MGS V has a better plot and is a better Metal Gear Solid game than MGS 4

MGS V has a better plot and is a better Metal Gear Solid game than MGS 4.

3 > 1 > V > 2 >>>>> Getting shot in the balls > 4

Everything is negotiable other than 4 being at the dirt bottom

Behead all MGS 4 defenders

Twin Snakes was good.


3 = PW => 1 > 4 > GZ > MGR > GB = MG2 > 2 > PO > TPP > 1


4 would be higher with less cutscenes and dumb boss fights, 5 is only marginally better but handles very well. 5 could have been the greatest mgs ever with a little more polish and work.

finally somebody with good taste

where's portable ops?

I wish it wasnt just 2 big open world maps with copy past content.

It should have been a set of small open maps like the one in ground zeroes accompanied with some inside/underground levels where you cant get support and drops and have to be prepared beforhand.
Its pretty obvieous that konami just pushed for open world because it sells.

3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > generic ubisoft game > MGSVTPP

3 > 2 > 1 = 5 (PW+GZ+TPP) > 4

>better plot
what fucking plot
>better metal gear solid game than 4
It is a better "game", but Metal Gear was always about the story.

Should i get a used ps3 for the legacy collection, or there is a chance of mgs2, 3, 4, pw being released on ps4?

Ive only played v and 1 on emulator.

yeah. ground zeroes was damn near a masterpiece for me, despite its size. maybe throw in a little co-op, ditch the stupid fultoning shit and other super-futuristic bullshit and anachronistic weapons, a more populated and believable, lived-in world, maybe some tweaks to the multiplayer (i have in mind somewhat more like spies v mercs from chaos theory, over a huge landscape with fun combined arms and varying mission objectives), and you've got a recipe for a badass game. it's a shame what it came to, the controls in 5 handle so fluidly and so excellent, that it seems wasted on the half-aborted catastrophe we got.

>4 would be higher with less cutscenes and dumb boss fights,
Says a faggot praising mother fucking MGS2, that suffers of the exact same "issues", and worse.

>Should i get a used ps3 for the legacy collection

>or there is a chance of mgs2, 3, 4, pw being released on ps4?

>Ive only played v and 1 on emulator.
such a waste.

David > Medic > John

This is a scientific fact

>Tfw 4 is your favorite in the series
Gotta love when the mere existence of something you love causes massive amounts of butthurt across an already terrible fanbase

3>2 (Tanker part)>5=1>Ac!d(1 not 2 you homo)>piss walker>havent played 4>dogshit soaked in rain for 8 hours>rest of 2

"Metal Gear was always about the story."

Hoo boy.

"Whereas at Capcom Japan, we focus on the game logic and getting the systems down in the beginning then we gradually build the visuals on top of that. I think this speaks to the differences in the core of how western games are developed compared to games in Japan."

The story was always pulp fun. The gameplay is what elevated it.

metal gear solid is 75% cutscenes the gameplay is nothing speciasl, other stealth games do a better job

Lies, only 4 and 5 had good gameplay

>metal gear solid is 75% cutscenes

Spotted the guy who entered the franchise at MGS4. Reminder that this board is for over 18s only, and you probably ought to leave.

3 was the pinnacle of the series, gameplay wise. 5 had the most fluid controls.

>Ac!d better than PW
How hard did you tip your fedora after sharing that awful Reddit inspired abortion of an opinion?

1. he gives a fuck about reddit of all places
2. it has better gameplay

how about you share you original Sup Forums v (read, nu reddit) opinion my fellow Sup Forums comr..I mean GENOSSE

I have only played mgs 1,2 and 5

>All these Mgs3 babies thinking MGS3 was better than 1.
I hate the metal gear fandom

>openly admitting to having not played 3
genocide yourself

Take you meds gramps at this point its subjective since both games are really good who litaraly can do no wrong

5's gameplay was obviously better than most of the other games, but they were still all greay in their own regard, considering the time period and the platforms they had to work with. But, when you put most your effort into one part of the game and put whatever you have left into the other, is it really a good "Metal Gear" game? Sure, it's a great open world action/stealth game with tons of options to approach situations, but maybe not a Metal Gear game.

>I-it's the ORIGINAL therefore it must be the best!!!
>unironically calling it "MGS1"

Wrong website, sweetie.

PoOps is the worst one.

All I see is 'J-just because you played something older d-doesn't mean it's better!". Take your riddalin kiddo

>a game with multiple plotholes and James Bond villain-tier of incompetency everywhere
>anywhere but last place
Kojima didn't care when writing the plot, why do you care?

Now you went retard gramps. Try switching your controller ports so the gov stops fucking with your hormone levels

No true scotsman.

"It's not a METAL GEAR game" is just a way to avoid giving actual, valid criticism. A phantom criticism, if you will.

Usually followed up by "play through the series and you'll understand". No, I genuinely don't. It's got a snake, stealth/action elements, a retarded 2deep4u plot and it's called metal gear. Elaborate instead of using a facebook-tier attempt at criticism.

You're a fucking idiot lol


>'J-just because you played something older d-doesn't mean it's better!"

Is that a real attempt at mocking my reply? Even reading it with the stutter and in a teenage voice, it's a valid criticism. Older =/= better.

2 is great because of the gameplay mechanics and vr missions. controls were excellent and the stealth was challenging and fun. i was no fan of the plot shit, but the gameplay was top shelf. as far as the bosses go, it never sold the games for me in the first place, but at least they had a little more depth than filling them with lead.

Who are you trying to fool. You said lol at the end of your sentence that means you aggree with me.


>Even reading it with a stutter and teenage voice it's still a valid reply
I'm sure it is bud

3 > 5 >>>> 1 = 2 >>>> 4

I'm scorching his ass to the point where he shouldn't be able to sit down, and yet you're effectively throwing ice water onto the burns. Stop replying.

woho im salty and angry at an internet stranger for liking an objectivly great game mroe than that objectivly great game. fuck off gramps you have braindamage and are spitting ac!d at this point

Different user who is actually a fan of the series here.

The level design isn't in contained areas which prioritize contextual actions (*cough*codec*cough*) and fucking around with the envionment. What you get instead is something akin to a Ubisoft game with boring outposts scattered around everywhere and walking cutscene corridors which I'm convinced mean that we live in a bad end reality because these things have no place in a fucking Metal Gear game. Also, none of the bases are on the level of Camp Omega which wasn't even an amazing pinnacle of open world design.

Nobody in the game has any charisma, the characters that used to have it are wasted on fulfilling mandatory revenge quota, or sucking not-Big Boss's dick, or rehashing a plot twist from MG1 and MGS3 respectively. New characters are insultingly stupid with Quiet being essentially meaningless (no Kojima, you can't write a mute character and do it justice, I'm sorry), Code Talker being a glorified techno-babble spewer and Skull Face being very, very incompetent. All of the before-mentioned three characters have made me laugh multiple times for the wrong reasons while I was playing the game. Code Talker especially feels like self-parody, but you can apply that to all three.

There are no boss battles aside from a sniper that you can two shot and a variation of bulletsponges. They have zero character, they don't give you anything for beating them, they don't have any real stakes past "I kill you, no I kill you".

This is just the tip of the iceberg, do I really have to go on?

Memes were a mistake

As shitty as MGS4 was the high points of the game eclipse the best moments of MGSV by far. Getting a smooch off Ocelot in a sweaty old man vs old man fisty cuff is probably one of the best things in video games, and watching poor Snake crawl along that microwave oven while Mei Ling, Meryl and Raiden were rendered in real time in different locations fighting and shit was incredible.

I could not give a single fuck about Venom crawling along that hospital hallway in MGSV's final mission. It's the lowest point of the entire series and it pretty much destroys the enjoyment of the final hours of the game single handedly.



Mate you can't even respond without half-assing replies, give some valid reasoning or just go away lmao

its still unreal to me that anyone considers this is a 'games' series

its a soap opera strained through a weird japanese man who likes soldiers and robots

>Give some valid criticism or just go away lmao
Here's some valid criticism: You're a giant faggot

found the mgs 2 fanboy

More like the tip of an essay. Stopped at "Ubisoft". Really not interested in any more buzzword shite.

One through three feel like enough of a coherent thing even though Kojima was making it up as he went along. The games are also thematically and mechanically consistent, and their plot "not making sense" is a meme made up by brainlets, since it's not any less believable than a random video game plot with sci-fi elements in it.

4 is where things start going full retard and there are multiple reasons for that. PW can be given a break since it's pretty obvious that Kojima had fun writing it. GZ is really strong for some reason and then V drops the ball because it's evident Kojima stopped caring/lost his writing capabilities halfway through the process.

That's fine, stop by when you get some actual arguments. Some people have tried to defend V in the past, didn't go too well, so I get your behavior.

Boy do I love people who contribute nothing to a discussion.

Never understood people’s problem with MGS4. Almost all it’s problems stem from trying to answer stuff from 2.

>stop by when you get some actual arguments

Already gave 'em.

"It's got a snake, stealth/action elements, a retarded 2deep4u plot and it's called metal gear."

Ergo; it's a metal gear game.

Ball's still in your court.

>tfw I genuinely believe Survive will be more fun to play than V

3 > PW > MPO > 5 > 1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

>these things have no place in a fucking Metal Gear game.
Said about elements introduced in every MGS game since 1
>Nobody in the game has any charisma
Mother base soldiers
>There are no boss battles

What iceberg is this supposed to be, exactly? I wish I'd also stopped at ubisoft

Oh, that's what you mean. I thought you were smarter than to argue over basic surface structure semantics but fine, I'll explain it to you in simple terms. V IS in fact a Metal Gear game, since it has "Metal Gear Solid" in the title. You could play as fucking Pac Man for all it matters, and it wouldn't matter because Kojima wrote it and it's part of the canon of the series. So you're right, congratulations.

What the other user meant by "it's not a Metal Gear title" is that it's so bad that it doesn't really feel like the previous games in the series both from the plot and mechanics perspectives. You mentioned valid criticism and I've gave you plenty in the previous post, you can stop posting Einstein quotes (lmao) and respond to it now.

He was an actual character in PW, I missed that. You know, he had the whole double agent thing going, he fleshed out the world of 1970s amazingly well, he commented and interacted with the cast in more than just "THEY FUCKED UP MY BASE REEEEEEEE".
Ruined to fit the continuity. He doesn't have any charisma, and you as a player are meant to believe that a guy this smart would be retarded enough to do and say things that completely implicate him in multiple ways. If the cast wasn't incompetent he'd be shot to death shortly after being captured.
The only well written part of the game, I'll give you that. She's dead though.
>Mother base soldiers
I''m sorry?

None of the boss battles that you've mentioned are on the level of the boss battles in 1 through 3. The vehicle battles don't approach the mechanical density of the MGs from Peace Walker, Eli is a QTE's fest, Mists are awful, awful bulletsponges powered on literal magical parasites that throw boulders at you. They also go down in one magazine from a random machinegun.

1 = 3 > 5 > pw > 4 > po > rising > acid 2 > acid 1 > ghost babel > mobile 1 > promotional 4 website game > 2 > mobile 4

>I''m sorry?
Good. Apology accepted

You should've just said up front that you're only interested in hitting the ball back and forth and shitty attempts at shut down lines. If you want to be a cool guy sitting on Sup Forums isn't the way to go, sperg.

>What the other user meant by "it's not a Metal Gear title" is that it's so bad that it doesn't really feel like the previous games in the series both from the plot and mechanics perspectives.
>Usually followed up by "play through the series and you'll understand".

I gathered. Try reading, sunshine.

You're boring me.

What else do you want me to say? I disagree with you

>Y-you're wrong because *subjective reasoning*

I don't think you understand how conversations work

4 is way worse in all of the department you mentioned

>Getting a smooch off Ocelot in a sweaty old man vs old man fisty cuff is probably one of the best things in video games
Christ. MGS 4 homos are so embarrassing

>I disagree with you
And you are incapable of arguing your point*

I got bored when you insisted on defending no true scotsman. It's a fallacy for a reason; look it up.

It's fun watching you get angry now though.

Get fucked.

Not him but you're getting BTFOd hard. V > 4.

As I've said, you're boring.

>debate me!!!!
It's a wonder nobody takes you seriously

>That awful boring first Intro mission to MGSV
>Literally have to play through it again

V has better gameplay
4 has better story

And you're angry.

Can we play a new game? This one isn't so fun...

baiting for replies is fine, but keep in mind that this "I'm ignoring you lalala"' shit is not gonna fly once you leave your basement

fuck, that's not even gonna fly on sites where you're not anonymous

>All these people ranking 4 as the worst

>4 has better story
Incorrect. 4 has the worst story of the entire series
>I was only HYPNOTIZED to believe I'm Liquid LMAO
Fuck off

>Can we play a new game? This one isn't so fun...
*tips fedora*

A comprehensive breakdown of your arguments so far:
>It's not a metal gear game
>you have no arguments
>you're a giant faggot
>you're boring
>you have no points
>you're boring

Apparently this is acceptable in the real world though

A good story does not need to make sense to be entertaining, if that is what you believe then you are what's wrong with the MGS fanbase

>Sits you in the back of a car
>"So I made a parasite that can kill you if you speak English"
>Awkward silence
>10 minute ride


Its pretty fucking easy to rank them


after 3 who fucking cares

now fuck off

MGS 4 is not a good story, you stupid faggot

Quite a few missions have quite large segmented maps that could work like ground zeroes. The fort, OKB camp, plantation, the mines and so fort. Shame that using them only once kills that aspect.

They've been getting progressively worse.

MGR is the only point where it got genuinely good again after 3. Kojima is a fucking hack.

>3 fellation squad still in full force on Sup Forums
2>4>1>PW>3>literal shit>V

>Waaah I can't handle someone with another opinion!
This is how a child operates

MG2 is better than MGS1 on every aspect other than bosses and story. In music they tie.

Hot opinion coming through:

Wait, V had a plot?

What's with the recent uprising towards 4 tho? Game received solid 10/10 back in the days from both the critics and common folk. It's only after V came out that I started seeing this happen, I guess it introduced new people to the franchise.

>4 above 1 and 3

3 > 1 > 2 > Ground Zeroes > 4 > PW > 5

That's half of the charm. He is not the final boss, nor the undoing of BB. He is a side note in his story. He doesn't have the first or best Metal Gear, the most influence, or a meaning apparent only. The marketing builds him up as the reason for BBs fall, when in reality the reasons are already on the table.