Would you play a 40K first person shooter?
Would you play a 40K first person shooter?
>he fell for the resolution meme
2/10 bait
>Roll imperial guard
>first game, run forward to good position and wait for the xenos scum to show himself
>spot and ork out in the open
>the emperors hand guides my aim and i let loose a perfectly targeted barrage of las-fire
>the ork's skin gets a slight tan as he runs over and disembowels me with his massive blunt sword
Jeez user, what's wrong with you
No. All that power armor and chainsaw swords and you want me to be a floating camera? Fuck off.
Already played Fire Warrior
I played a couple of multiplayer matches, it's alright
Made me laugh, have a (you)
Who gives a shit about FPS, give me a Dark Heresy CRPG
>not overcharging your lasgun
>not coordinating fire with fellow guardsmen
>not using grenades
It's like you never played Only War, user.
Total War when
hell yes. maybe with some rpg elements, but from the greentexts i've read on here and /tg/, a w40k fps with low survivability and a meatgrinder-esque aspect would be awesome. combined arms like in planetside 2, mixed with a galaxy war map from something like mech assault 2, with space battles like in og battlefront 2. that would be my shit, and i've never even played a warhammer game.
no because 40k is cancer, like you
> it's actually not a lasgun but a lasermarker for the heavy artillery
i am not giving money to workshop
>redditor calling somebody cancer
Oh irony.
Son of a bitch.
you should be disappointed in yourself
Hope enhanced edition fixes this game running like complete shit
>Would you play a 40K first person shooter?
If I got to play as a Dreadnought, sure.
I'd play a Psi-Ops like psyker centered game.
yes I would
Speaking as someone who has played Only War, I can tell you that it never goes like that. The players just get lucky and one-shot the enemy before they have a chance to do anything. Meanwhile, the baddies always miss. Then there's that one player who abused the requisition rules to get a gun big enough that he laughs at anything you put in his way.
That said, I'd totally play a good 40k Imperial Guard game, maybe in the style of Battlefield... Pity there'll never be a good one.
I'd play anything 40k
I even liked Deathwing, although all the missed potential was annoying as fuck
Been following the coming updates? kind of giving me hope
I mainly got it for SP but all their updates were co-op focused.
I haven't seen any recent ones, but if they just beefed up the single player to have some more variety I'd love it.
I want to play a survival horror game where you're the last survivor of a squad of imperial guardsmen, and you have to sneak around and somehow not get killed by chaos, orks, and tyranid as they fight for control of the area.
I'd like a Rogue Trader RPG/Space Sim/Fleet Manager with a ARPG combat style from a 3rd Person Perspective (while inside ships and stations/buildings/outside ships and stations while in space/on the surface of a planet and etc) and a BFG: Armada style fleet controls.
That, or a Only War RPG/Grand Strategy.