't have a good party ready for his gimmick. That was a miserable goddamn slog.

>they died in the intro zone for an hour.
What. How is that even-

>Dark Souls
>Anor Londo Archers and Lost Izalith

Fuck that shit.

I agree that being retarded is difficult, but that doesn't mean the game is. Also you watched a tard suck at video games for three fucking hours, you double tard. What a fucking waste.

i got over the mountain

>they died in the intro zone for an hour
you watched some shitter for an hour in the intro zone? what the fuck is wrong with this generation

Does streaming/recording gameplay cause you to get worse at a game? I know that whenever my brother comes around and I show of a new game I get worse at playing but then there is a physical person around distracting me and I can't really imagine the same thing happening just for streaming something

They really suck. Tried to play with keyboard. And didn't read the message that tells them how to heal, even though they checked it, they didn't retain it.
Also, I got the impression that the streamer didn't normally play games at all. Only IRL stuff in their video history.

I think it does. Knowing that people are watching you or having to provide commentary rather than focusing, silently, on the gameplay/world does take away from your overall competency.

To an extent though. Spending three hours on the opening shit in Hollow Knight is baffling.

I'm stuck in the bit where the enemies teleport everywhere and use tracking magic missiles. I'm not all the familiar with platformers so I'm probably just bad.

Also, look at this shit: youtu.be/a5EUUB5_HwY
and I had trouble getting to the Nailmaster in Greenpath.

Finding a Hollow Knight speedrunner is easy. Decent to skilled first time players are a dime a dozen. The all make the same exact moves, with only varying degrees of difficulty.
But finding someone who TRULY sucks at a video game, is like finding a gem. Every aspect of the game is exciting to them. Every feature the game has is like them trying to backward engineer alien technology. Every minor achievement they have major to them. It's far more fascinating.

It's also interesting to witness how much they're willing to suffer before calling it quits. Most people at this streamer's level would have quit in the first 20 minutes after they realize they suck. But the streamer refused to turn it in, until they achieved something, ANYTHING with the game. For them, killing the big dude, and freeing the grub was super exhilarating. They had a feeling that I don't think I've felt in over a decade.


Path of Pain in that same game

Every single mission in Armored Core VD, i presume. It was so hard for me i stopped playing at the third one and haven't played since. It's weird because other hard games i have no problems with. AC makes me feel like a fucking retard.

Fuck man you make a great point.

Path of Pain really isn't that bad. No that doesn't mean I beat it on my first try with no hits, I mean the way it's set up to where you can endlessly try kind of removes any challenge to the point where the limiting factor on whether or not you finish is if you have the patience, not the skill.

Last time I really struggled with a game was Midir from Dark Souls 3. It took me a really long time to learn how to punish all his attacks.

which streamer? I want to watch and laugh

Etrian Odyssey V, and Cuphead before that, are the last games to challenge me. More so Cuphead than EOV at this point. I can't really say I was severely challenged in either though, so I honestly don't know what the last game was that actually felt intense to me. Probably because I actually enjoy difficult games, so I don't really care how hard it is.

I don't remember their name. And I tried to look for the previous broadcast on twitch, but can't find it.

Link to stream ffs?

I am bad at Dragon Age Origins. Like, really bad. Can't wrap my head around the combat. It's the only game I'm bad at. I played tons of classic RPGs, I play xcom, Souls, Contra, loads of rts, you name it. But Dragon Age Origins Combat is impossible for me. I can't into it.
>gee, user, surely it can't be that bad
nigga, I never got passed that mission right at the beginning where you need to go up the tower and ring that bell. My party wipes on the first floor. how does this even happen, everyone and their mom has played Dragon Age.

Found it /videos/188994964 fill in the rest.
If you don't like watching people be awful at video games, then I suggest NOT watching. She is truly terrible.

I think it only took me about 6 attempts but the final arena fight in hollow knight made me want to choke someone


of course

>that framerate


>If you don't like watching people be awful at video games, then I suggest NOT watching. She is truly terrible.

Don't worry, this is what I'm looking for.

>reddit spacing
Of course.
Seriously though, I've been watching a lot of blind hollow knight, and it's true that women are worse at the game in general. There have been a number of female streamers who bought the game because it had cute bugs, and then they quit by the time they reach hornet, or soul sanctum.(and of course there are women who can handle the game just fine)
But even considering women's relatively lacking skill, this particular streamer sucks on a whole new level. Not one other female streamer has died in the intro.

How do you beat this thing?

Hit it, then walk away before it hits you. Then hit it again, and walk away before it hits you. Repeat this action until it butt stomps, making a shockwave. Jump over the shockwave, and return to the hit and run pattern. About 14 hits, and he's dead.

cheers. might pirate again after im done with nioh

You were stuck on that enemy?

>frigid outskirts ng+7

>prince of persia father statue riddle (i was a kid back then)

>zodriac ffxii also zemerous

>path of pain

Lost kin kicked my shit hard for 2 hours and I still have to do the trial of the fool...