Zero Fucking Games

Zero Fucking Games

whoops, wrong image

but user, what about those 5 last of us movie games announced 10 years ago !

Well SONY is not big on porn.
'big' did you get that? Like they have small penises lol.

Not true. You just need to sign up for PS now to get the rest of them.

Why Sup Forums is so salty about PS4 success?

There we go!

No one on Sup Forums has the money to buy a console. Everyone just emulates Dolphin games on their laptops and calls themselves experienced gamers.

Zero Fucking Dawn

I love this meme. I give it 4 out of 5 meme points.
Would be 5/5 if you managed to get that cute frog in.

>the PS4 Pro's only worthwhile exclusive, Bloodborne, never got a PS4 Pro patch

sony is just irredeemable

Ubisoft games are multiplatform, user

twenty eight fuckin frames per second

Does from even care? They even forgot to relsease ds1 on psn.

Meanwhile there is no worthwile exclusives on other platforms.

I have an Xbox 360, a PS4 Pro and a Wii U.
I've only played one game on PS4 and it was shit.

Im playing it on pro right now and its silky smooth 30 fps all the time. Not sure why people are so conserned with 30 fps games. Just befe starting hzd ive spent 150 hours in mgsv whis is basically perfect 60 fps and i had absolutely no problem adjusting to 30. I dont notise at all.

You don't though.

>I played one game and it was shit so they're all shit
Dumb cunt

pc master race here. are you fucking kidding me?

Horizon Zero Dawn is not Ubisoft game user.

>master race
>worthwile exclusives on PC
Is this bait?

>4 years later and bloodborne is the only great exclusive
How did they get away with this?

>Not sure why people are so conserned with 30 fps games.
1337 GAMIN RIG crowd needs to confirm goodness of their HW purchases ever so often.
Also don't you know that utter shit running @144 fps becomes good game?

It is actually possible to have games that aren't weeb shit

are you 12? you console faggots are fucking stupid.

I believe you had been duped, for the user most definitely made the connection as merely a jape, due to the similar nature of exploration.

F-FUCK YOU, it's not my fault echo the dolphin is the best game ever made!

It reminds me of the ps3 e3 presentation, though instead of Riiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!, you have a Saaaaaaaaales Failure!

yeah indie shit and shitty spreadsheet simulators. Call me when next year you will get at least one good game for this travesty.

the other games are not even good enough to justify me playing them.
playing a game is a significant time investment, so I only play a handful of games unlike little kids.

PC faggots are more stupid though.

Normie detected

what do you mean I don't?

wow. you're right

BOTW is made by Ubisoft too

shut the fuck up you dumb nigger


Oh, I see, you just have shit taste then.

>Meanwhile the Pro has 0 exclusives and the Nu-3DS 1 shitty port


Thisll be good

Infamous: SS, Uncharted 4, Grvity Rush 2, Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Last Guardian. PS4 gets most good exclusives.

>yeah indie shit and shitty spreadsheet simulators

Would still be better than anime garbage!

> Nintendo has exclusives
Piss poor third party though
> Xbox has third party
Piss poor exclusives though

Seems like PC and PlayStation are the only platforms that ain't missing something important here, huh?

No, it's actually even worse. PS4 gets both western and japanese exclusives unlike you PCvck.

I find it difficult coming to grasp with the fact that some people ONLY have a playstation and arent like me with a PC that only got a ps4 because i wanted to play the exclusives.

lmao call me when you get Quake you fucking jabroni

>Not talking about the objectively shitter platform, worse graphics, worse specs, overpriced games and being a literal bitch to game devs

there is just nothing good on it.
I played FFXV, that was it.

Not him but yeah, you do have shit taste

>westen shooter that's not even released
I'm sorry you fell for meme.
Yes, PC is worse in basically everything. No wonder people call you cucks.

PC has no good japanese games that I can’t play on console. Westerncucks and muh grafix whores need not apply.

It got cucks though.

What's a good Japanese PS4 exclusive FPS then?

>I only know about Quake Champions because im a child

>He was obviously talking about consoles. Well obvious to those who arent brain damaged to the point of defending consoles. Peasant.

How so? PlayStation covers all the bases unlike Xbox or Nintendo. Xbox in particular is totally redundant, it offers practically nothing you can't find somewhere else.

So console bros, Whats it like no being able to experience an FPS to its fullest because you guys are cucked by a shitter controller and probably just dont have the skill or reaction speed to handle it because of the years spend being neutered by your shit boxes?

>I'm only playing FPS western cucks games
PClowns are funny.
>still defends horrible overpriced indie shit platform with horrible graphics, autistic fanbase and even devs shitting on it

I could justify owning a console by itself regardless unless you just play shit super casually.
>Covers all the bases
If you like anime games and "muh cinematic experience"

We play games other than westen casual shooters PC cuck and we don't have to beg for them.

What's a good Japanese FPS that's on PS4 then?

So friday I buy the reputation cd by Taylor Swift (love of my life) and i get it home and put it into the PS4 and the PS4 says "unsupported disc" can the PS4 really not play music cds?

what fucking trash

This is bait. No one can be this wrong lmao

FPS games are shallow trash. No creativity or design behind them whatsoever. How has your brain not rotted playing these all the time?

You PCbros can keep all the FPS for all I care.

>If you like westen and eastern games
Well yes.
Same as Piss Sea user.

>Whats it feel like knowing youll be doing something worse because of the platform?
>We dont play those games so its fine. Console master race tho amiright?

I did say it wasn't good, still the only worthwhile thing that platform has to offer

Shooters on console would be a lot better now if they'd transitioned to motion aiming as the standard. Killzone on the Move felt was very accurate, arguably more intuitive than M&K too.

Meanwhile nintendo is about to release it's third GOTY in 12 months

repeat after me




>no RTS
>no grand strategy
>no mil sims or decent arena shooters

How is FFXV more worth it than Bloodborne?
Im glad you used that word

You should've posted an Xbox One, user.

Real talk, I think we can all agree the lack of exclusives for the bone is much more sad than whatever the PS4's lacking. How are they even pushing units?

Im surprised no-ones made a food analogy yet to explain why ps4 is better than pc

Well I don't have problem with controller since everyone use it too so it's not disadvantage. I could ask how PC plebs play fighting games when they are objectively worse on PC due to smaller playerbase online too.
>FPS are only games that count
It's one of the most boring genre ever. I feel sorry for your shit taste but there is plenty of them on consoles.

60 is definitely a smoother experience than 30, but there's some extremely heavy autism around here regarding frame rates. All this "30 fps is literally unplayable" shit is hopefully mostly a meme, but I don't doubt for a second that there's actually people here who believe it.

ps4 is console for multiplat gamers, just accept that.

in fact as a pc only gamer you should praise sony as they have decided to go for timed exclusive way more than real exclusive.

>Taylor Swift
Get some taste

Because they have the best console atm. Honestly though it is sad, im glad theyre putting a lot more resources into exclusive now though. Might actually have a decent ps4 competitor that isnt the switch in 2-4 years

>So PS4 is so shit that you have to argue that entire genres are bad
Excuse me? Says the retard who call all japanese games shit because eastern devs don't care about PC.

I’m arguing that those entire genres are boring philistine trash and the fact that PC has nothing else going for it other than those means I’ll never need one.

I actually completely forgot that the X was coming out. It's a shame the only thing taking advantage of it are multiplats at the moment.

I dont think anyone actually believes its unplayable but if im playing something at 30fps when i was expecting 60 (Dishonored 2 pc port) It pisses me off

360 support and the fact that it carries over your Gamerscore and achievements. Also the Xbox brand still has a lot of strength with casual gamers who only play Madden and COD.

It's cheaper too

>post pic related
>lmao normie shit
>post grand strategy game
>lmao speardsheet obscure shit no one want to play

so what audience do you belong to, sonybro

>You should've posted an Xbox One
> How are they even pushing units
Don't worry about us over here Sonyigger-kun,were just fine moving in the shadows.

>praise sony
For what? Raping customers up the ass? All they do is publish games, they don't develop them.

Oh, well I find weeb shit and cinematic trash that's half quick time event to be quite boring so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree

There are easy as shit ways to use MBK for console though.
And its one thing to have a low online player count but its another to have games being patched so theyre playable even though the issues would have literally never been an issue with pc
>Torb had his turrents nerfed in the console overwatch because he would always shit on everyone because he didnt have to aim. Lmao

>post best games of the decade (all japanese with actual content and design)
>lmao weebshit

Mate I will skull fuck your nan if you call my waifu

>post casual shooter that is coming to consoles anyway
PC is joke, deal with it.

>Dota 2 is cancer
>two of those ps4 games havent been released yet
>Civ 6 had AI so bad and broken, Civ 5 still has more players

Not a sonybro but this is a really bad argument/point my dude


*plays FIFA*

You know whats perfect tho? People using MBK for that on consoles are going to fucking rape controller players.

i love these

>post best games of the decade (all japanese with actual content and design)
what might those games be?
I'm genuinely curious cause that's a pretty bold thing to claim
and no, i'm not taking any sides as i have both PS4 and PC

Wait a fucking moment, how are your games made? On a PC

How are your controllers designed? On a PC

How is everything done these days? On a PC.

What the fuck does a console do? Your consoles barely run games which is its intended use.

>post best selling games of the decade with actual number sales and ongoing discussion are actually about gameplay
>lmao normie bait
>post weebshit that got forgotten in a week and all ongoing discussion are about waifu
>best game of the decade

I can use same arguments for PC mongolids arguments
>it's western game so it's movie
>it's japanese game so it's weebshit