Microtransactions are bad!

>microtransactions are bad!
>lootboxes are gambling!
>uh oh they're bad because im poor

Other urls found in this thread:


t. someone who badly needs justification for spending 100+ dollars on lootboxes before getting what he wanted

t. poorfag

essentially that's Sup Forums's only argument
they're not hurting the game
just poorfag wallets

I know it's bait and I still almost bit
well played user

either they are purely cosmetic, in which case you spent money on something that is utterly useless or they give you some sort of competitive edge in which case the game becomes pay2win


Indeed. I'm cheap and only like to pay at most one dollar per entertainment hour ($1/EH) at these crates oftentimes drives that price up to $6/EH or higher. I also prefer bouts of skill that don't require a strong financial investment.

Why the hell should I pay for something behind a paywall if I already spent 60 bucks on the game?


Lootboxes are the best representation of what life is. Why should gamers be entitled to everything?

Just like life lootboxes emulate the fact that if you're poor you get less things while the rich get more. So not being a poorfag, lootboxes are the best system for me.


You don't have to. Just like you don't have to buy first class plane tickets or pay for one day shipping.

A foole & his money,
be soone at debate:
which after with sorow,
repents him to late.

>Buying games with lootboxes in the first place

It's your fault

But why on earth would you gate it off content like that? The person already paid full price for your game.
>B-but its optional!
The content should be able to be acquired without shoveling out more money or grinding for 100 fortnights.
The fact that people are defending corporations gateing off content like that unbeliveable.

It's a crappy way to generate revenue. I'm perfectly happy to pay more for vidya but not this way.

Loot Boxes are gambling, and If you are half smart, you know It is bad.

Why not have a store and pay the right price for what you whant?

>play game
>beat missions
>fight bosses
>level up
>unlock content

>play game
>buy content
You are literally paying so that you can avoid the entire purpose of the product you payed for.

No, they're bad because they encourage people to not play the game. It's literally like drug addiction for the publisher. They get the cost of the game / whatever shit has to go to the retailer, the devs, etc, which I imagine is small. But then they have an endless digital money making cycle, which costs them nothing, and is profit profit profit.

But this makes the game shorter for the people who play it, as you get everything unlocked via spending $x00 more.

So you've paid for the game, and then paid for it to be shortened, but justify this with "Well I'm not poor and it means I beat other people!", and then you stop playing after x months; meanwhile the developer is sitting there rubbing their greedy hands together because you just paid for all of that, and now that you and the other % of people who did aren't playing the game, they can say "Oh well there's not enough people online to justify keeping the servers on, or adding content, so we'll shut that down now." Which kills the game for the people who didn't pay to win, and are still enjoying it.

Then the publisher looks at the profits, and goes "Man this is an easy win, we can put out hundreds of shitty games, with these lootbox scenarios, people will pay, and we'll make bank!"


So in short, go fuck yourself, you are the cancer killing the games industry, and I really fucking hope this and mobileshit die so we can see another age of games being made that are good, fully done at release, and not filled with this crap.

You dumb babies are now just catching up with gacha games.

At least it's called lootboxes instead of gems or jewels or shekels.

bet you defend amiiboshit

well fuck, this argument just blew everyone the fuck out. good job user, and now I am depressed as hell because I realize this shit is going to be the blight upon gaming for a long time yet.

Just because someone uses a reaction image from a thing, doesn't mean they've watched or played that thing. I used to have hundreds of reaction images of stuff that I hadn't even heard of until I decided to nuke my reaction image folder in 2013.

>The person already paid full price for your game.
That's a slippery slope to "waaaah I couldn't beat this boss, bosses shouldn't be in vidya culture"

And for the record I have never touched those things in my life and actually have always complained about them.

>microtransactions are good!
>lootboxes are not gambling!
>uh oh they're good because im retarded

Don't even buy them and this is the decision I always come to. If it's cosmetic shit then it doesn't matter and if it's p2w then I'm not touching it anyway. I could give a shit less what retards spend their money on.

>lootboxes and microtransactions are good because i am manchild with lots of daddy's and mommy's money

uhhh you don't get rich by spending money retard.

>>microtransactions are good!
No they are not, if you weren't underage shitter you would knew that its not good to waste money on useless shit

>i am underage retard who does not value and does not how to manage time and money

all you poorfags need to fuck off to reddit.

>this is what whales actually believe


rich people unlike you know value of money, underage faggot
grow up, little shit


How do I trust the dev to not have intentionally skewed progression or cut out content without microtransactions to make people buy more?


I have no idea how anybody can defend loot boxes after the mess that was Shadow of War. They turned that game into a grind fest just to bore people into buying loot boxes. It's a tactic seen in free mobile games being used in a fucking AAA single player game.

I didn't mind loot boxes in games like Overwatch but game publishers have shown they can't be trusted with the mechanic so now I'm not going to buy any game that includes loot boxes. Games should be made with entertainment in mind, not as a way to milk as much money from customers as possible.

I can't wait until the normals catch on and your precious loot box filled games get their spike of players then instant drop
then you're back on here posting x title begging for people to play it and watch your shiny ass being carried around in a shiny gold flaming chariot

t.gambling addict


Fill in the blanks!

OP is a f_ggot!

are americans rich?

>IM SILLY comic
Every time

even with all that money you're still a bitch

They take away the actual experience of playing the game especially if it's centred around in game loot.

This based boy knows the score.


If you spent 60 bucks on a game with lootboxes and microtrabsactions you should reevaluate your life.

Kind of like the OP?

it's not gambling because you've got %0 chance to get anything of value from one

>why would you gate it off
because people will pay money for it
It's the same reason EA games are + $150 on release, because people will pay

>i don't like how other people are spending their disposable income
>the government needs to regulate it!!

>admitting the fact that lootboxes are gambling is the same as wanting the government to regulate lootboxes

I quite like gambling, and really don't mind loot boxes, but they're still gambling.

>be rich
>spend it on microtransactions
>suddenly poor

>spend 20 dollarinos to get a CHANCE to have this super XXX mega max gun sling to increase your draw time by 100%
>totally not broken
>draw rate is 0.0000001%

>>draw rate is 0.0000001%
>new weapons comes out which is much more broken than the previous weapon
>draw rate from the super XXX mega max gun sling suddenly shoots up to 10%-90% just so it can get in the way of the draw rate of the new weapon


>there are people on this very board who are unemployed and still living at home
>these people pirate all their games and think their opinion matters on the state of the industry

No please, reply with how you're on a six figure income with a hot gf.

>being a wagecuck in the year of 2000+17
>not having a 5 figures neetbux

>>there are people on this very board who are unemployed and still living at home
>>these people pirate all their games and think their opinion matters on the state of the industry
Talking about yourself?
No please, reply with how you're on a six figure income with a hot gf.

I'm not poor, I'm just not retarded with my money.

this, poorfag gigaNEETs get so insanely triggered by them it's hilarious

I don't come on Sup Forums to project, I come to belittle others because I know how many people here have shitty lives and I like to make them feel worse.

If I climb on my current job I'll be on a six figure income in about 3 years and my gf is about a 7.5/10.

t. retard
If you spend cash on cosmetic or digital trinkets you can get for free you are a fucking idiot.

Meh, I don't play games with loot boxes so I don't care if they exist or not

>I'm a better person than you
>I'll prove it by acting like a total cunt

sorry about your insecurities, user

>marx was a jew
>yet it's capitalism that is more jewish

Even if money was in unlimited supply. Their inclusion still makes the games worse.
Money doesn't change that in the slightest.

>I really fucking hope this and mobileshit die so we can see another age of games being made that are good, fully done at release, and not filled with this crap.

not happening until we have a greater all-encompassing societal collapse user, sorry

on the bright side - soon

Most jews considered Marx to be an anti-semite and banned him from most jewish groups.

>The goyim are actually defending it

thanks leeter

>internalized anti-Semitism

>tfw the jews are better dancers than you

Yeah, because most jews consider themselves superior and want to see a greater jewish state and rule across the world, aka Zionism. Like or hate Marx but he had a clear position against these things, that's why most Jewish communes hated him.

hi edgar



I can tolerate loot boxes in games like Overwatch and LoL because, for the most part, the only thing you get out of them are completely optional cosmetics, and they don't pretend you're getting anything more than that.

>Disliking Lootboxes is popular
>Sup Forums starts to shill for them


>>we shouldn't pay for optional content
>is the same as
>>bosses shouldn't be a thing
what the actual fuck user

nice invented dialogue that never happened

>all these assblaster poorshits itt

you can burn your money for all i care