Time to see how fucked I can get by RNG

Time to see how fucked I can get by RNG.

I hate this game but I can't stop playing it.

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Never fucking change, FTL.

>ASB sector on second jump
>First ASB shot takes out my weapons
>lose half my hull before I can get them back online

Well, that didn't last long.

Probably for the best anyway. Taking that much damage early on would have sunk the run regardless.

What's up Sup Forums, don't you like this game anymore?

Ha ha! It's a beam drone in the first jump.

Might as well restart again.

Gained a Zoltan in one sector, lost a crewman in the next.

Easy come easy go.


Things are looking up.

Got shields, got cloak, got engines.

I just don't have any fucking guns.


>when you can hit 4 rooms with a minibeam

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.

>Complaining about stealth ship
>Using the easiest variant
Use var C and then you can complain

Rocks get the bullet.

Ah yes, the snowball is beginning.

Time to murder innocent machine things.

I'm floating so much scrap but still no guns.


This nigger got a glaive beam. This could be gg.

I haven't unlocked it yet, sadly.

Ow please god fuck no ow it hurts.



>muh rng
git gud fag

I just want to talk about the game.

Keep going OP I'm enjoying this small piece of actual content on this god forsaken board

We're getting the big boy scrap now.
I just need a teleporter and I think I'll be set for the fagship.

I'm okay with this.

The RNG giveth as much as it taketh.

I feel like the RNG is building up to totally fucking me over with all these free gifts.

Keep going OP I want to see you get destroyed by flagship

Rocks get the ______!

Not this time, user.

I can feel it.

keep going brother

>forgot to repower oxygen
oh no nigga



I'm just gonna bail out of this fight.

>Fire in a non component room
>Right next to airlock
>Being worried
Open the door nigger, vacuum the air out

>02 down
Ur fucked m8

Jesus Christ.

That went very wrong quickly.

I had to take my pilot off the helm to avoid him suffocating while the ship reoxygenated, which meant I lost all my dodge. My level two shields were insufficient in the face of the drones and the damage to weapons meant I only had duel lasers against his level two shields. If one of those two shots missed (which happened a lot) I couldn't use the minibeam, which meant I was doing no damage to his systems.

My shit was going offline faster than I could repair it.


Time to spend all my scrap on repairs and not make it to the exit beacon in time.

The bright side is I can pick up a teleporter here though, so I can snipe the fagship turrets.

All systems green.

I had to spend 70 scrap on repairs. Kill me.

Good news is I can still make it to the exit.


Based teleporter already paying for itself.

Now I just have to decide if I want bombs + charge laser + beam or dual laser + charge laser + beam.

I do like setting things on fire.

Two sectors to go.

Gotta get level 3 shields, teleporter level 3, medbay level 2, and maxed engines.


A mantis. That will be handy for turret-sniping the flagship with my shiny new level 3 teleporter.

Dawn of the final sector.

What I really need now is to upgrade my reactor.

Enemies are definitely getting tougher.

These glaive beams really fuck me up. I badly need another level of shields.

>2 shields


My old nemesis.

I am going to fucking die here.

Made the jump by that fucking much.

Still hoped to have better engines at this point but I feel in a better position now. Level 3 shields, teleporter, cloak. I think I can make it.

Onward, to the flagship.


Not even going to fight, just skipping these fags.

>3 shields
At least he has c-cloak

Welp, the sector generator fucked me. Looks like I don't get to repair before fighting the flagship.

And people say this game isn't RNG.

A shame. I really think I could have won.

It begins.


So far doing pretty good.

The misses have been generous to me.

i don't understand this game but good luck




I've successfully declawed it.

Now I just need to get a little bit lucky smashing up the medbay to kill everyone but the beam gunner and then I'll be fighting a ghost ship.

For those who don't play if you kill all the dudes it gets autorepair. The beam guy is isolated in his gun turret and can't repair shit and can't do damage through level 3 shields, so he's the one to leave alive. Then you just eradicate all the other systems and finish the job.

Any mods that add just a fuck ton more content?

Good luck, hope you don't get fucked by the super laser or drone surges

>no multiplayer

Is this the biggest blunder in crowd funding, other than Scam Victims?

I knew I should have equipped fire bombs.

I can't take the medbay offline without a full volley landing (4 shots eaten by shields, 2 shots take the medbay down to 1 HP, and then the beam to knock out the last bar - and ideally it would also start a fire to delay repairs). So I'm just firing off volley after volley waiting for that lucky one to land.

multiplayer in FTL would be awful, the replayability of FTL is in the procedural generation.

Welp, I didn't manage to kill the crew before the hull damage from my repeated volleys killed the ship, so I'll be going into the next stage with all its systems still up. Alas. At least the guns will stay dead.


Go OP you mad dog


mistimed my cloak.

Pray for me.



>multiplayer in FTL would be awful

You're probably an anti-multiplayer sissy that gets too nervous to play competitive online video games.

Blasting someone else's boat would be awesome. Maybe even a campaign map that would reset when one side wins






Didn't even get a good score.

What an embarrassing way to lose. I misplayed by about a second and that's it, two hours gone.

This is the core of my love-hate relationship with FTL. It's a fun game but it's very punishing.

I know.

>he fully heals

where wer u wen op is kill...?


>It would be bad
>you just hate multiplayer!
No, I play lots of multiplayer games. It would be bad because FTL relies on lots of pausing, there is basically one strategy that works best, and everything else is based on how you start and what RNG gives you.


P.S. if the sector RNG hadn't fucked me by not giving me a repair before the final boss I probably could have survived the first drone surge and then, if I didn't fuck up the cloak again, would have been able to kill him easily. A level 1 cloak nullifies the drone surge and the rest of his damage is easy to avoid.

Oh well.

If I'd played better I could have won too, but still. It's annoying that you don't get given a consistent chance to win.

Try again? I'd do a run and post if it wasn't 4 am

I'm not sure I want to embarrass myself again.

Just sayin' don't ever fully heal, always leave about 5 points down as there is usually a random event at the end of a few sectors where they give you free hull points, saves on scrap in the long run.

Also what difficulty are you playing on?

>need pausing
>can't do multiplayer because of RNG
Oh I see, you're an idiot

Stop using Engi B.

post your stats shitter

Alright let's try this dumb game again. The Evangelion music is going off and the sad classical back on.

Normal, of course.

>Wow he made some good points

There's no excuse for losing on normal.

Why you keep playing harder ships if you still need to git gud?

Post stats

Time to wait for them to suffocate to death.

My excuse is I'm bad.

Because acknowledging that I'm bad is cripplingly depressing. Better to just fail over and over and over again than admit that I'm failing and do something else.

>Misery and Company
heh, good one


>using the easy mode ship.

Not even your medbay can save you now rebel scum.

>My excuse is I'm bad.
This is not an excuse.

Use Fed A to regain confidence OP

So, in case you decide to try again, if you use breach missiles to put holes in the weapon rooms, it can't repair them when they switch to drone mode after the crewmembers are killed. For whatever reason, hull breaches are higher priority for repairing, and drone ships can't repair breaches.