>main healer
>has an anime girl avatar
Every time
Main healer
>they kill themselves before they reach their thirties
Every time
someone rail me please
I cannot fucking stand how ingenuine and sheepish people are, even among those who share my hobbies (vidya and anime).
If it weren't a meme to like these things very few would. Fuck I hate being alive.
>I drank from plastic bottles too much
I don't understand this.
Some plastic bottles aren't that well made and tiny particles of the plastic gets in the water you drink. The plastic then has xeno-estrogens or testosterone blockers which will make you more feminine or less masculine.
Or so the theory goes anyway, I'm european so I don't get exposed to shitty plastic bottles.
Plastic bottles are coated inside with BPA plastic which acts as a xenoestrogen.
You faggots better be fucking lying.
The people who believe this shit are deeply, deeply insecure.
>main healer
>like anime and cute anime girls
>don't have an anime profile picture because I'm not a fucking faggot
Sup Forums talks more about fucking dudes than any other board on this website.
The jews are getting really creative with their diabolical plots to emasculate western population, aren't they?
>government plates
I laughed but I don't get it
Now you know why you like "feminine" dicks so much
isnt that just a meme? there hasnt been any observable effects of xeno estrogens in humans
That's because Sup Forums is a carton of eggs. All that internalized self-loathing is just being projected.
It's true. Read the Wikipedia page for sources.
Time to switch back to soda and alcohol. I'd rather be fat than gay.
Eating a soybean isn't going to do shit to you unless you go through entire truckloads and you're taking testosterone blockers at the same time. Stop believing what some slav shitposts on a Belgian waffle imageboard at 4 in the morning.
Aluminium cans are coated with BPA too
I've been healer for many years and my avatar has been always dog in a suit with tie and glasses.
Anime girls are bad?
>these trace amounts of xeno estrogens are going to fuck you up for life! for really realsies you guys!
conspiracy fags are the worst
yes, it's true, but do you have any fucking idea how much xeno-estrogen someone would have to consume to make any kind of actual effect on your body? To compare, an average man's testosterone level is 670 ng/dl, and that average is on the low end of the spectrum. Most adult males have around 1000 ng/dl. An average woman has around 30-60ng/dl.
You can't close that gap significantly just by drinking out of fucking plastic water bottles. Don't be so fucking dense Sup Forums.
I'm pretty sure tap water has some shit in it too.
>All xenoestrogens are the same
Yeah, and cigarettes are totally healthy am I right?
It's the reason why bottled water has an expiry date, the water doesn't go off but the plastic starts to break down after a while and it'll fill you up with estrogen.
Just buy a £5 reusable bottle that won't fuck you up.
or they, you, have read the scientific research about it polluting the world's underground water reservoirs.
they might as well be the same when the amounts you're taking in are so insignificant
Sup Forums is too big to be generalized in such a manner
for every early morning trap thread there are 50 normalfag central threads
Be nice to Sarah.
I play healer rather often, my avatar is off a catboy though. You got me with the homosexual and crossdressing bits.
have YOU read the scientific research about how the human body works? You wanna know why you're growing tits and want somebody to blame? Stop eating at mcdonalds and KFC 6 times a month.
their music is pretty nice desu even if it does feel like fake weeb:the band
who makes these images and why?
>I-I'm not gay, it's just the water I drink! I swear it's not my fault I like dicks!
americans are so pathetic
bait, obviously
these images are always so general and wide reaching that literally anybody could be called a tranny faglord/cuck/virgin/buzzword of the week
all the projection in this thread lol
they're insecure about the anime and other feminine shit they like? idk
98% support from my recent Dotabuff matches
particles that form on plastics during their manufacturing cycle are breaking down in 3rd world countries that have extreme amounts of water pollution. it's not that one water bottle you saw on the beach in San Francisco, it's tons and tons of the stuff from Africa and India.
Either Alex Jones needs to sell more filters, anons trying to be dicks to other anons, Sup Forums conspiracy fags or North Korea to fuck with us. Or maybe they're all in on it together.
>Doesn't take account for male estrogen production
>Doesn't know how blockers work