Kill off Kotaku

>Hurr Durr the artstyle is racist
Then we leave the racist shit out
>Hurr Durr how dare you pretend there was no racism

God dammit, Sup Forums doesn't even push politics into gaming THAT often.

Other urls found in this thread:

if this thread hits bump limit i'm going to commit suicide

>kotaku isn't dead
good job goobers

>5000 replies
>inb4 linking to kotaku
>inb4 the gator squad appears

use this instead, at least before this 404s

Yes, they do.

And it's Kotaku. Why are you reading a SJW site if you don't want SJW clickbait?

>linking to Kotaku

>By taking the “good” parts of this tradition of animation and leaving the bad, Cuphead ends up whitewashing the past.
It's just a fucking run-and-gun to fill in that Metal Slug and Contra itch.

How can you kill that which has no life?

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Do they really want this?
I bet they all have things they like that you could pick apart.
This fucking article.
>“What?” we all said in unison. “That sounded kind of racist,” a buddy said. Danny apologized. We were thrown, losing the objective, but tried to group up and get back on track. Then, Danny said something like that again, but worse. “Dude, you’re being racist,” I told him. Completely losing my focus, I played poorly. We lost the game. Later, my friends would admit that it had tripped them up, too. Why was this guy being so gross?

I pray to God nobody actually clicked on the link

This is as desperate as they've gotten to try and discredit gameplay focused games.

Please don't take the bait, Sup Forums.


>linking directly to kotaku
Nice try shill

They live to complain.
Yes, they want the destruction of Western Civilization.

Thus, no matter how you pander to them, they will always find something to castigate you for your sinful ways over.


>God dammit, Sup Forums doesn't even push politics into gaming THAT often.
biggest laugh i've had all day


stream it

What if I make a blaxploitation game that has the blackest elements in them.

cult of outrage

The article isn’t that bad compared to the rest of what kotaku puts out.

This just seems like a knee-jerk reaction to someone talking about politics and video games.

cultural appropriation