ITT well done black characters

ITT well done black characters





I always remember his gun being bigger

The only one, everyone else is an SJW. Big Smoke is the only good black person or character in existence.

Sgt. Dude from Halo. Black dudes in military games in general.


Cute and will stay with you till the end.





Whisper is cute. CUTE


>no sense of urgency
>one ally is already fucking dead with another about to join him
>more focused on the women than the monster in the room
That knight's a fucking asshole.

He's not black.

>promises not to kill me in the arena
>kills me

Fuck you Lionhead

He's not focused on the women. He's walking through the hallway they just happen to be looking down. You don't know what his first action will be. He's still a shit knight for not already being in the fight.


He's more medium rare than well done.

>"When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmanzy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon—and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you are one very lucky marine!"
I miss johnson

>brb smoke break

>I owe you an apology
>you owe me more than that white boi
Major Howard told whitey how it's gonna be