>he don't have time to be /fit/ and play vidya
what is your excuse? too little energies?
>he don't have time to be /fit/ and play vidya
what is your excuse? too little energies?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah i don't feel like it
Im not gay and women only care about money.
used to be fit and play vidya but then a gril got me. so i guess its:
pick two
>John Da Ding will never hold you
n-no homo
No, I recently lost 250 pounds.
I draw through out most of the day.
I don't care about my physical health and I don't feel the need to impress anyone, so the only two reasons to get fit don't work.
i would be /fit/ if i had a way to lift at home because i actually enjoyed lifting.
too bad i shut myself in and can't get out.
then why don't be gay? be gay is fun and gay people are /fit/, and be around /fit/ people would motivate you to be /fit/ and be a healthy man. be gay, be healthy.
Basically yes
Also i hope that isnt a pic of you since even a Christiano Ronaldo bod cant save anything above that neck
I choose /fitlit/
I can't lift as I removed my appendices and the surgical clips on my intestines plus scar on my belly muscles makes me worry about hernia, but I run 5km, 4 times a week.
>jeondding would never be your /fit/ and tekken buddy
>he would never teach you how to counter and use eddy and chloe
>he would never embrance you with his strong korean arms
And I choose /cock/.
But I do. I'm just a health conscious person so I don't really build that 6 pack abs but I do have muscles.
So OP is a loser desperate for a self esteem boost? Better work out more to cover for that personality.
OP stop skipping leg day
Crippling depression and OCD that have resisted several different treatments, and the fact that I don't want to be really muscular anyway.
I spend all my time trying to fuck trannies and women so that's about why.
pic is my current attempt
he'll always be a midget asian.
Now, he's a midget asian that looks like a weird mutation.
Endorphins can be pretty helpful with depression, plus it's a schedule and purpose for a few hours each week.
>then why don't be gay?
I don't think it's that easy
I just don't give a fuck about being fit. I've got more interesting things to do than trying to impress random people I don't give a fuck about
>Giga Asian Midget
SEETHING. Reminds me of that picture of all those jealous middle aged white women on facebook whining how a cute asian girl was ugly to them
>try to get fit
>work out
>nothing changes over months
>lose all motivation and stop
Always the same for me.
Good get em tiger. Im cheering for you
Like sitting on an imageboard sounding like a massive fedora tipper?
Fitness is excellent for improving mental wellbeing. Starting at zero sucks shit, and it keeps sucking shit for months (a year in my case, but I had stitches in my heart), but it's worth it in the long run. It's one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
>Endorphins can be pretty helpful with depression
Not for me they can't.
I've actually tried exercise a few times. I was often able to get into a routine of doing exercise every day. It didn't do shit for my depression. All I could think is "Why am I doing this? It's fucking pointless," and that would happen even if I'd been in the habit for months. Also, if I missed even a *single* day, for whatever reason, I'd immediately lose all motivation to get back into the habit and I'd become just as depressed as ever.
>plus it's a schedule and purpose for a few hours each week
Which also doesn't help. I had a schedule and purpose back when I was still in school while also working, and those things didn't make me feel any better either.
Keep it up then bub you're doing an excellent job.
Sounds like you were missing the part where you're supposed to control your diet. which is pretty much the shittest part about getting fit. You can't just pump the iron,you gotta pour on calories if you want to get big and limit your food if you want to get skinny
>Armchair psychologist tries to invent a reality where he's superior to people who are clearly better because obviously anyone in to self-improvement is just covering for some huge flaw they have
Doesn't work like that, your post said more about you than it did about OP you jealous little runt.
How do I lose fat and get reasonably in shape just by doing excercises at home? Do I really need the gym? My current goal is just to lose weight.
I don't care.
This is my issue right now, I'm slim and fit but I want to be bigger but I'm having trouble eating more. Just can't seem to do it without feeling sick or too full.
Its pronounced jeon ding you scrubs
Pre-op trannies are patrician tier. Post-op trannies are holocaust victim candidate tier.
Losing weight is 90% diet
Just like dont eat
pick one
Was ~210lbs in april, now I'm at 152.
Still some fat to burn to be 100% /fit/, but I'm feeling good.
>Fitness is excellent for improving mental wellbeing.
Not if your mental well-being is largely caused by other circumstancess that no amount of exercise can fix.
Buy a scale. Figure out how much you can eat in a day without weighing more the following day. From then on, eat slightly less than that. Keep it up.
Exercise isn't complicated, and you can cover your basic "needs" with free weights, though you can get in good, albeit lean, shape just with bodyweight exercises. Just think, "What muscles do I want to be stronger?" Then look up exercises for that muscle and pick one you think looks least shitty.
Fucking good job man. Keep it up.
Over time, as I began weight training, I lost more and more interest in games. Now Ill play through one new game a month and thats it
This. The hardest part about fitting are not the hourse you spend sweating through the gym. You just need to get pumped up with music or whatever, and that can get you started easily.
The hard part is sitting and home chilling, and kill the habit of eating junk. Or wanting to hang out, and realize that 90% you go out is because you are going to eat something somewhere, and that you can't do that any more.
I am studying engineering.
The part where you have to put on weight is hard, especially for me
I would do the tried and true bulk and cut, but i cant
I cannot gain weight, my metabolism has autism strength, it's ridiculous how fast my body deals with food, after eating a big meal i IMMEDIATELY have to take a massive shit, every goddamn time
Any tips for getting bigger that doesn't involve GOMAD? I can't drink dairy milk without getting sick.
If you're going to be a defeatist about it, then why bother engaging in this thread? Fitness addresses far more mental issues than physical insecurity, and to be clear it takes years to truly develop.
Ignore him, hes just trying to justify his own excuses hes using as roadblocks
>That feel when no qt buff asian bf
What a strange feeling I never knew I wanted
>getting /fit
Wanna leave behind a cute corpse, huh?
>because obviously anyone in to self-improvement is just covering for some huge flaw they have
Actually, yeah.
w-w-whats going on with that eternal room behind him
Not at all. Keep up the mental gymnastics though.
Youre a faggot, some people just want to look and feel good
>If you're going to be a defeatist about it, then why bother engaging in this thread?
OP asked a question and I answered it.
>Fitness addresses far more mental issues than physical insecurity
I'm not quite sure what this means.
>and to be clear it takes years to truly develop
Actually, in my case, it wouldn't really. I'm only about 10 pounds or so above where I should be. I could lose that in a few months. Maybe you don't know what it's like to literally be unable to see past your depression, and I'm happy for you if that's the case.
Did you miss the part where I said I actually *did* try doing things and it didn't fix shit? You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
my excuse is that i'm a skeleton in terms of muscle and I'd be too embarrassed.
Plus I don't know shit about it lyl
I know. People who brag about it, ie /fit/, are obviously compensating.
Good on you user, it's more than most people
You're forgetting about his PARTY TIME as well, user.
Asian beta manlet
Losers, the two of you.
A true man is /litx/ studying the arcane arts so you can become a wizard with incredible int and thus generate muscles with magic.
t. professional victim and excuse maker
Too few*
Sounds to me like it got a little hard and you gave up. Sad.
t. dumbass who thinks depression is just feeling a little down
Sounds to me like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sad.
bodybuilding =/= fitness
I lost my kid to leukemia and have been trying to turn my life around, since I started drinking and never left my house. But anytime I go to the gym I get exhausted so quick and have no idea what to do, I end up going to a bunch of random machines and doing a couple of reps then feel pathetic because I can barely lift anything.
I really wish I could turn this stuff around but whenever I'm there I wonder if it's even worth it, I've felt pretty hollow for a year or so now. I can't even enjoy video games or movies at this point.
Do you know anyone who works out regularly?
it might be worthwhile to go with someone in order to get into a routine that you feel comfortable doing, plus it helps ya gain motivation
Shit...sorry to hear user, but hope you find a way to help lift you up soon.
>I end up going to a bunch of random machines
/fit/ has a sticky to help people like you.
OP said /fit/ and not fit. They aren't mutually exclusive
Nah, I moved away when my girlfriend left me. I've just been keeping to myself and studying, essentially.
I don't do anything other than push ups, crunches and squads. too poor for gym right now
I could buy some weights and a pull-up bar tho
Don't be ashamed. All anyone can do is start from square 1 and stick with it.
I'd recommend trying to find people in your program to work out with, if thats not something you feel comfortable with; /fit/ has a bunch of different advice on how to build up a solid routine.
Speaking of /fit/, does anyone know a solid home workout routine? Student so don't have much money for gym.
Being /fit/ is useless if you are a boring person.
Thanks user.
After a few months, I don't even feel like I'm getting challenged by this new lifestyle, it feels just right.
Add dips with a simple chair and yes, buy a pull-up bar.
Reminds me of an old Greg Giraldo joke:
I'm a fat fucking asshole because I eat too much. Can't outrun a bad diet.
I can lose weight just fine but I can't build muscle.
I'm pretty much eating only protein right now.
I'm fine on energy, but I just can't lift heavy weighs.
My biceps are fine but every time I try to do tricep exercises I just don't have the force/power to lift them. So I end up not getting them the workout they need.
I've tried with lighter weighs but they don't do anything for me. Just 5 pounds heavier and *bam* I don't even have the power to lift it.
You don't need to be /fit/ when you could be ef/fa/y.
PSA: women care about your dress more then your bench.
Been down that road already. Went to the gym 4 days a week to sculpt my body.
Put in so much effort only to discover that no amount of muscles can conceal how ugly I am, people still snarled at me in disgust, even though I had a built chest and 6-pack abs.
Whats the fucking point.
I just don't care anymore.
What was your 4 day split user? Sounds like it could work with my schedule
I worked from low to high most weeks.
Too lazy to break it down, but I basically did legs on day one, midsection and arms day two, chest lats and back day 3, shoulders and upper chest day 4 with cardio to round it off.
I bet the majority of you can't even bench your own body weight. Though I can't say much myself. Currently benching 200lbs at a body weight of 150lbs. Working on it though.
Thats more than helpful, thanks user
are regular old khaki pants not good enough?
Pls kill me