>denuvo causing performance issues on pc
>hammering CPU usage
>ubishit is punishing the people who brought the game
Why is this allowed?
>denuvo causing performance issues on pc
>hammering CPU usage
>ubishit is punishing the people who brought the game
Why is this allowed?
keep bitching about lootboxes and ignore the real problem Sup Forums
I am successfully ignoring Ubishit games.
except that was fixed. cry harder you fucking poorfag
Keep sucking that ubisoft dick you pathetic shill
>unable to pirate/Crack game
>make up stories about performance in the hope of getting it removed
Why are piratefags so needy?
The only fabricated story from a fairytale is the claim that a virtual machine does not impact performance.
This is like arguing against the laws of thermodynamics.
I trust crackers more than a confimed liar aka Ubishit who have lied many times without shame which is also a been proven fact.
Ubisoft's employees are on fast, huh.
>buying Ubisoft games
People actually do this?
>I trust the people who have vested interest in spreading FUD
Then you're an idiot. Nobody says copy protection has no impact but claiming CRIPPLING impact is something you are going to need evidence to back up and nobody has been able to produce that evidence even with the games that have had Denuvo patched out of them.
>all the other games are cracked
>even sims 4 with freaking pets has been cracked
>no one even gives a crap about ass creed
Says a lot
the game has the highest cpu usage rate ever with the same requirement as the previous one
>piratepoors cant play the game
>so they make up shit and lie about how drm is causing CPU problems to get ubisoft to remove denuvo
>they say fuck off and improve framerate in the latest patch
LMAO have piratepoors ever been THIS btfo?
your shit game is 30 fps even on xbone x LMAO
>no one cares about AC Origins! t-t-t-thats why i-i-i-its not c-c-cracked yet!!
Meanwhile it's going to sell more than 10million.
>pirates care about how much game sell
Great argument. Yeah If this was a console discussion, sure.
>copy protection
interesting word choice
>Nobody says copy protection has no impact
Ubishit does.
This is not about Denuvo, this is about VMware which runs ontop of Denuvo.
The evidence is top of the line CPUs hitting 100% on multiple threads, which is unreasonable.
>play ubicreed #69 or stress my cpu
i wouldn't even pirate this game
>anti pirate fags celebrate a company fucking every paying consumer over just so they can make a little more theoretical shekels because it gives them a sense of superiority over imaginary us vs them conflict
the absolute state of human kind.
>giving ubisoft money
Genuinely bad people down to the core, no sympathy deserved.
You have no frame of reference, your "evidence" is worth shit. For all you know it's just an internal throttling bug, kind of like old games that will happily max out a modern GPU by unnecessarily piling on load until the hardware can't take it anymore.
>You have no frame of reference
Because the accused one of course won't provide it on his own since he would prove himself guilty.
So you are saying a top of the line AAA dev is unable to deliver a game which does not have a MAJOR bug which destroys performance on the most expensive builds while causing BSOD from CPU overheating on high to medium builds and fails to deliver a fix for 2 weeks now?
so what you're saying is it isn't the DRM but it was Ubisoft being too incompetent to optimise their console oriented game for PC?
>inb4 "muh draw distance and graphics muh GOTY let me suck ubisoft's circumcised jew dick"
no nigger, if it can run on a pleb's console it would more than easily run on an average PC without being one of the most CPU demanding games of all time if it were optimised. So pick one:
>DRM is making the game shit on PC
>Ubisoft are shit and untalented hacks at making games for PC
>So you are saying a top of the line AAA dev is unable to deliver a game which does not have a MAJOR bug which destroys performance on the most expensive builds
You do know we are talking about Ubisoft, right? Fuck awful performance on PC is par for the course for them. This is not the first time this has happened, only difference is prior occasions didn't involve a pesky bit of copy protection that pirates were having trouble with. On those occasions people just blamed lazy programmers at Ubisoft. Now all the sudden they are top-tier, best of the best, make no mistake programmers and this is all the fault of the copy protection? Fuck off.
While performance has been shit on older releases it hasn't been this bad ever. literally roasting CPUs.
Meanwhile I run the game at an average FPS of 90, maxed out at 1440p. Feel free to discard your toaster any time.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
The last few years have shown that being a pirate is the thinking man's decision.
I only feel contempt for those who buy games in this day and age.
because they are children
i have a 6700k+1070 and the game runs flawlessly
uts obvious pirates spreading lies because they cant crack the game
remember how Denuvo kills SSDs? lmao
I own the game and have been playing it a good amount
the cpu usage is awful
i5 6600 and it uses 100% of the cpu all the time except for menus and menus it's still high.
The game is not optimized well at all or there's DRM issues, either way there's a problem
>Owners: 323,471 ± 17,264
woooooow denuvo woooon
You need a CPU to play this game.
Those are Steam owners, not total owners.
>w-we're good, guys!...
You guys still play those, huh? That's just sad
fake news
>you need 8 threads to run a shitty looking ubisoft game
The absolute state of shills.
This is the future gamers chose.
Lootboxes are the real problem faggot. You wouldn't have any trouble with denuvo if you pirated AAA games like you should.
If you buy AAA western games you deserve to be punished desu.
Pirate always win.
Patience: always a virtue.
Join us, save gaming.
>filename starts at the end
Dude wat
>Why is this allowed?
Because gamers will literally buy any piece of shit that's sold to them with a high enough PR budget.
dumb phoneposter
>this user will never experience shitposting while shitting
I pity you, truly
Corporate shills BTFO HAHA
if piratefags never existed, they wouldn't have to do this shit
it's that simple
>shitposting while shitting
so shitposting squared?
Yeah no, its just not properly optimized for the pc since ubisoft is a bunch of lazy bagofdicks
More specifically their game engine has been rewritten with a bindless model for shaders but their DX12 renderer that goes hand in hand with this tech is only ready on Xbox One. On PC this cannot be handled so they use an extra binding wrapper to communicate between D3D11 and their renderer, this was co developed by Intel and Ubisoft. This goes against what AMD and Nvidia recommends to developers, uses a lot of extra CPU power and render their cards' power useless in certain situations (e.g. city areas in Origins). developer2.download.nvidia.com
arabic starts from right to left
Simple as that - punish licence users for actions of pirates.
wow you fucking shitlords it's not drm cancer's fault it's just that the game is poorly programmed from top to bottom checkmate atheists now you have to buy our i mean ubisoft's shit game
Meanwhile people that were gonna pirate it are just waiting for the crack anyway
Children are the only ones impatient enough to fall for vidya hype in 2017 and they usually don't have a disposable income
i didnt have any problem, it runs fine in my *insert machine that could run any game from the next 20 years at max settings"
You forgot to post your 1440p screenshot user
>I trust people who have vested interest in lying about performance hit of VMprotect executing code literally every frame and ever time you move
woah dude, calm down
>This is not about Denuvo, this is about VMware which runs ontop of Denuvo.
Denuvo IS VMware. Or it was until they partially replaced it.
>The evidence is top of the line CPUs hitting 100% on multiple threads, which is unreasonable.
That's called good optimization. All of Ubisoft's modern games behave this way. Watch_Dogs 2 will 100% the most powerful CPU you can buy.
I look at steam forums and most people with stutter problems are kids with toaster or people who cant figure out how to turn vsync on appearantly
>13 days ago
This was already discussed here many times, where have you been and why are you pretending this is news?
>Denuvo will destroy your SSD!
>look what Denuvo is doing to the CPU!
This smells like piratefag BS. What next? It melts your graphics card and breaks your RAM too?
It is completely normal to tie a copy protection call to every gunshot or taking a step or something liek that. Regular enough to be extremely painful to remove, but not so frequent as to hobble performance. Ubisoft know what they're doing. And their work has been extremely effective, since the game still hasn't been cracked yet.
>mfw teenagers from r/pcmasterrace are just mad their shitty kaby lake i5s are literally fucking worthless and every single game will look like this by next year
did he just kill him
my friend bought the game and his PC has way over the recommended requirements and it still runs like shit, keep lying ubishill.
It's not Denuvo causing the performance drops or preventing the game from being cracked. It's VMprotect on top of Denuvo, on top of Uplay, on top of Steam.
And still they made shit ton of dosh from that retarded micro transaction shit
I have a 6700k and dual 1080s, and the game can drop to 30 FPS in busy scenes at max, the performance is unacceptably bad
Real adults, unlike you know value of money.
>people on MY Sup Forums paying AND playing ubishit games
Brought != Bought
Learn English you fucking cunt.
Feels good pirating games and making shills made.
>Playing on PC
lmaoing @ you guys
imagine shopkeepers being cocky because you couldn't shoplift ALL the products.
>people actually spending money on ubishit or Electronic Ass games
absolutely disgusting
>using anything other than an i3 or i5 to play videogames
lmao you fucking retard
enjoy your 400 dollar cpu's
Welcome to Sup Forums, the only board fighting the evil pirate Sup Forums.
Effective at preventive piracy? Yes.
Effective at making a huge performance hit by executing VIRTUAL MACHINE code several hundred times a second? Also yes.
Eh, I almost got it on PC, but I went ahead and got it on PS4 Pro since that's the best version of the game available. Especially on consoles.
Why do people still trust drm and assume they aren't malicious, when most of them historically have been?
>Buying Ubishit games in the first place
You only have yourself to blame for this.
>g-gayms don't use more than 2 cores! reddit told me so!
>buying asscreed
>the cod of action games
you faggots deserve to be cucked
new Far Cry looks promising
>value of money
'real adults' know that spending money on the things you enjoy is THE value
ass creed is not "games"
>We had a real problem, Batts was a made shill after all.