What was Anduin thinking right in this moment?

What was Anduin thinking right in this moment?

Probably something along the lines of "I know everyone wants me to be a paladin, but I don't think I'm cut out for it"

Probably suicide because getting annhilated by a banshee is too scary for a kid.

>story is he isn't a fighter
>he fucking craters some troll nigger

When do I get to bone a Draenei waifu?

mobile game anime tier design

Muh dad.

"Man I'm a shit warrior, this troll is beasting me - I should probably go back to playing a priest".

>damn my dad's sword is a piece of shit

"I wonder if I left the hearthstone set to Stormwind or if it's somewhere else."

He didn't have the strength to destroy that troll on his own, the light helped him, at that moment he put all his faith in the light and it came to him.

Anduin in lore actually has his own Hearthstone, Jaina set it to take him to Theramore

>I lost my cool lion helmet, now everybody can see my babyface

Hmmm I wonder why.

for /ss/ to convince him to attack the Horde when Greymane doesn't do a good enough job

for onyxia obviously

"How could I have done that? I'm not my father."

the horde existing is reason enough to attack them as long as orcnigs and rotnigs are part of it

I think once those two groups are exterminated the rest of the horde can live in peace

>Blood Elves, Tauren, Goblins, Trolls and Horde Pandaren get enough of the Orc and Forsakens' shit and join the Alliance

the horde economy would collapse without undead labor

On the condition that they each submit one jerkwad from each of their respective races for an execution. Jaina is the executioner. I nominate Magatha Grimtotem as the Tauren's peace offering.

He's mostly a priest with some warrior and paladin things on the side.

Also that sword is ridiculously strong.

He picked Taunt at level 10 because we already have 3 fucking assassins

elves can just go off by themselves, they wanted to be alliance again anyway
goblins can go back to being cartel jews
trolls can fuck off to their irrelevant islands
tauren can go back to picking flowers

"Thank god I re-rolled to pally this expansion, being a priest was shit tier man"

>For years he had been struggling with his faith and had been unable to wield the Light like Velen and the other priests could. He did not understand how to reconcile the notion of the Light uniting all creatures while beings as cruel and monstrous as the orcs and forsaken walked the world, but Sylvanas reminded him that the orcs and forsaken were not of his world. Anduin reasoned that the Light only united the living creatures of Azeroth, and that creatures who did not belong there - like the orcs and forsaken - could be struck down with impunity. Now confident in his faith, Anduin began to shine with a brilliant glow that forced onlookers to shield their eyes.


>i finally drew Shadowreaper Anduin
>time to rape them in one turn

Uhh, what about Draenei? That's one of the most stupid things I've read in a while.

Completely disregarding the Naaru, the army of the light, etc etc.

don't think that's official art

How are those legs supposed to support her body?

Queen Jaina wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

>No one will play with me because they are all in Classic :(

It's hard as a tauren when you just want to pick flowers, but night elf women keep finding them first, and hiding them in their beds. Long story short, "flower bed" originates from some night elf tradition of courting. One where they use flowers to lure each other into the bedroom. There, a flower is given, to Elune, as a gesture to broker permission for the act of deflowering of the woman that is about to happen.

I don't even enjoy the sex anymore. I just want to gather peacebloom the normal way.

"Woah, I made it glow!"

He's still a priest though. Blizzard confirmed it.

>Anduin finally puts his faith in the Light
>Jaina loses the what little she had left of her sanity and gets corrupted by an Old God
>tries to corrupt Anduin
>he becomes the Shadowreaper and embraces duality

This should be canon

too bad I didn't learn rez before my dad died

he's a holy paladin, brainlet

not according to the Q&A

>hurr durr npc is a player class

You are fucking retarded

Is sylvanas a hunter?

Yes. She's the banshee and her corpse is her pet. Clever use of game mechanics or exploit? You decide.

>my feet hurt

I am my father's son

the qt draenei he wants to fugg

>I wish I was home playing Hearthstoneâ„¢ right now

>T. Butthurt hordie

Draenei and naruu belong in azeroth.

Q&a is wrong.
>You think you do, but you don't

Hearthstone is the WoW afterlife, the reason Sylvanas fraked out is because she was a card rather then a player.

And because she has no time for games.

Thrall wore the Black Plate of Ogrim Doomhammer, and you equating game mechanics with lore anyways, Anduin is a priest.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm all for murdering horde.

It's just a really narrow view for him to have an "epiphany" about the light.

Also, we need to replace For the Alliance with Death to the horde.

Makes way more sense. The alliance was made to defeat the horde, since the races are not fucking retards and can have civilizations on their own.