Enemies explode and/or leave poison clouds when killed

>enemies explode and/or leave poison clouds when killed
Is there anything more annoying in vidya?

>they also distort your vision by covering your screen in shit

Unavoidable poisonous swamp

Yeah, instant healing inside a menu in an action game.

Really kills any challenge in a game unless heals are super rare.

Infinitely respawning enemies.

Dark Souls says hi

>trash mobs infinitely respawn to pressure the player to go to the next area
>they stop dropping exp and loot after you kill a few of them

>damage over time damage breaks channeling and casting and lasts up to 20 seconds with no easy removal or it

>enemies are piss-easy mooks that artificially pad gameplay

>Is there anything more annoying in vidya?

*blocks your path*

>casting roots you in place

>enemies carry an utterly impenetrable shield

>throw bomb over shield
>enemy still doesnt take damage from it

>archer enemy that interrupts you with every single hit

You are a little babby

>enemies that steal your items
>enemies that permanently lower your stats
>enemies that give debuffs that last for 30 minutes
>enemies that abduct party members
>enemies that remind you of the absence of love in your life
>enemies that can instantly regenerate
>enemies that split into even more enemies
>enemies that summon other, stronger enemies
>enemies that constantly interrupt casting
>enemies that can chain CC you forever

>enemies that steal equipped items and don't drop them when you kill them
>enemies that permanently lower your stats
Honestly you could have just stopped there and your post would have been complete.
nothing else compares.

>enemies that split into even more enemies
That's usually super satisfying when you can mow them down with your AoE skills.

>lose exp upon defeat
>level goes down
>enemy levels up

>that also happens in a sewer/swamp level

>Ai partners dont do damage to enemies and are there just for aesthetics

what's his name again?

It depends, it's a chore in Bastion but it makes Risk of Rain a lot more fun

I can't remember what game I played where this was the case but it really pissed me off.

All these are great mechanics to keep you on your toes. Fucking casuals and not wanting to have any consequence for mistakes.

Unless any of these effects cannot be avoided, dodged or healed with an item, there's nothing wrong with them.

big offender coming through

What game

I don't think you know what a smoker does user

Not him but the permanent stat thing and monsters fucking up your gear is pretty common in roguelikes.


>Enemy does 80% of your life in damage just by looking at them, and there's virtually nothing you can do to prevent it

Underwater timed escort mission.

I'm pretty sure in wizardry 4 enemies can steal plot relevant items and make the game unwinnable. But that's par for the course in Wiz 4.
I know in Fallout 2 the kids in the den would steal your shit, including plot items, but I don't know if you could get them back. Bonus points for the euro editions having invisible kids that still steal your shit.

You're wrong though

I replayed System Shock 2 recently, had completely forgotten about those fucking swarms. Much like poison cloud on death crap there's no challenge there, it just wastes your time.

Kirkhammer drops these guys like nothing, I'm sure any weapon with good stagger can work.

Pop a blue elixir too and these guys can do jack shit

Your heal spells can heal enemies.

>dots dont go away after enemy dies
>if you win you die

>You need to lose against the enemy so you can come back later and beat him
>Even if you played the game before and know how to beat him you need to lose to him before you beat him

>turn based rpg
>enemy poisons you
>battle ends
>the poison persists and damages you every few steps
>next battle
>poisoned again

Except killing them before the meter fills up.
Except using sedatives.
Except wearing armor that has high frenzy resistance.
Except healing yourself after the frenzy pops.

And frenzy does 70% damage, not 80%.

>confusion makes your team heal enemy units instead of just damaging your teammates

>Except killing them before the meter fills up.
That doesn't work because it continues to fill even after you break LoS/kill them

Only for like a second or two after you kill or stunlock them, frenzy is odd with how it's delayed like that.

Key is to rush in while the bar is low or zero and kill them fast then you'll usually get up to 40-50% frenzy at most.

>>enemies that remind you of the absence of love in your life

Those are the worst

I don't think you understand what "infinitely respawning" means

>play Paladin/Templar character so I can shrug or heal it off.

Cry more dps edgelords.

Muh save me god use ur divine magic power i promise to be a good boy


>enemy steals your party member that you focused buffs on and JUST HEALED

I was thinking Paper Mario TTYD, but I'm sure there's more examples

>being a good boy makes you smite filthy enemies with holy light

Why would you not be a good boy?

>enemy has a skill to remove all buffs on the team

Actual white knight cuck lmao

has there been a game where the mc is literally cucked?

Dead Space 3

Super Mario Odyssey

Suicide bombers.

Yeah because running around new vegas with 99% of anything tough already dead sure is fun


That's not what "infinitely respawning enemies" generally means.

That anime doesn't look very angry

>"just use magic or ranged against them"
>melee chracter with little to no way of using any kind of ranged combat with any effect
>"lol that's why you don't choose melee"
grinds me
dark souls 2 says fuck you :^)

it does leave a poisonous cloud when it dies

>play lootbased co-op game with a friend
>he hoards all the good shit to himself

>enemies stagger or do a standing animation before falling down dead making you waste extra bullets/attacks thinking they're still alive and moving

Dogs. They always attack in groups, jump out from nowhere, and bounce around like total fucking clowns making them impossible to hit. The endless "GRRRRR RARRRRR GRRRRR MRMRMRMRMRMRRRRR WOOF WOOF WOOF" sounds they all make and it's generally the point where I shut off a game and decide to never play it again.

>only the barrel of the gun sticks out not their hand
>they slide the shield along the floor covering their feet
And the ultimate
>several shield enemies form a phalanx formation

>play lootbased co-op game with a friend
>all the good shit are armor and weapon types only he can wear

Final Fantasy VIII

It leaves *a* cloud. It obscures your vision a bit and makes the survivors cough, but that's it.

Dogs are my favorite enemies. Often I'll reload or replay a level to fight them. The call of duty campaigns always have some good dog blasting parts.

>fairly new to Witcher 3
>second region
>oh hey a bunch of dogs, level slightly higher but should be no problem
Mistakes were made

>enemies leave poison clouds when killed
>delivering a death blow locks you into a fancy animation while you are taking damage
Hate this shit in Horizon Zero Dawn.

This, goddamn. I can't think of a time when a dog enemy isn't one of the most obnoxious enemies to fight.

>enemies that remind you of the absence of love in your life

your fault for playing a femimist game cuck

>enemies explode

even worse
>feet are exposed
>hitboxes are so shit it shows you as hitting the shield instead

>not playing in the champ covenant where enemies always respawn

And non-respawning enemies are something that make it harder as you can't farm souls or materials in the early areas for more than 10 times.

>enemy explodes into a poison cloud when killed
>you can prevent yourself from being poisoned by killing them with fire or using a weapon with long reach

Bullshit mechanics with a reliable way of countering them are great.

Enemies shooting out FUCKING LIGHTNING when they die

>Enemies don't have visible indicators of when they're taking damage or when you're shooting/hitting part of them that does nothing.

>enemies win when you kill them

>You win when enemies kill you.

Yes. My point was that someone said infinite respawns in ds1 was bad, ds2 does not have this

DS2 doesn't have infinite respawning because it fits with the hollowing theme and how the player themselves lose HP every death.

I'm a bit sad they didn't completely commit to the mechanic and have your HP drop 5% every death till you reach 0 and then it deletes your save as you "completely hollowed".

Of course an effigy would reset you to 100% so you'd really have to be retarded to get to that point, but I'd be a nice detail.


That would actually be cool, but I guess most people would be ass mad about it and want their money back for deleting their save or something like that, because that's what they do.
But it does have the thing where your max hp can go down to 1, when you have sinned and died enough times

>hitscan enemies in a game with non-regenerative health

There's a reason Doom didn't have many hitscan enemies, and yet somehow we've still never learned this lesson that the first major FPS got right in 1993.

Hitscan evemies can be fine as long as they have a decent telegraph for when they fire.
Even Doom4 has hitscan enemies, those laser demons, forgot the name.

Confuse debuffs in rpgs

>enemies explode, setting off a chain reaction among other explosive enemies

>enemy is invincible

Is he ok?

>game is cheating

>and its not the shity invinciablity found in most games


>Game deveoper x comes up with a good idea
>have to get rid of it because retards would complain and bitch about
I hate this industry