Zero fucking games

Zero fucking games.

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Every game is available on both PC and XBone.

But those are true 4k! Unlike pro.

Dead Rising 3
Gears of War 4
Quantum Break

3 fucking games
(I agree it's a peice of shit)

Do I want one? I want a 4K bluray player too.

Why wouldn't you play it on the pc? xbone has no games.

That's not switch

But its xbonex so i guess your right there as well

I played Skyrim remastered on the Xbox One X and wow, let me tell you, it was like a completely new game. Incredible one of a kind experience. Do yourself a favor and buy it now if you haven't already.


For people that want to have entry level 4K, it's a more cost efficient option than a PC. That's it.

I want to buy one to play through the halos again then turn around and sell it.

The Xbone S plays 4K Blu-ray.

Both on PC

Yes but it's a really shit 4K Bluray player

If you are a poor fag and actually own one alongside a 4k tv (and a gaming pc, PS4 pro), then it’s ability to play multiplats in 4k well with some in HDR is actually pretty impressive. Also a good 4k movie player.
However, if you are poor and can’t afford one, have no 4k tv and already own the only console you could afford then by all means shit on it to make yourself feel better.
TLDR- stop being poor.


Kek. Why would I play it on the xbone when I can easily play it on the pc which is the far superior version?

eu4 available on pc but not xox

Because you want to have actual decent numbers of people to play against and with your frien....oh wait


You think the Switch will pass Xbox One lifetime sales around this time next year?


This is literally for poor people. If you want a good 4K experience, then you'd buy a good PC. OneX is for people who can't afford that.
TLDR - You stop being poor.

Daily reminder that Xbox is very supportive of PC players and consumer friendly due to their shitty launch and poor sales. Yet PC players love to shit on them for play anywhere, games that give you a free PC copy. Like PS or Nintendo would ever think about doing that, to them PC players don't even exist.

Also majority of PS4 sales come from outside the U.S., where it's a FIFA Machine and cockroach apartment, while it's 50/50 in U.S.

As per my post, I already have a gaming pc. Sometimes I like playing games in the lounge room thanks to a great tv and a very good home theatre system.

yet it has no games

Dyson Pro

So what does it actually have that I can't get on pc? I genuinely can't think of anything. What's the point of this console?

>almost everything on pc

Point proven. Besides Halo, there is no point to your console.

You think wrong way. With this console there is no point in pc.

People buy consoles because they're too retarded to build and use PCs.
The majority of games sold are multiplats.
You can cry all you like about exclusives, only losers on Sup Forums, the vast minority care about them, and the numbers show it.

Besides all the other applications of a PC besides gaming.

>no point to 120 fps, ultra graphical settings customization and better controls

gr8 b8 m8

>all the games are on pc haha xcucks!

>4 years in
>not even half way through the 360's lists
>NOGAEMS of this gen

MS just gave up, didn't they?