Wow! It still looks terrible

Wow! It still looks terrible.

Other urls found in this thread:

What for? It looks like shit.

GOTY 2018.
Can't wait.

go to be shill somewhere else, pathetic maggot

post literally one thing thats bad about the game

#FucKonami! they cant make metal gear without Kojima!!

>Sup Forums still doesn't know Kojima planned this game

>wat if we make TPP a hack and slash

You better back up that claim.

And Kojima hasn't made a good game in over a decade.
What's your point?

MGS is such a cancerous cringefest, i don't see the problem with this game here.

>MGSV universally regarded by series veterans as having the best controls but empty overworld and no co-op features and shitty story

>spin-off entirely focused on co-op
>perfect movement/controls
>game looks considerably better each time they show it off, new features every time
>game is focused entirely on gameplay, you know going into it not to expect a Metal Gear story, no MGSV disappointment

You literally cannot post a reason why this game is bad other than >"BBBB-B-B-B-BUT KOJIMA!!!!!! YONGYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HERE"

Seriously, post a reason why the game is bad without mentioning the word Konami or Kojima. You fucking can't. You're fucking pathetic.

pachinko machines

Why can't I play the video? Is it because I don't have an account?

Oh yeah, and its only $40. Suck a fucking dick Kojimadrones. They could include Chapter 3 and you would still cry about it.


No you don't need an account. It must be a problem on your side. Ad block/Javascript fucked up or something of that nature.

Literally who the fuck wanted coop

twitch babies

Literally Kojima????

>MGSV is a glorified Peace Walker
>doesn't include co-op
>still doesn't include a final fight where you use the entirety of Mother Base in the battle


It's a fucking reskin of MGSV which was a piece of shit game.

I'm fucking sorry I clicked that

>oh boy another zombie shooter
>bonus it has nothing to do with the storyline people ever gave a fuck about
>second bonus it's slower moving than Nier

they've got better cuties than joosten, konami is going in the right direction

>you know going into it not to expect a Metal Gear story
Then why would I be interested in this piece of shit?

Isn't it amazing how you obese shills only have two arguments, those being

How pathetic can one videogame be?

>Seriously, post a reason why the game is bad

I just wonder what the fuck it is about, what is the goal here? A game with simply a survival mechanic is so overdone and it doesn't appeal to me at all. Some 'zombies with a different coverlook' that walk up to you like some tower defense game, it looks alright but it feels entirely empty.

MGO3 look and play so good thought
what happened guy

it probably needed more content

single player hasn't been fully revealed yet, I bet it will have a storyline

Because it's a game that hardly even looks like a Metal Gear game at all. Hardly any of the trailers I've seen showcase any elements of stealth that the series is known for. It mostly seems like mindless zombie killing to the point that it looks like a Dynasty Warriors game. And unlike MGR, there aren't any main series characters to remind people it's a MGS game, just generic looking characters. They could have named this game anything else and it would get a lot less hate.

>first Metal Gear game without Kojima
>entire franchise and reputations on the line
>this is what we get
I don't even think it was that fucking hard.
A stealth military game with a strong narrative.
Something to make up for MGSV being unfinished too.

And they come at us with a fucking zombie game.
Of course, no one but a bunch of contrarians in Sup Forums would unironically claim this piece of shit looks good.

>releases in 3 months
>havent seen shit other than "build base kill zombies"

>kojima makes a game with zombies
>konami makes a game reusing the same zombies, and expending on them

I said, without mentioning either of those things:

It looks shit.

I can elaborate. Simplistic, repetitive, shallow gameplay. Bad graphics. Bad animations. Bad music. The controls look like they took Lost Planet 2 and made them worse.

Enemies look fucking stupid, and the whole concept makes no sense.

Now what was that about posting a reason for it being bad?

Except MGSV was still primarily a stealth game. Survive isn't.

eh it looks fun

2 things:
1) Kojima is a talentless hack.

I love how your entire argument relies on ignoring that people spent 2 years shitting on Kojima and MGSV.
I always see this in every single MG Survive thread.
I'm very happy Konami is so desperate to hire you shills, and I'm going to be even happier when I get to see Metal Gear finally die.

>Getting to see Metal Gear turned into a Open World Zombie Survival with Crafting

actually kojima made real zombies in his game these are strange creatures and not zombies

>Hey dude, Metal Gear is a stealth military franchise what is thi-

I love the desperation of the 5 contrarians who try to force the idea that this piece of shit is good.

you could sell me on co-op and better controls and more features and even only gameplay
you can't sell me on the focus being zombies

>someone disagrees with me
do you go into autistic tard rage irl when someone disagrees with you?

>Metal Gear Survive thread
Pic related always applies.

>open world

ITT traitor betraying and mocking his former colleagues who worked hard for 20 years to implement every whim he had in the games

>hardly even looks like a Metal Gear game at all.
Yup. That's why its called a spin-off, child!
>there aren't any main series characters to remind people it's a MGS game
Funny, because this seems to be the entire issue with the MGS series as a whole: Fans wanting fanservice, then when they get it they cry about it. Did you even play MGS4? They had an entire fucking blockbuster AAA game dedicated to explaining to you that you are incorrect and you still are so fucking dense.
Weird how the best Metal Gear games are the ones that have almost no connections to the series as a whole and are essentially reboots of the series.

You quite literally do not know what you want.

>inb4 zombies bitching
wow really jumping the shark in a series about cyborg ninjas named "Deepthroat", Vampires running on water, weaboos pissing themselves, you were the lightning in that rain, the president fondling the androgynous MC, the president being dr. octopus, kojima wanting to make a rising 2 with nanomachine zombies

Really jumping the shark with survive right? I mean c'mon. Zombies? How ridiculous...I want nanomachines back!

I don't care who makes it
it looks slow moving
the graphics look meh and even slightly outdated
the fucking zombies walking toward the guy in close group formation like age of empires made me audibly chuckle

maybe if I can get it on sale for 2.99

>my only argument relies on overexagerating and putting words in other people's mouth
I absolutely love how you try to defend this turd but you can't, so you just attack people and call them Kojimadrones for not liking a videogame that has no redeemable features and that is a reskin of one of the worst open world games ever made.

>I said, without mentioning either of those things:
>It looks shit.
Not an argument lol, I'm literally telling you to explain why its shit and your argument is "uhhh its shit!"

You might not be saying Kojima/Konami, but its literally the fucking reason, despite whether you pretend it isn't.

Shouldn't have transformed Metal Gear into a franchise that panders to dead fads.

Zombie survival bullshit. This got intolerably boring 5 years ago.

You don't know how delicious is going to be watching this game flop hard.
Metal Gear is dead, and it feels so good.

Holy shit this is terrible, it even has that korean mmo vibe

I kinda wish the new metal gear would be like the first ones plot and setting
except 1st person with a feel like dishonored

wow, what a compelling list of arguments made one month after the first trailer was shown

Its almost like if you literally look at the video in the OP, wow, its almost like you can LITERALLY look at the improvements they've made with the game! Its almost like they've made progress or something....huh. Better use an anonymous post from a year ago as my argument! Clearly he knows better because he posted a funny reaction image of fucking Herman Cain.


Name ONE (1) reason to look forward to this game.
Seriously, do, what is there in this?
A reskin of a game that was boring as shit?
Made by the same talentless hacks who made that boring shit, but replacing the talentless director with a board of guys in suits looking to monetize it as much as possible?
The fact that it's a fucking zombie survival game after we have had like 50 thousand of these in the past 4 years alone?
The fact that this shitshow of a franchise should have ended 9 YEARS ago?
The fact that MGO3 was already a massive turd that died in like a week after it came out?


I can also name enemies in video games. Does that mean the video game is bad? I don't understand your argument.

literally every game is a survival game

>open world
......its a spin off of MGSV? you know! an open world game!!

What have they improved, exactly?
The only thing I see in that video are more full retard weapons and that they seem to have completely ditched the stealth elements.
That's it, that's all there is to this video.

>......its a spin off of MGSV?
And MGSV was a massive piece of shit.
Oh boy, a zombie spinoff based on the worst Metal Gear game of them all, and made by the same talentless hacks who made MGSV.
How fucking hype I am.

MGO was free with MGSV so it had millions of potential players and it still died after like a month. This is a game you have to purchase separately, so how fast is it going to die? In a week? There's no point buying a coop game when you won't be able to play coop since it'll die instantly.

>angry shills
A personal favourite of mine.

>it's a fucking zombie survival game

Dude I know, why do they even make platformers anymore? We've already had like a million in the 90's am I right? Why bother making one ever again!?

>should have ended 9 YEARS ago
lol confirmed for not knowing what you are talking about. The series should have ended 20 years ago.

this fucking guy

2016: Battleborn.
2017: Lawbreakers.
2018: MG Survive.

>goes into threads of games he doesn't want to play to post how much smarter he is
A personal faverite of mine

>Why bother making one ever again!?
If you are going to make something then justify it's existence.
Peace Walker and MGSV were already completely unnecessary.

Newfag detected.

>shits on a game that he doesn't research
>demands to be spoonfed every aspect of the game
>claims the game is shit when he's not spoonfed

>worst Metal Gear game of them all

Thing is, who the fuck asked for a zombie spinoff MGSV?
What fucking EVERYONE was asking for was chapter 3.
That's why everyone hates it, because this is a fucking slap in the face to the entire MGS fanbase.
If they tried to make Chapter 3, or some kind of MGSV 2, then people would give it a chance, a chance for them to read feedback and work on it to make a proper operator simulator.
But instead they came up with a fucking zombie survival game that fucking nobody wants.

What's more insulting is that it's coming out late because the zombie fad is now dying.
This is nothing but a cashgrab made by old guys in suits who can't even stay informed of the current trends.

My point is that this game has no reason to be a Metal Gear game. You take out the stealth and you take out the characters and turn it into a zombie survival game, something that we already have plenty of. Hell, I actually wouldn't care about the characters if it was still a stealth game that builds upon MGSV. A co-op version of MGSV with better controls and more features? Sign me up! Too bad Survive isn't that at all. It's a base building zombie survival game.

>Newfag detected.
You literally are so wrapped up in Sup Forums culture that an exclamation point triggers you. Holy fucking pathetic.

Oh, by the way, that's also not an argument, newfag.

>justify its existence
Literally money? Like every other Metal Gear game ever made? Or every game ever made? lol

AKA, there's nothing.
Concession accepted, desperate marketeer.
I'd keep replying, but I just noticed that you and me discussing are the only thing keeping this thread alive due to the fact that nobody is interested in this turd.

The melee looks really shit.

>reddit spacer gets triggered by Sup Forums culture
Of course.

>Literally money?
But not even Konami could think this game is going to make any money.

Who the fuck asked for Raiden?
Who the fuck asked for a prequel after MGS2?
Who the fuck asked for 4?

Oh wait, that's right! A lot of people asked for 4! Then it turned out to be the biggest example of why making things that your fans want will turn out like shit! It's almost like people don't listen to you because you don't have any idea what you want or what you are talking about lol

>What fucking EVERYONE was asking for was chapter 3.
Not Kojima!

>That abysmal melee combat

>constant use of lol and exclamation marks
Konami, for fucks sake fire this guy, it's an embarassment.

>nobody is interested in this turd.

>post a twitter link and one word
>go into a thread of a game you dislike to sperg out and say how much you're not interested in the game

Seems like you're pretty interested lol
Patiently awaiting you're reply to tell me how not-baited you are right now

>those great MGSV animations contrasting with the garbage new melee ones

>first Metal Gear game without Kojima

haha lol! :)

This game looks legitimately terrible, just like MGSV, why are you so desperate to defend it?


>literally no argument
holy shit dude how fucking BTFO are you guys right now? Im legitimately not a marketer. I said, "apologize" and you fucking virgins just had to put in your two sense about how 'not mad' you are. You literally cannot ignore a thread of something you dislike, Sup Forums just HAS to know your opinion right?

by the way, the lols and exlamation points only make you more mad and make it funnier for me, you literally cannot refute a single argument I've made so you people have to resort to insulting proper grammar lol

nice reddit spacing

No, reddit spacing is always spacing



Holy shit I'm dying, you spergs get so fucking mad over nothing.

More importantly, why are you so desperate to shit on it? You like video games don't you? You honestly want games to come out and not be fun? You look forward to games flopping rather than being good? Why don't you play video games anymore?

What argument?
You have none, all you are doing is call anyone who doesn't like your incoming flop a Kojimadrone.
It's a legitimately bad videogame made by legitimately bad developers.
It looks bad, and people always laugh at it's very existence when they actually remember it exists.

nice Sup Forums spacing

That's called a paragraph lol
>reddit complaining

>More importantly, why are you so desperate to shit on it?
Because Konami stole $60 from me with MGSV, which was one of the worst videogames i've ever played, and now they dare ask me for more money for a fucking zombie-focused reskin.
This game's very existence is just baffling and bizarre, it's like some overexageration Sup Forums would make back in 2009.

>You look forward to games flopping rather than being good?
In this case, oh yes, I am.
I want this game to flop so hard that it kills the entire franchise.
A franchise that has more bad games than good ones deserves to die.

Nice reddit argument lol
I've also posted several times why there's nothing wrong with the game. You people just seem to feel the

need to go into threads about games you're not interested in to let everyone else know how uninterested you are in the game

>I've also posted several times why there's nothing wrong with the game
And nobody cares about what you have to say.
Fortunately, it's going to flop.

>Konami stole $60 from me

This dude could fuck your mom and you would still blame it on Konami

>And nobody cares about what you have to say.
>33 posters in an hour
Clearly you don't care lol, I beLIEve you

Oh look, something that looks fun.

Sup Forums must hate it

Except he did, a lot of wrong.
MGS4 was a terrible ending, the story of PW was awful, and MGSV was terrible in every single way.
But I do know enough about this industry to know that the money you pay for a game goes to the publisher, not to the developers, the developers have a salary.
They might get bonuses if the game gets a certain average score, or certain sales, but that's it.

This is why I want to see this game flop and see Metal Gear die.
In a way, MG Survive is what MGS deserves, to die and get pissed on it's body.

>Sup Forums complains about simple, static melee combat in the first gameplay trailer
>video clearly shows that they've added more movesets
>literally not a single person in the thread complaining watched the video
I'll say it again, they could literally include Chapter 3 and you would all still be crying about Konami.

man konami were a bit off on the genre bandwagon huh? I think if they went on the pubg/battle royale route at least they'd get some decent sales

funny reaction image because this game is something that needs to be burned

>not a new IP
>replies to the OP
Shills aren't even trying.

Oh yeah, the spin with the lance is very epic.

>This is why I want to see this game flop and see Metal Gear die.
Because you care more about a developer than the actual quality of a game? Got it. That's actually what I thought.

>Konami stole $60 from me

>game is so fucking bad that calling everyone who shits on it a Kojimadrone is all shills can do
This is so sad.

>konami killed PT for this
Literally worse than EA.

Wow, you didn't even try, you just ignored my entire post.
Kojima is a talentless hack and MGS is dead, which is why I want it to die.
Lets see your fat indian ass twists this post, obese marketeer.