Walking home from school or to the shop with parents/siblings/friends

>Walking home from school or to the shop with parents/siblings/friends
>Imagine yourself in a jrpg and you're all in a party with menus and equipable weapons/armor/magic etc
>Every time we walk past a stranger or a dog or cat or something it's a random encounter and when we pass them imagine a victory fanfare in your head

Am I the only one that does this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Yes but good idea I'll do it too from now on


>no people walking with you to pretend this with


Just imagine that you've left the party in town so you could get more experience.


>go out
>pretend adventuring alone with party waiting back in town
>get home
>no party waiting back in town for you
Suicide one day closer.

I sure hope so

Autism is NOT okay.

Pretend they're out on expeditions or on a separate quest in another town then.
Your delusions aren't really that strong, user. You've gotta work on your ability to ignore reality more.

>Hang out with someone
>Imagine that I'm doing their Social Link like in Persona

If you do that you also have to imagine the persona you get from it. If you're going to be autistic then I expect full results

I do though?

Tan-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tan Ta-ta-ta-ta-tan Tannnnnn
Jack has joined the party.

>In public
>Do the "Assassin's Creed" walk and gently put my hand on people to move them out of the way

Cringe thread?


>On a road trip with parents
>Driving down the highway for miles
>Imagine yourself as Sonic running across all the telephone lines and jumping over every post

Am I the only one that does this?

Reinforcenents? I am the reinforcements.

It really works though. A lot more efficient than going around people or avoiding their path.

yeah, I remember doing that when I was 12
diagnose: autism or manchild
