Name *ONE* thing that makes FFXIV enjoyable that is not dressing up like a slut or grind for endgame gear on an eternal...

Name *ONE* thing that makes FFXIV enjoyable that is not dressing up like a slut or grind for endgame gear on an eternal gear treadmill that is rendered useless the moment a new expansion come out.

I bet you can't.

ERPing with cute traps

Getting thousands of dollars from the roleplaying idiots wanting expensive illustrations.

I love this fucking game.
Never played it, but I love it.

I seriously hope you don't lewd the lalashits

Has anyone had a bug with Rabanastre where the final boss gives you max stacks? I even swear I did the mask's command correctly, but even if I didn't I should have only gotten one.

>Post your character and have other rate them

I switched from a Hyur to a Miqo'te. I'm prefering the later because they feel more like a FF character. Hyurs are too bland in this game.

I like looking for people in isolated places and talk to them. sometime I sit in these places and wait for people. sometime they leave because they only care about the monsters in that area, sometime they join me and talk to me

>Post your character and have other rate them
Yours is pretty good! I like that face.

>the moment a new expansion
Try the new patch
I guess it's enjoyable because you don't have to make a new fucking Lv1 character whenever you want to try something new and transportation is less autistic than some other games'
>bloat your inventory with "Teleport to Specific Location" items
>autorun toward destination

The treadmill sucks cocks and 4.1 is the only patch where Yoshi gets the full sub shekels out of me.

>tfw didint even make it to 70
cutscenes fucking galore, combat is locked to animations so if you move slightly out of range the move gets canceled, cant talk to an npc without getting locked into a textbox the list goes fucking on
do SAM just manage to be even more boring then DRG or is SB leveling just that bad

This is probably one of the cutest FFXIV characters I've ever seen. I'm jealous now.

I struggled until level 50 with PGL/MNK character, I'm now level 55 and I turned into RDM after SB came out. People were telling me PGL/MNK dps gameplay was fast paced and fun, but it was boring as fuck. Now that I'm playing RDM I'm actually having a shitload of fun. It's fast, dynamic, rotation is somewhat interesting, you got both ranged and melee attacks... I'm really enjoying it.

Finding some completely new players and being their crafter sugar daddy, dressing them up in HQ melded gear, dyed for perfect colour coordination. In addition, since crafted gear carries the name of the crafter, you're basically making them wear your brand everywhere.

Oh thank you! This was my character before I used Fantasia. I think my Miqo'te is much better. Your character is cute, CUTE!

SAM is much less boring and rigid than DRG but you need to be lv68.

SAM gets significantly more fun at 64 and only feels complete at 68.

I like the artifact quests even if they are a sign of a casual.

Thank you very much!
>combat is locked to animations
What do you mean by this?
>if you move slightly out of range the move gets canceled
How are you having this issue as a melee?
I also don't think SAM is bad at all. Iaijutsus are very fun.
Thanks! I think that midlander looks really good actually, but I think that's their best face.

>literally quit at 67

Anyone here playing on Japanese servers? I'm on Kujata and I just found a nice English FC, feels pretty comfy

Playing BLM.

how's the ping? how can you stand the latency?

Do they have people sneaking into parties for endgame content that they haven't even finished learning?
Do they have people dying over and over to the same dumb shit?
Do they actually use the automated matchmaking instead of twiddling their thumbs all day in PF?
Do they have parse-obsessed trannies that ruin runs and generally being a cunt to everybody else?

I'm close to transferring out of my datacenter and I heard the Japanese servers are less bad.

About 250-300ms from Europe. I play RDM and honestly so far so good. I'm not endgame yet so I don't know if that's going to affect the most hardcore of raids or whatnot, but even doing extreme duties I've had no problem at all.

>Do they have people sneaking into parties for endgame content that they haven't even finished learning?
>Do they have people dying over and over to the same dumb shit?
No idea, probably? Humans are humans.

>Do they actually use the automated matchmaking instead of twiddling their thumbs all day in PF?
I did various duties just using the duty finder, not sure what you mean otherwise.

>Do they have parse-obsessed trannies that ruin runs and generally being a cunt to everybody else?

Hopefully :3c

You look like someone who works in a post office

Well USED to work in a post office. I like my new style, good ol' user.

Why does FF14 have the biggest concentration of Trannies out of every MMO? even when i still play WoW there are much less Trannies

if I remember correctly red mage is something between a black mage and a healer, right? I'm actually impressed that you can keep up with the lag but maybe that's because MMOs have a slower gameplay compared with other kinds of games

Red Mage has 2 healer skills that ideally they will never touch.

>Did a trial
>Almost at the end
>The healer literately had a meltdown when somebody called "her" dude in the chat
>Ended up making everyone wipe

It depends on the MMO. Those with heavy fast-paced combat (Tera, GW2, etc) are unbearable with just a tiny bit of lag. FFXIV imo is not one of those although your rotation might not be 100% optimal with timings. Unless you are a hardcore parsefag then you should be fine with 200-300ms ping imo.

>red mage is something between a black mage and a healer, right?

It's more like a mage/swordsman hybrid. You cast black/white magic to damage the enemy until a special bar is filled, once that is filled you use a skill to bridge the gap between you and the enemy, unleash a combo of 3-4 melee attack, then use another skill to somersault back to a distance and continue dishing out magic. They have a few healing skills but you shouldn't really use them in an optimal rotation.

so they are for emergency reasons if your healer is dead or busy keeping the tank alive while the boss is raping him?


Also every time they cast a spell that isnt an insta cast, they get a free insta cast for their next spell, and this works with their raise spell, so you can save fights singlehandedly sometimes

Sometimes I think about playing again. Sometimes I think about changing from a Highlander to a Mi'qote or Lalafell.

Make a Lalafell and Mi'qote as new characters, mess around and save them. If you like them, just load their save data and play as them.

I'm probably using my class in the wrong way but as a BLM I'm forced to switch from astral fire to umbral ice and deal some damage to start the auto-healing process. when the amount of damage received is higher than damage I can deal I'm forced to sleep my enemy (or the whole group of enemies) and retreat to use my x99 amount of hi-potions. I had to combo like this for like 6-7 times to kill a boss in a duty once. it feels cheaty but I can't do much if I have low health by default


>it feels cheaty but I can't do much if I have low health by default

Where is your healer?

What the heck

If you're maintaing enochian long enough to spam Fire IV and Foul then things should be dying way faster than you losing health should ever be becoming a problem

>Name *ONE* thing that makes FFXIV enjoyable that is not dressing up like a slut or grind for endgame gear on an eternal gear treadmill that is rendered useless the moment a new expansion come out.


What a meme race

All gear that isnt on their face or head is wasted aesthetic since it's tiny and you barely notice it on them

Tonberry here. How is the E population on Kujata?

I've been playing here only for a couple of days but so far it seems alright. As I said I joined a pretty big English-speaking FC and I'm having fun, while also interacting in Japanese with the random locals in PUGs.

I play solo outside of dungeons because that's what everyone does so I'm forced to play safe and run around. I'd really like to team with someone but I don't like to bother others when they are playing just because I have to complete **this** quest
actually this happened only once with one of those big Minotaur-like boss in the part of the map you visit after the snowy biome. that part where you have on a side the imperial army and on the other side a bunch of ruins . generally I keep up easily with normal mobs but I really need a team to counter balance my low health

Tonberry here
Got a nice small-medium EN FC and I'm slowly starting to learn Japanese to try and communicate better with my pug groups.

What is the easiest job to play that has the least amount of personal responsibility in a raid setting. I really hate dragging a raid down with my garbage play. I hear PLD is pretty braindead but I'm too much of a beta to tank.

>cute traps
99% of people who claim to be cute traps are either fat neckbeards or bony looking weirdos.

Actual cute traps are either getting fucked or posting pics to attentionwhore.

>being this much of a eyelet

>I play solo outside of dungeons because that's what everyone does so I'm forced to play safe and run around.

Get your chocobo companion and set it to healer mode.

I dont know man, ive never had problems as a BLM with a single enemy in the entire game that is meant to be soloable

watching sceneries

Try playing as a PLD in squadron adventures

t. cute trap
give me your address

what the fuck? who is a bird able to heal me? I thought they were only for attacks
well I guess I just suck

Probably samurai

Literally the most selfish class that exists in the game and you can pull high numbers super fucking easy

The literal only class that can do damage easier is red mage (but not as much damage, their rotation is just a tad easier)


>he thinks his gay glamoured gear is visible when his 1 foot tall character is constantly enveloped by all the particle effects going off in a given fight


>I thought they were only for attacks

There is a healer stance...

Girls are good. Males are shit.

>constantly enveloped by all the particle effects going off in a given fight
That's everyone though.

I just like walking around while listening to the OST and doing gathering. I find this to be super chill and relaxing.

Yes but at least my head pokes out, lala shits stay underwater

68 is where you get Hagakure (the skill that converts Sen into Kenki) which vastly changes the way you play SAM. You have to start timing your Iaijutsus so that they won't mess up Hagakure timing and making sure you manage Kenki so it never gets too high while still keeping enough to buff your iaijutsu. It's also pretty fun to time Third Eye which does give you a pretty good DPS gain since the counter skill is more Kenki-efficient than Shinten.

Ninja, all you have to do is land Trick Attack every 60 seconds and nobody cares how much you fuck up beyond "don't cause a wipe"

I've always played a DPS but nowadays I feel like trying out a healer. What's the most enjoyable healing profession I should try? Any tips?

I know how to give damage with BRD but how do I properly support with it. These are some pretty amazing CDs so I don't think throwing them on CD through the encounter is the best way.


My tip is get a netflix subscription

White Mage


I guess they heal too.

White Mage if you want an easy healer
Astrologian if you want to work for your heals
Scholar if you want to be a pocket DPS with worse heals than White Mage (levelling Scholar also levels Summoner at the same time, which can be nice)

Is sector 10 really the only one that drops black clay? 5 runs in and I have like 4 clays

>have to wait 2 more years for new Healer and Tank Jobs
Why couldn't they just do
SAM - Tank
DNC - Healer
Why would they make an expansion pack only have 2 new Jobs, and make both of those jobs DPS?

>don't lag for 2h
>maybe I can finally do raban
>abandon at mateus
I miss montreal

Now you work at the cock office

If they made SAM a tank, I would've unsubbed. Three sword using tanks would have been shit. Samurai is fine as a DPS - though I think a majority of people could've agreed to a moderate option of just making it share DRG gear instead of MNK.

But, really, the reason they didn't add more tanks(or healers) is twofold. One, is that they obviously can't balance the three tanks that already exist, with DRK being shunted off in favour of WAR and PLD. Two; they added DRK as a Tank, instead of what should have maybe been a DPS as well, in an attempt to get all the people clamouring for a job like that to play tanks more. People played tanks more, for a bit, but the long-term distribution didn't change after the initial rush.

tl;dr - get over it, your opinions are shit but not as shitty as the dev team sometimes is.

Jackie chan

>wanting another sword tank
Fuck off dancer fag

Someone should do a documentary on this. I really feel like 70% of the trans community plays XIV. Shit's fucking surreal.


I like playing AST and pretending I'm a time mage
>arrow haste
>that 4 second stun I can't remember because I just call it stopga
>lb3 is Return

You are fucking kirito tier faggots. Off yourselves.

>forgot my password
>try password retrieval
>it asks for the secret question
>forgot the answer to secret question
>locked out of the account forever

Muh dancer healer even though dancer has always been a support
>dances are spells instead of passive effects
Fucking stupid

Dancer fags were as equally stupid, yeah.

>want to use a sword to DPS for once
>some autistic thinks I want to be like some shitty self-insert swordman from a mediocre anime

Stop projecting once in a while. Now, if I said I wanted some two sword using DPS, then you could call me some kirito tier faggot. But, I'll humour you. Why should SAM be a tank?

I found a good group of friends, got married in-game to one of them and love fishing.

The problem with this is that there's no Support role. Ranged Physical DPS is kind of like a support, but then what kind of attacks would Dancer have if it was forced into that role? On the other hand, I don't think it'd be so much of a stretch to give Dancer a handful of melee-range attacks for their DPS options, as a healer.

>Getting thousands of dollars from the roleplaying idiots wanting expensive illustrations.

Artist here, explain further.

Because it was a tank in FFXI, duh, even though Ninja came out at the same time and turned out to be a better tank through evasion.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'd have been fine with either, really. I just find it retarded to argue that SAM should NOT have been a tank because muh sword DPS and muh three sword tanks. That's it.
If I had to find something, I'd say that we should've gotten ronin (current SAM, melee DPS), and bushi, or samurai (heavy armored, etc, something different from XI though).
Would've satisfied everyone while also boosting tank use at least temporarily. Bushi/Samurai could've been great.

>muh FFXI
Fuck off back to it, then

Dancers usually use knives
They could be another nin, but the better idea is to never add them

>want to get back into the game
>remember that the main difficulty of the game is incompetent teammates
I really do want to play too.

Both would've been a gross oversaturation. Even if they had the balls to try a Class -> double Job split again with it.

How would you set apart SAM as a tank, anyway? What would it have? PLD has Super Ultimate Raid Defense, WAR has "I'm actually a DPS, mommy!" and DRK has "i'm kind of edgy and use blood(and used to play a balancing act of using MP)". What does a SAM tank do that's different from that?

It's not all that retarded of an argument to want one sword DPS though. Ninja doesn't count because it's piddly little stabbers, and RDM hardly counts because it has four moves and spends about 9 seconds using the sword at any given time. But wanting to use a sword and not be stuck with having to tank is a perfectly reasonable thing, especially when there were already two sword using tanks and 0 of any other role. At least we'd never get two Axe tanks, but if we did I'm sure axefags would be crying then.

>in potd RIGHT NOW
>Teammates get themselves killed every floor spreading out, pulling multiple mobs, hitting every trap
>Just chilling for a minute before I raise them because I'm tired of this shit.

So, what, make them all throwing knives?

Throwing knives would be interesting

Post huds

Rate huds

Hard mode: no erp posing

Throwing knives that are held out like a fan in battle and idle stances

>We'll never have a magic based tank
BLU/GEO when?

>trying too hard/10