It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
I should get around to playing that someday.
But Gothic is not an RPG.
Weird way to spell Tyranny.
You mean the most janky RPG ever made
that's morrowind
Gothic is pretty fucking janky, dude. Sequels included. That's nothing to be upset about. Most old WRPGs are.
Okay OP here it is, lets start discussing
Ultima 7 is still better and will remain better no matter how many times you post this thread. Ultima Underworld is probably better as well.
Ultima 7 Part 2 and Ultima Underworld 2 might also be better.
It's an action-RPG in every way that matters.
I got bored when I got to the dragon hunting part where my attacks did no damage but found out you can use a scroll to summon something that solos them. Maybe it's my fault I'm not sure, but it's pretty dumb to include something that strong in the game
How so?
fuck off
You're way the fuck too old for Pokémon.
That's not how you have fun user
The more I try to get into it, it captivates me less. And I finished Gothic 1. There's something about the world in G2 that just doesn't drag me in, despite being the "better game".
I need something else, but I don't know what exactly. I'm not into the Witcher or the elder scrolls series.
>his brain stopped developing at 16
More like eleven or twelve.
I'm loving elex so much man, I want to play G2 someday for sure
Are there graphical overhaul patches for the GOG version?
DX11 and vanilla version of L'hiver
>He's too self conscious to enjoy himself playing a good game
Real mature m80
No user, when you grow up you stop enjoy certain things.
>As a tax paying adult I'm not allowed to enjoy pokemon in the comfort of my own home because "society looks down on it" when in reality tax paying adults were all running around on their phones throwing pokeballs at inaginary pidgeys just last year
>I'm going to stop partaking in hobbies because some dude on Sup Forums posted a picture of chrischan
It's okay to enjoy yourself user
I need some update Sup Forumsros.
What does 'janky' means this week?
Well if you enjoy that shit you are probably incapable of understanding so let me put it that way:
The problem is not you playing pokemon. It's that you enjoy playing it.
Is it clear enough for you now?
Anything which doesn't have mechanics so polished that not even once in the game will you win or lose unfairly, fall off a cliff by mistake or be able to bypass anything that the game doesn't want you to bypass through fiddling with physics or collision.
-Most western RPGs fall under that category
-Japanese RPGs are not usually considered "RPGs" by some
Shadow of war.
>You're not allowed to like what I don't like
>I've never played the game but I know it's bad
I figured we'd get here eventually, sick arguments bro
never change Sup Forums
While I did like the first one somewhat I found it a bit too easy. Also more similar to me to sandbox creed than other shit. I have no love for LOTR either so I was purely in for the gameplay.
Maybe I'll try something more classic, like Nox.
>stop liking what I don't like waaaah
You are literally cancer. Fuck off and die.
Same. Play Risen though. I loved G1 and Risen, couldn't get into G2.
Lmao fucking normie you probably didnt refill eye or some shit. You can beat them with a stick in both normal and hard mode.
did you even get to Jharkendar yet?
Yeah, finished Risen. It was the one that introduced me to the series. Damn good game, if a bit shitty towards the end. While I liked Elex I had hoped they would perhaps try to make the combat more similar to this one.
you misspelled Divinity Original Sin 2
Guess I'd never get to feel what's being a sub 80 IQ imbecile feels like.
That's moronic, if you finished G1, G2 is objectively an improvement in almost every way aside from the setting and atmosphere.
And later on in the game you go back to the area from G1 anyway and it's all changed, fucked up and pretty well done when it comes to gaming revisits and playing on your nostalgia.
>So stupid he doesn't know what strawman means
>So stupid he doesn't realize that trying to crowd pokemon players and manchildren together and then attacking the group as a whole is strawmanning
Holy shit delete your account
>muh gothic is clunky
i.e I'm too fucking stupid to grasp basic movement and mechanics of the game, or too ADD to invest an hour to learn them, thus missing out on revolutionary (not only at the time of release, but also today) things like tutor NPCs, best done daily NPC routines ever in a game, best journey from zero to hero, amazing and hand-crafted world map, etc.
>it's not an RPG!!!11
i.e it doesn't have a character creator and I can't play a sexy bitch I've personally designed for myself
Also, judging the older games through the lens of the modern Piranha Bytes is pretty unfair, but if you do that you're the only one losing out. Most people responsible for the vision of G1, and the engine that both it and G2 were based on and drew most of their unique feel from, quit very early on. Risen and G3 had nothing to do with them, and it shows.
>those textures
dont let nostalgia rule over your opinions
>>stop liking what I don't like waaaah
When did I tell you to do that you braindead nigger?
I said that you're a manchild if you enjoy something that was meant for children, and that you probably haven't grown up yet.
Nobody was telling you to stop or that you are not allowed to have play that shit.
Jesus fucking christ neck yourself you illiterate mongrel.
Honestly pokemon mystery dungeon is amazing and you're really missing out, get an emulator or something
Also cope harder retard
Shit this game was passed through generations in my family. My brother used to watch our uncle play it when we were kids. Then i used to watch him play it and finaly when i grew up a bit and got my own pc i got to play it. Still best rpg ive played.
anything with a shitty, clunky combat system cannot be the best RPG
An RPG can be a lot of things.
I personally don't like the idea of an RPG where your character is hollow, so you create it, and everything surrounding it is also hollow, including the world, the NPCs and the quests. Where you just advance through to get more powerful but there's only one real goal and the rest is pure padding. Where there's a fuckton of writing that has been literally lifted from someone else's work with just different generic high fantasy names. Where everyone talks in broken old english but you might as well ignore it because it's all quest markers and fetching garbage. Where there's no unique items, because everything is randomized to the point that your limited inventory can only hold so many wooden staves, each one with completely out of whack stats, none better than each other somehow. Where you could just swear to god you already visited this new dungeon, because it looks exactly like the 13 ones before it. Where there's no real consequence for killing every single NPC in town, because in the next one you will still acquire more than you ever need.