
More like WHOREcraft amirite?

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>Y'rel tells Khadgar to call anytime he needs help
>Legion invading in prime timeline
>no one even brings up they have an alternate universe Draenor on standby with nothing to do, complete with Durotan and Grom in their prime

That's because Blizzard wants us to forget WoD happened. They even mocked it during Blizzcon, laughing at "time travelling orcs", complete with a picture of Garrosh in DeLorean

why cant i play as a panda

>climbs the rank of the draenei from freed slave to eventually being made an exarch
>is on the forefront of all alliance battles, fought against Blackhand personally (and saved Durotan) and joined in the fight against Archimonde
>witnesses first hand the death of prominent draenei figures like Velen and Maraad
>is a completely new character in an alternate reality and gets the most amount of development of all alliance characters in the lore
>doesn't become the new faction leader of the draenei of Draenor and is never seen again
What was the point?

Y'rel is a fair maiden

The expansion was so poorly received that they decided to act like it never happened beyond Guldan being integral to the plot of Legion.

Let us count our blessings.

No, World of Whorecraft is something different

I'd just like to know why the Draenei in the main reality haven't all migrated to the non-corrupted Draenor already. Almost all their friends and family are still alive instead of turned to pavement and everyone's back to living in harmony, both Orcs and Draenei. Thrall even got his parents back and he seems to give zero fucks.

None of this shit is given due impact or consequences, at least make it so they had to close off the portal and couldn't go back or something so everyone gets a final goodbye, maybe to go back in some future expansion or scenario because some new interdimensional Big Bad threat is wiping out all the different realities or whatever. Something. Anything. Fuck.

Yrel is pure

Blizz just wants to pretend that that 2-3 year time period never happened.

Much easier to just ignore it.

pure slut

I'm gonna dismantle that pussy.

How could they fuck it up that much?

You ever notice how Thrall never actually told his parents that they were his parents and how main universe Durotan died an ignoble death?

>Alliance and Horde rush to recruit Allied Races.
>No one bothered to call the WoD guys.

Queen Slay
Queen Slut

they are not the same people

>Y'rel's voice

See if it was just simple BttF or Terminator time traveling logic, they could've said that they wanted to avoid fucking up the future, but since it's like Xmen time travel logic, there's absolutely no reason for them to hide that they are from an alternate timeline.

To everyone bitching about Nightborne joining the Horde, where were you when Nelves were randomly thrown into the Alliance? Orcs also fought beside them in the Battle of Mt. Hyjal so what happened?

They seem to ignore most of their own writing in general. How the hell do you go from everyone teaming up to fighting off the extinction of your very planet from galactic scale threats multiple times to having the same pissy shoving matches you had years before you consistently teamed up?

>How the hell do you go from everyone teaming up to fighting off the extinction of your very planet from galactic scale threats multiple times to having the same pissy shoving matches you had years before you consistently teamed up?

Surely countries teaming up to fight a common enemy then proceeding to fuck each other up afterwards never happened in history of humanity, nope sir

Ugly on the inside.
Ugly on the outside.

They started harvesting Ashenvale's lumber again after War3.

Orcs didn't stop stealing their wood.

Like, they couldn't decide to just get some from Azshara, they needed some of that shit from Ashenvale.

Because WC3 nostalgia pandering. They've done it before and BfA won't be the last time.

Azshara was Night Elf territory too, it didn't get as much attention in vanilla but there were Orc vs. Elf quests there. Ashenvale was obviously the main focus cause it was a huge forest, but elves got pissed about Azshara trees too.

>fighting next to orcs because otherwise their world tree gets blown up and they all die
compared to
>joining the horde to fight against the entirety of alliance races because a single one of their leaders said mean things to you
Sure seems like a reasonable comparison

>fighting the legion

they got their shit pushed in by some trash mobs on the shore and were then irrelevant to the story outside of sylvanas getting out skilled by that old wolf nigga

no major leaders are on argus, just lady "human cock sock" liadrin

Could you imagine what living in Azeroth must be like? Every two years, they get their shit pushed in.

worth it for the funky inter-racial sex.

More like
>joining the horde to fight against the entirety of alliance races because a single one of their leaders said mean things to you
compared to
>joining the alliance to fight the entirety of horde races because muh wood

It ain't called peacecraft my man

>lady "human cock sock" liadrin
Whose cock is she socketing?

I see what you're getting at, but...

>Countries run by rulers that have very little personal interaction with battles over land, religion and money and can also get replaced every few years by someone with a completely different world view
>Versus the same small group of heroes that actually team up personally to directly face threats that put their very existence in jeopardy

Considering those trees are sacred to the elves it makes a whole lot more sense, yes. Not to mention both Tauren, Orcs and Trolls feature in Ashenvale. While Forsaken are just hated by everyone. The only race you might have an argument for is blood elves. But the later shouldn't even be in the Horde to begin with.

Im not much of a wow guy, but watching the race pull together and then stay together for the future of their world seems way more appealing to me than then constant pissing match of the main universe. Hell I'd play Wow set in alternate dranor.

Yrel is like Caulifla in Dragonball. Flawless Mary Sue who gains monumental power and status in the shortest space of time possible.

She was directly responsible for Velen's death but went from the rank of Acolyte to one of five Exarchs in the Draenei leadership just like that. It's just ridiculous.

If she was that fucking powerful then what happened to the ORIGINAL Yrel?


You have to wonder where the horde and alliance get the resources to fuel a new war campaign every few years, especially since Thrall had the bright idea to set up his capital city in the middle of a barren rocky shithole

Who's the Gohan of WoW?

I know Illidan is Vegeta.

Nobody, but she is clamming it up with the Nightborne leader so we can ally with them for BfA.

>She was directly responsible for Velen's death
No she wasn't? He kms'd to nuke the corrupted Naaru and prevent the massacre at Karabor.
>what happened to the ORIGINAL Yrel?
Got GREEN'd by fel orcs? The problem with time travel is that it's all theoretical. IF alliance didn't show up and help draenei at Shadowmoon Valley, maybe she died somewhere in a ditch and Velen never had the opportunity to suicide. It's just that simple.

Powerful, bit of a nerd and not quite as good as his father?


Where does the Horde get all its soldiers? How many babies do orcs and trolls shit out that they can afford to loose hundreds of them every couple of years, when their population started in the mid-thousands at best?

>Versus the same small group of heroes that actually team up personally to directly face threats that put their very existence in jeopardy

How is Illidan Vegeta? And who is the Krillin WoW?

Anduin, because he doesn't want to fight but he's being forced to because his dad is dead.

>nuSylvanas has her sexy midriff covered


I love re-runs

They take all the high elf babies so the race will always have LOL NO POPULATION for blizzards excuse for not adding them


A quiet peace loving intellectual has limitless potential and immense hidden abilities yet is always in the shadow of his father who has a legendary reputation as a fighter.

>If she was that fucking powerful then what happened to the ORIGINAL Yrel?
She was Maraad's wife you dildo. She had potential but died early on before her powers could come blossom. She was about to die in those mines if we didn't save her. Stop calling everything a Sue, Thrall and Anduin are way bigger Sues.

It's covered obviously because she's pregnant, just like Mommy Jaina in BFA.

Do you think draenei would make nice housewives after the war was over?

>undead body
I don't think that's how it works Tim, the only thing that womb can hold are maggots and cockroaches

Probably died as a child.

Blizzard really moving in on that milf audience.

Imagine the smell.

Metzen's final fuck you to WoW

>the latter shouldn't even be in the Horde to begin with.

Yeah, blood elves really should have just let the humans execute them all or render them second class citizens under the dumbest man alive.

>maggots and cockroaches
they start small and grow fast.

I think mothers I wouldnt want to fuck make up 60% of the wow playerbase anyways

>Putting pants on Alex


>implying the humans had any kind of strength to go on a pointless Garithos crusade while their lands were being shit on by undead
If your argument was valid high elves wouldn't be a thing.

>fanservice team at hots putting pants on the literal fertility dragon

But that body type has existed since Fem Orcs. Maybe even better.

those are also literally men with boobs stapled on

>dumbest man alive
Take a look at Goldshire. He was right. He tried to warn us.

Yellow draenei better come with Yrel's horns

Orcs are gross.


You mean a realistic representation of a warrior female?

They do. Or at least a pair that look extremely similar.

The wowhead dressing room lets you play around with some of the options.

Because the horde are a bunch of literal niggers who can't stop fucking everything up and trying to commit genocide, the second there is a shred of peace they need to literally kill every member of any race that has never sucked legion cock/developed a single worthwhile society to satisfy their subhuman impulses.
Oh and then after vomiting genocide they go "dindu nuffin, iwuz that demon blood, it was garrosh #not my warchief, teladrisil was an inside job, the genocide of humans during the first war is a lie".

Also reminder that every raid was canonically cleared by alliance except Terrace of Endless Spring, Gruul's lair, and black rock foundry

Yes but they made her thick as shit, and gave her JIGGLE PHYSICS

Plus it's the hots team those pants are coming off in a skin eventually

It's a dramatic de-escalation though for the story
There's a reason the LOTR films cut the Scouring of the Shire

I imagine full cuddles would feel weird because of how their legs work and hooves


>warrior female

Thrall has actually experienced failure unlike Yrel. Anduin is just starting his battles.

Yrel only failed other people and never herself.

The High Elves are mostly made up of the contingent that went into outland during the second war, with a few additional stragglers that were either already in Stormwind when Kael, and Garithos had their dispute.

>a place with no blood elves in it

>Middle skin
Are those sweater tits? God bless them.

>You mean a realistic representation of a female during a time of war and peril?
FTFY. During the french revolution, the peasant women are described as brawny with thick arms due to the ammount of physical labour they had to endure. Not even equal to those of men, but still enough.
>hue hue meme
I bet you find Female Belf Warriors realistic.

Enough High Elves to be a faction in Dalaran.

>Also reminder that every raid was canonically cleared by alliance except Terrace of Endless Spring, Gruul's lair, and black rock foundry
Sauce? It's mot that i don't believe you, im just curious

>horde are the warniggers
>cinematic opens with alliance attacking the horde
fucking lol

Daily reminder that if your didn't stop the Legion at the Horde base you are a casual and not a true warcraft veteran.

Yes I know that, but if the argument is "if they hadn't joined the horde they would have all been killed" then why weren't the ones who didn't join the horde killed? It doesn't hold up.

>a place with no blood elves in it

pretty much every paladin in the hall

>being this blind
You're next, Worgen fur-fag.

>cinematic opens with the alliance retaliating for horde burning down a world tree along with an entire faction capital

>night elves
>never sucked legion cock

Pick one.

>cinematic opens with alliance manifesting their de jure claim over Lordaeron

Umm, no sweetie. Sylvanas burns down Teldrassil first.

blood elves